Random Shopping System

: Chapter 905 The First Fighting Dark Kitchen (2)

   After hearing the sound of shouting outside the restaurant, Zhu Yuanyuan Shi Shi Ranran put down the tea cup and got up from the chair, and walked out.

   "The Baili Duan Eagle, it's here when it comes. As for the yelling? You are the chairman of the dark kitchen branch of Oyster City, why? Not even the owner of a restaurant in my district?"

   After Zhu Yuanyuan walked outside, he looked at Baili Duying and said faintly, there was no lack of contempt in his words.

   is to despise the opponent in terms of aura, so as to suppress the opponent's aura and prevent the opponent from having a little room for resistance.

   "Boy, don't take advantage of your tongue, we see the truth, let's go, and enter the kitchen space."

   Baili Duying looked at Zhu Yuanyuan coldly, his eyes seemed to kill Zhu Yuanyuan, but he still endured it, and said coldly.

   "No problem, just compare it directly."

   Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, and then watched Baili Duying lead his own men into the kitchen space.

   After seeing Baili Du Ying gone, Zhu Yuanyuan arranged for someone to notify the Seventh Princess, and then returned to the mansion to notify Xia Lin.

After    arranged, Zhu Yuanyuan entered the kitchen space.


   After Zhu Yuanyuan entered Baili Duying's kitchen space, he took a breath of air-conditioning.

   "Fuck, this guy from the dark kitchen club is so perverted that he gets so many poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, all kinds of poisonous flowers, poisonous weeds, and MMPs. Is this definitely not a poison?"

   Zhu Yuanyi murmured secretly in his heart. He had no idea that this dark kitchen would be like this. Look at the surrounding food area. None of these foods are very normal. They are all poisonous.

  Yes, in the food area of ​​this kitchen space, all kinds of poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, and many things are all alive. It makes people scared and disgusting to look at. How can you eat them?

   Of course, there are also some normal ingredients, such as various vegetables and various meats.

   "Boy, since you are here, let's start." After Baili Duying saw Zhu Yuanyuan come in, he wanted to immediately sign the heavenly contract and then compete.

   "President Baili, don't worry, the rules of the kitchen bucket, shall we discuss the rules, and then start the fight?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan said directly, he didn't want to be inexplicable, because this kitchen bucket is still good.

"Of course there are rules. This time the kitchen fight is between us. After all, it is not a life-and-death fight, so no other requirements are required. The most important thing is to judge whether the level of the dishes is better than the other party. The taste is better than the other, what do you think?"

Baili Duying directly put forward the conditions. These conditions also made him think about it all night. He felt that since it was a gambling fight, there was no need to send many people to come up. He found out yesterday that there was no powerful person around Zhu Yuanyuan. A master, so he knew that Zhu Yuanyuan would play on his own. In this case, Baili Duying could only play by himself. After all, the employer’s request was that he would personally humiliate Zhu Yuanyuan and cast Zhu Yuanyuan out of Oyster City, so Baili The Eagle can only serve it by himself, and at the same time, he also proposed that not only the level of the dishes should be better than the other, but also the taste.

This way of fighting is actually feasible. As long as the way of winning or losing is stated in the Tiandao contract, it can be directly distinguished. However, if you are not at ease, you can ask the judges to distinguish. Both parties can ask the judges. Then let these judges press their handprints with their breath on the heavenly contract to prevent the judges from being unfair.

   In this way, a fair and just ruling can be achieved. Generally speaking, if the way of cooking is to win by the taste, it will be judged by the gods. In this way, there is no need to hire people.

   But some people don’t believe in the judgment of God, they will invite some judges to come, these judges are also some gourmets, can taste the various flavors and differences in the dishes.

"No problem, it’s the decision. As for the judges, I know President Fang Yuansheng. Then I will invite President Fang to come over, or you can invite one to be the judge, and then The two of us are also on the judges. I will rate your dishes and you will rate my dishes, so as long as one person gets two votes, then who wins, what do you think of President Baili?"

   Zhu Yuanyi agreed, but he proposed a new judgment method, that is, the chefs of both sides serve as judges, and they only taste each other's dishes, and they can't lie and make ghosts.

   It seems cruel to let both parties serve as judges to taste the opponent's dishes, but Zhu Yuanyuan finds this very exciting and will convince the other party to lose.

   "Oh? That's okay. That's it. We invite a judge, and you invite a judge yourself, and then the four of us sign a contract of heaven."

   After Baili Duying heard what Zhu Yuanyuan said, he was taken aback for a moment. What did he think, how did he feel that the cooking rules this time were all beneficial to him, and what could not be agreed? So I just agreed~www.ltnovel.com~Okay. "

   Zhu Yuansheng agreed, and then contacted Fang Yuansheng. Chu Dao Ling could be contacted remotely, as long as he paid a certain amount of energy.

"Chairman Fang, the kitchen battle between the Dark Kitchen and I will begin soon, but now Baili Duying has proposed to judge winners or losers based on the height and taste of the dishes. It is still short of the judges. Do you want to come? Be this judge?"

   After Zhu Yuanming contacted Chairman Fang, he quickly asked.

   "Mr. Zhu, don't worry, come over right away and wait for me for 10 minutes."

   When Fang Yuansheng heard about this, he didn't dare to let Zhu Yuanyuan be ridiculed, so he hurried out, then drove the car, and rushed to the restaurant with the people behind.

   Soon, the person from Baili Duying arrived, and then he looked at Zhu Yuanyuan with contempt, as if he felt that his own person was coming soon, and he was so proud.

   "Wh, hoo, hoo, Mr. Zhu, I am too late to come down, please forgive me!" Fang Yuansheng entered the kitchen space and came to the side of Zhu Yuanyuan, gasping for breath.

   Fang Yuansheng felt that he was really exhausted, and someone who usually only arrived in an hour, but today only took 10 minutes to arrive. This is simply as good as an electric flint.

   "Zhu Yuanyuan, since your people are all here, let's start!" Baili Duying shouted towards Zhu Yuansheng after seeing Fang Yuansheng. .

   "Okay, let's get started." Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, and then let the kitchen disappear?

   "Zhu Yuanyuan, I have prepared this heavenly contract a long time ago. If I am ready, I will quell the rebellion."

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