Random Shopping System

Chapter 879: Take in

After seeing this group of dogs carrying Jiao Yang, who was already in a coma, hurriedly ran away, Zhu Yuanyuan turned around and came to Xiaoxia and his daughter.

"Xiaoxia, don't worry, your father is fine, he will wake up in a while." Zhu Yuanyuan first glanced at Xiaoxia's father who was still in a coma, and found that Xiaoxia's father was still undergoing reformation, but it was coming soon. He will soon be able to complete the genetic enhancement, and he will wake up after the genetic enhancement is completed.

"Crab and Crab Da Guo Guo." Xiao Xia responded politely after hearing Zhu Yuan's words, but she still looked at her father worriedly.

"Xia Xia, come, drink this, and the wound on your face will be healed. Xiao Xia doesn't want your father to worry, right?"

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the injury on Xiao Xia’s face, and he took out a bottle of gene enhancer. In fact, this gene enhancer is best used by children. Because children have not fixed their body, they can use the gene enhancer. It's sour and sour, and my bones are swelling, so children who use gene enhancers will not experience unbearable pain.

It is different for adults to use gene enhancers. Adults have to strengthen the established bones, muscles, and meridians because their bodies are fully developed, and they need to deepen their genes. Therefore, they will feel so painful and unbearable when they are genetically strengthened.

"Howard, Da Guo Guo." Xiao Xia did not doubt Zhu Yuan's origin. He took the gene enhancer and drank it all in one bite. For her 6-year-old girl, the person who can help herself is a good person. The bad guys were driven away by the big brother in front of him, so Xiao Xia felt like a great kind big brother to Zhu Yuanyuan.

Seeing that Xiao Xia didn't doubt herself at all, Zhu Yuanyuan smiled slightly, but the children's senses were more straightforward. People who are good to them are good people, and those who are bad to them are bad people. Good is good, and bad is bad. . There are not too many twists and turns.

Half an hour later, Xiaoxia and his daughter woke up one after another, and then Zhu Yuanyuan found a restaurant to invite them to dinner.

"Mr. Zhu, thank you for saving Xiaoxia. I am very grateful! Xiaoxia, this child, is the only worry in the world. Her mother died early due to dystocia. If Xiaoxia had any shortcomings, I would really not survive. ....."

Xiaoxia's father was holding a glass of wine to toast Zhu Yuan, while talking about their family affairs, and then Zhu Yuan knew what was going on.

Xiaoxia's father is named Xia Lin, and Xiaoxia's full name is Xia Xiaoyu, because Xiaoxia was born when it rained lightly. As for why Dad Xia called his daughter Xiaoxia instead of Xiaoyu, Zhu Yuanyuan is not very clear.

As for why Jiao Yang was staring at him, it was because Xia Lin found a grade 4 ingredient on the mountain, a grade 4 wild black bean. Don’t underestimate that there is only one, this one can cook a 4 Class delicacies are also very precious in Carob City. The wild black beans can be sold for at least 10 gold coins per pound. This is also because they are wild, so the price is very expensive. If they are grown, they are cheap. Some, the black beans grown are worth 1 gold coin per pound.

The level of the ingredients is actually the same as the level of the chef and the level of the dishes, all of which rely on gas to make the standard.

For example, for level 1 ingredients, from one inch of breath to nine inches of breath are all within the range of level 1 ingredients.

Level 2 ingredients are 10 inches to 18 inches, and so on.

This means that the quality of a dish is also linked to the ingredients. The role of the chef is to guide the gas contained in these ingredients into a dish containing gas.

After knowing what happened, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that Jiao Yang was simply the representative of the dude. This wild black bean was only worth about 10 gold coins. The black bean on this plant dug back by Xia Lin was only a little over 1 catty after being picked. .

Is Jiao Yang lacking these 10 gold coins? Is it missing a Grade 4 ingredient? Obviously none of them. As a direct line of the Jiao family, he has a lot of resources. He does not pay attention to the mere level 4 ingredients. He is just for fun, so he often teases these small vendors on the street. To make them miserable is entirely to make themselves happy with others' pain.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan also asked Jiao Yang to take out the black bean and give it to Xia Lin just now, he wouldn't let a dude take advantage of it.

"Xia Lin, you don’t have to be polite. The thing I hate the most is this kind of dude. It’s okay if I don’t see one, or I’ll fight one if I see one. I don’t know what you and Xiaoxia do next? It’s better to leave Carob City today. I'm afraid that Jiao Yang will not stop after such a trouble. I don't care about Jiao's family, but you two are a bit dangerous. I'm afraid Jiao Yang will not let you go."

After Zhu Yuanyuan listened to what Xia Lin said, he also expressed his own point of view. Jiao Yang is not a person who swallows his breath. He will definitely take revenge on both of them. Without even thinking about it, this is a certain thing.

"This.... Then I will take Xiaoxia and leave Carob City. With this thousand gold coins, we can go to the Emperor Yunguo to live."

After thinking about it, Xia Lin felt it was better to leave, so as not to trouble the Jiao family. He didn't want to leave. After all, Carob City is the birthplace of their Xia family. Their Xia family has always lived in Carob City. , But now there is no way to stay any longer, staying in Carob City can only be death.

"Well, this is fine, but you two are not safe! In this way, your father and daughter will stay with me first, and I will continue to set off in a few days. I will also go to the Emperor Yunguo to see. I will take you Father and daughter go to the imperial capital together, do you think it will work?"

Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while and thought it was very unsafe for the two of them to get on the road~www.ltnovel.com~ In case of encountering a bandit or something, wouldn't it be that I didn't know how to die?

"Okay? Mr. Zhu, won't you bother you?" Xia Lin knew that they would definitely be dangerous to go on the road alone, but it would be even more unsafe to find a caravan to go with. It is people who will come and kill their father and daughter.

"It's no trouble, you can just go without worry, don't be afraid of trouble for Jiao's family, this is my chef badge."

Zhu Yuanyuan knew what Xia Lin was worried about, so he took out his chef badge and showed it to Xia Lin.

"This is nine..." Xia Lin was interrupted by Zhu Yuanyuan before he could speak.

"Xia Lin, as long as you know it, you don't need to say it. Now you can rest assured?"

Zhu Yuanyuan interrupted what Xia Lin was about to shout, and said with a horrified expression on Xia Lin's face.

"Don't worry, don't worry, my lord, I didn't expect to meet you. I really cultivated in the two previous lives of my father and daughter!"

Xia Lin was really excited. He didn't expect to meet a ninth-level chef boss. It was great.

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