Random Shopping System

Chapter 878: Beating Jiao Yang (Part 2)

   "What do I want to do? You hit someone else, do you think you can't get away like this? Medical expenses, mental damage expenses, don't need compensation? Take gold coins out!"

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Jiao Yang and they were scared like a quail, with cold smiles on the corners of their mouths. They asked them to lose money to Xiaoxia and his daughter. Of course, he was not going to let Jiao Yang go, so he didn't beat him severely. After a meal, he didn't know that this society is very sinister. This guy should also clean up, hoping that he will be restrained after he beats this guy, although Zhu Yuanyuan doesn't think this dude will restrain his temper.

"You... Master, you can't give it..." All Jiao Yang's subordinates shouted that they could not give it. They thought that their young master was the direct young master of the Jiao family. How could they accept such humiliating conditions? This is absolutely impossible.

   "Okay, shut up." Jiao Yang looked at Zhu Yuanyuan who stared at them with cold eyes, he whispered, he didn't want to be taught by the guy in front of him.

   "I agree to your request. This is a thousand gold tickets, which can be exchanged for one thousand gold coins at the silver house. Is it enough?"

   Jiao Yang directly took out a golden gold ticket from his kitchen utensils in the space. This is a gold ticket dedicated to gold coins. The silver ticket is silvery white, and the copper ticket is dark yellow.

"Xia Xia, you take this money, wait a while for your elder brother to take you home." Zhu Yuanyuan took the gold ticket in Jiao Yang's hand and turned around and gave it to Xiao Xia, but after seeing the greedy eyes around him, he said something. He wanted to send Xiaoxia and his daughter home, he didn't want Xiaoxia and his daughter to turn around and be blocked by someone to grab the gold ticket after leaving. That would not help them, but would harm them.

After Zhu Yuanyuan said that he was going to send Xiaoxia and his daughter home, the greedy eyes around them disappeared. These greedy people saw with their own eyes how Zhu Yuanyuan cleaned up Jiaoyang and his group. With such a powerful force, they dare not dare. provoke.

In fact, chefs also have the ability to fight in close combat. Using breath can bless their physical combat power, making their flesh tens or even hundreds of times stronger. Zhu Yuanyuan is even more perverted. If he uses breath to bless his flesh, he can change it. It has to be exactly the same as the chef's combat power. For example, now that he is a nine-level nine-star chef with one million combat power, he can use his gas to bless his fleshly body with a combat power of one million in close combat.


   Zhu Yuanyuan saw that Jiao Yang wanted to slip while he was talking to Xiaoxia, so he shouted.

   "You...what else do you want? This young master has lost money, so don't you want to make an inch!"

   After Jiao Yang heard Zhu Yuanyuan ask them to stop, his face was very ugly. He felt a bad feeling in his heart, as if he was in danger at any time.

"What do you want? What do you want? Did you just want to wait for someone to come and teach me? Do you think that if I leave Xiaoxia and the others, you can come and take the money back? If you don’t teach you a lesson today, you won’t know that the pot is made of iron!"

The reason why Zhu Yuanyuan called Jiao Yang was also because when Jiao Yang was about to leave, his eyes were full of spite. The vicious look is the most poisonous after Zhu Yuanyuan has walked through several planets and other worlds, if not because of this. It was a large crowd, he wanted to kill Jiao Yang directly, this kind of vicious-thinking guy is better to go to the lower court.

   "You...you...don't come over, you block him." Jiao Yang saw Zhu Yuanyuan approach step by step, he shouted in panic, and wanted his men to block Zhu Yuanyuan.

   Jiao Yang's men were also very obedient, and they immediately blocked him, and then these people threatened Zhu Yuanyuan and said: "You don't come over, don't dare to hurt the young master, the Jiao family will not let you go."

   Actually, these Jiao Yang's subordinates didn't want to stand in front of him, but had to block it. If they dare to leave Jiao Yang aside, not only would they die, but even their family members would die.

"The Jiao family? Do you think that the little master will be afraid of the Jiao family? If you are afraid, the little master will not stand up. Afraid, will the little master still make you, the little master Jiaoyang lose money? You dare to threaten the little master and go play in the mud. ."

Zhu Yuanyuan was also very disgusted when he saw these doglegs. As he said, he slapped the left and right slaps. Fanning these doglegs could not find the north. This is also considered venting Xiaoxia. How happy they were just now. How miserable it is now.

   Soon all of Jiao Yang's doglegs were fanned by Zhu Yuanyuan to the ground, some of them passed out directly, and some of them were injured by the original injuries and now they can't get up again.


Jiao Yang, who was escaping, felt that his eyes were dark, and then he raised his head to see that Zhu Yuanyuan was standing in front of him. Before Jiao Yang could speak, Zhu Yuanyuan slapped the past, and Jiao Yang was slapped by Zhu Yuanyuan. The slap fell to the ground.


   did not wait for Jiao Yang to speak.

   "Pop!" Zhu Yuanyuan slapped Jiao Yang back again.

"I told you to like to bully people. This slap is for those who have been bullied by you. I told you to threaten me~www.ltnovel.com~ This slap was for me to be threatened and beaten by you." Jiao Yang talked about the reason for beating him.

   "Pop!" "Ah!" Zhu Yuanyuan slapped, and Jiao Yang screamed. Zhu Yuanyuan's strength was just right, and it made Jiao Yang feel pain without letting Jiao Yang pass out.

   "This slap is to teach you not to be too arrogant."


   "This slap is to teach you to respect the old and love the young!"



   Zhu Yuan slapped Jiao Yang's face into a pig's head with one slap after another, and he probably didn't even recognize his parents, so he didn't continue the fight.

"Don’t pretend to be dead, take your young master back! Give your young master a sentence, and you want to get revenge directly at me, Zhu Yuanyuan. The young master opened a restaurant in Carob City called Huaxia Food Court. The revenge is here, and the little master is not afraid of a Jiao family in the same place."

   Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at the dog legs lying on the floor and said, the reason why he reported his name, of course, was that he hadn't paid attention to Jiao's family.

   "Yes, yes, my lord, the villain knows..." A group of Jiaoyang doglegs understood that they shouldn't be arrogant at this time, so they all nodded and bowed. .

"get out!"

   Zhu Yuanyi waved his hand, and couldn’t kill Jiao Yang in front of so many people in the city, and wouldn’t all of them be forgiving and forgiving? Ignoring Jiao Yang this time can be regarded as giving him a chance to be a man again. If he can repent for what he did before and be a man again, then Zhu Yuanyuan feels that this is a good deed, so he can Woke him up.

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