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Chapter 906: Chu Dou Dark Kitchen (3)

   "Chairman Fang, first look at what is written in the contract. If there is no problem, we will sign the contract and let's start."

Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at an old man next to Baili Duying. He didn't know him, but he was probably a member of the Dark Kitchen Association. After all, no one dared to brazenly support the Dark Kitchen Association. Generally speaking, they met with the Dark Kitchen Association secretly. Collusion, the forces standing with the Dark Kitchen on the bright side will basically be cleaned up.

   "Okay, Mr. Zhu."

   Fang Yuansheng agreed, then picked up the Tiandao contract on the altar table and looked at it. He ignored the Baili Eagle on one side and the other person. The people of the God of Kitchen Association looked down on the people of the Dark Kitchen Association.

   This is also the mind of the people in the Dark Kitchen Association is too sinister, obviously it is a good dish, they have to make that kind of dark cuisine, it will have side effects when people eat it, this is the main reason why the God of Cooking Association hates them.

  If the dishes made by the people of the Dark Kitchen Association are almost the same type as those of the God of Kitchen Association, then the God of Cooking Association will only treat them as a competitor, and will definitely not make them the enemy of life and death.

   "Mr. Zhu, the terms in this contract are okay." After Fang Yuansheng read the contents of the contract, he raised his head and said to Zhu Yuansheng.

   "It's fine if there is no problem, Chairman Baili, then we will sign a contract and start cooking."

   Zhu Origin nodded clearly, and then said to Baili Duying.

"Okay, let's sign the contract!" After Fang Yuan was born, Baili Duying kept a cold face. He himself felt that he had no grievances with Zhu Yuanyuan, but was just taking people's money to help others. Zhu Yuanyuan is not a member of the God of Kitchen Association, so he is actually not hostile to Zhu Yuansheng. Fang Yuansheng is different. The president of the branch of the God of Cooking Association is a deadly enemy, so Baili Duying has no good face and it is normal.

Then the four of them pressed a handprint on the heavenly contract with their breath, and after the handprint was pressed down, the whole heavenly contract turned into four white lights and flew into the bodies of the four of them. A feeling of restraint lingered in the hearts of the four of them. After the kitchen battle was over, the contract would disappear.

   "Okay, let's get started. This time I will cook three dishes in one day, one vegetarian dish, one meat dish, and one soup. Do you have any questions about Baili Duying?"

Fang Yuansheng saw that the Heavenly Dao Contract had been signed, and he stood up and talked about the rules of the kitchen bucket. Generally, the person who made the rules for the kitchen bucket is made by the challenged party. This does not need to be written into the Heavenly Road contract. The problem is nothing, there is no difficulty, if this is difficult, then what kind of cooking challenge? Let's go back and practice cooking for more than ten or twenty years!

   "No problem, let's do it!" Baili Duying immediately agreed upon hearing this question. Vegetarian, meat, and soup, he can do all three, there is nothing difficult.

   This topic was also discussed by Zhu Yuanyuan and Fang Yuansheng, so Zhu Yuanyuan himself had no problems.

   After setting the title, Zhu Yuanyuan and Baili Duying went to the two stoves respectively, and then began to cook their own dishes.

  Because this is the kitchen space of Baili Duying, many of the ingredients in it are not available to Zhu Yuanyuan. Of course, Baili Duying would not agree to Zhu Yuanyuan using his ingredients.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanyuan still uses his own ingredients this time. The difference is that he now has a lot of ingredients. When he was in Carob City, he harvested a lot of ingredients, all of which were from Carob City. The family congratulated him on the opening of the restaurant, as well as Fang Yuansheng’s level 8 ingredients, so this time even if the kitchen bucket did not make new dishes, he was confident that he could defeat Baili Duying.

"What should I do? By the way, tofu is the best among the vegetarian dishes. It is delicious, and there are meat dishes among the vegetarian dishes, um, by the way, tofu can be made into a braised pork with different levels. It melts in the mouth and has a meaty taste. It can be said to be an excellent dish. I don't believe there is any vegetarian dish that can compare to this dish."

   After thinking about it, Zhu Yuan decides the first dish, which is braised pork with tofu, also known as "soybean curd".

When making this sukiyaki tofu, Zhu Yuanyuan first took out the prepared soybeans and added water to squeeze the juice, and then ordered the tofu. The soybeans are soaked. There are many semi-finished products in the warehouse of the martial art system. The warehouse of the martial art system can be said to be a constant space, what things are put in and what they take out.

   It is said that bittern can order tofu. This is not only bittern, but also bittern. It is extracted from sea water and salt lake, and is the mother liquor left after salt is made.

Not only brine can order tofu, but gypsum can also order tofu. This gypsum is calcium sulfate, but food-grade calcium sulfate must be used. If you use ordinary calcium sulfate, I am afraid this tofu cannot be eaten. So in general, people use bittern tofu, which has been like this since ancient times.

Of course, in addition to these two, if you want tofu to be very tender, then use gluconolide ~www.ltnovel.com~ Use lactone to order tofu, not only can make tofu very tender, but also non-toxic It is harmless, better than the previous two, but the tofu brain made will be very sour. Of course, adding more sugar or salt will also taste delicious.

This time Zhu Yuan uses the internal fat to order tofu. Only the internal fat tofu will be very tender. It tastes good and melts in the mouth. If you want to make "Vegetarian Tofu", internal fat tofu is a must Yes, only the vegetarian meat made from internal fat tofu is the most delicious and the easiest to form.

After adding water and squeezing the juice from the soybeans, Zhu Yuanyuan boiled it in a pot, while cooking and stirring. The soybean milk should be boiled and cooked thoroughly. After it is cooked, the tofu can be set when ordering. If the soybean milk is half-baked, it will be difficult to set. You should also stir while cooking to avoid sticking to the pan. It is best to use a non-stick pan. The pan used by Zhu Yuanyuan is made of a new type of alloy. It is not only designed for fast heat delivery, but also non-stick pan. There is no lacquer, it is just shiny metal. Although it is made by machine, it has been tempered and tempered, so it doesn't stick to the pot at all. .

After the soy milk is boiled, Zhu Yuanyuan picked up the adjusted internal fat water and poured it into the soy milk that had been cooled for a while. At this time, the soy milk was about 80-90 degrees Celsius. Pour the internal fat water, Zhu Yuanyuan While stirring it evenly, he didn't put much in the lactone, so he just made a piece of tofu that weighs about a pound, so 1 gram of the lactone was not used, only a little.

After the soy milk was evenly stirred, he covered the pot with a lid, and then went to process the ingredients for the other two dishes. The soy milk with internal fat should be placed for about 15 minutes, and after 15 minutes it will solidify into tofu .

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