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Chapter 907: Chu Dou Dark Kitchen (4)

   As for why after ordering soy milk, it becomes tofu brain, isn't it ordering tofu?

   This is something that most people who haven't learned about it don't know. This tofu is pressed out, not tofu directly after the soy milk is dotted with internal fat or brine. This is not the case.

Order tofu. After the soy milk is boiled, the internal fat is ordered, and then it solidifies into tofu brains. After that, a mold is used, and gauze is used to pad it. Then the tofu brains are spooned into the mold with gauze. After scooping up the mold, cover it with gauze, and then put a wooden board on it. This wooden board should be about the same size as the mold and just fit into the mold. Then put a stone or heavy object on the wooden board. at night.

In this way, all the water in the tofu brain can be pressed out, and the tofu will become a whole piece. If you want older tofu, you need to use a heavier thing to hold it down. If you want soft tofu, then press 2-3. Hours are fine, but if the pressing time is short, it is best to use a heavier thing.

   Zhu Origin wants tofu to be made into braised pork, so tender tofu is necessary.

   While waiting for the soy milk to solidify, Zhu Yuanyuan first processed the meat dishes and soup ingredients.

For meat dishes, he chose "Jianxiang Pig's Trotters". This dish was very famous at the time of Shui Lanxing. It is basically a dish that everyone loves. It tastes full of meat, and even if you are full Not greasy, it is said that it can also beautify your face

Of course, this Aquastar before it was mutated, maybe this dish has no beauty and beauty effect. After the mutation, Aquastar has the effect of beauty and beauty. The main reason is the various types of Aquastar. Animals and plants have mutated, domestic pigs have become bigger than elephants, and the nutrients contained in the meat are very high, ten times higher than before. It is not uncommon to have the effect of beauty and beauty.

   This sauce-flavored pig's knuckle needs to be boiled for at least an hour. After Zhu Yuanyuan has cooked the pig's knuckle, he will leave it alone for the time being, but prepare the ingredients.

   After preparing the pig's trotters and condiments, the soy milk has solidified into tofu nao. After Zhu Yuanyuan opened the lid, he first smelled the tofu nao, and a sour tofu came oncoming.

Zhu Yuanyuan saw that the soy milk had solidified, so he took out the prepared mold, took a double-layer gauze pad and put it in, then scooped the tofu brain into the mold, and finally pressed it on a wooden board and a stone. When it went up, there was a stream of water flowing from the bottom of the mold. This mold is not closed. There are gaps underneath. Otherwise, the water can't flow out. What kind of tofu is there?

   This tofu has to be pressed for at least two hours, so he didn't care about it, but went to prepare the soup.

   Why are you making soup now? Aren’t you afraid of getting cold?

You must know that the kitchen bucket this time is different from Zhu Yuan’s previous kitchen buckets. This time there are judges who want to taste the dishes. This soup is not sauce-flavored pig’s knuckles. It’s better to drink it while it’s hot. drink.

Of course, this is just common sense in this world, and the Aquastar Huaxia Empire is different. The Huaxia Empire has cold soup, and the cold soup is divided into vegetarian soup and meat soup. Vegetarian soup is ingredients such as vegetables or fruits. The boiled soup is both hot and cold.

   And meat soup is a soup boiled with a variety of meats, and cold soups are also available. Of course, most of them are hot soups, but there are also cold soups. The meat is cooked with fruits and vegetables. It tastes delicious and delicious.

This soup prepared by Zhu Yuanyuan is "Carp Offering Life", which is actually a soup boiled with a turtle in the papaya. The papaya is hollowed out and then carved into a carp shape. Of course, the skin of the papaya should be kept. And to choose big papaya, to hold a tortoise weighing a few kilograms, don't you want to use big papaya?

After carving into a carp, put the killed tortoise in a pot and add various seasonings. The most important thing is to put in some delicacies, such as various fungi, and some medicinal materials. Pour the mountain spring water and start to cook. Pay attention. After the tortoise is killed, if the tortoise is re-packed into the tortoise shell, the herbs and seasonings must be stuffed into the tortoise's belly and then start to stew.

   When the tortoise was being stewed, Zhu Yuanyuan put the carved papaya on a pot of ice and frozen it to avoid discoloration.

After processing the soup of "Carp for Life", one hour has passed. At this time, the pig's trotter in "Soy Sauce Trotter" has also been cooked for an hour. Zhu Yuanyuan opened the lid and looked at it. , Found that the trotters had been cooked.

The pig's trotter was cooked, Zhu Yuanyuan fished the pig's trotter, then used a steamer to pour the soup for cooking the trotter, then put a bamboo mat in the steamer, and finally put the trotter Put it around the bamboo mat, leave a gap in the middle of the steamer, add the last auxiliary materials in it, such as soy sauce, salt, green onion, ginger, aniseed, pepper, cinnamon, etc. Some auxiliary materials, after adding , Zhu Yuanyuan put the steamer on the stove and slowly simmered it over a low fire. Even if he used the gas as an aid, this time would take at least 2 hours.

   After the pig's feet were stewed, Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the pressed tofu.

   "Hey! This tofu seems to be almost compressed. It seems that after using the gas as an aid, the help to the ingredients is really not small, and the time is reduced by more than half."

   Zhu Yuan found that the pressed tofu has become less watery, and the tofu has become a whole piece, which means that it can be used now.

   So Zhu Yuanyuan started to make "Vegetarian Tofu" directly.

To make the tofu into braised pork, and it is a vegetable dish, you can’t add a bit of meat, even meat oil. After all, the title says, this is a vegetable dish. Vegetables can’t have meat, and meat oil is not good. , Eggs are not good either, they can only be plants.

However, this is not difficult for Zhu Yuanyuan. After all, Zhu Yuanyuan has obtained all the cuisines of China. He can even cook all foreign dishes~www.ltnovel.com~ To make tofu into braised pork, you have to divide a lot. The first step is to make a "skin".

First mash the tofu into a puree. The puree should be finer. If you want to mash, you can't see the residue. Just like the batter, there should be no big residue. Then add the tofu and starch into salt, sesame oil, MSG, and sugar. , Stir well, and then prepare an iron plate and grease it with oil, then pour one-tenth of the tofu into the plate and spread it out, then put it in a steamer and steam it.

   Originally, egg white was added, but this is a vegetarian dish, so Zhu Origin uses vegetable glue.

   There are many kinds of vegetable gums that can achieve the effect, such as peach gum, lotus root powder, arrowroot powder, all of which can work, and they can all set into a gel.

   Zhu Origin uses peach gum, because the peach gum melts like egg white, and it is very sticky.

When the tofu material is steamed out, it becomes "meat skin", then add two tenths of the remaining tofu material and spread on the "meat skin", continue to steam, after steaming, it becomes crystal clear "fat" Meat", add two-tenths of the tofu material and add some red juice of plants and stir evenly on top of the fat meat and continue to steam. After steaming, it will become a layer of lean meat. Continue to make three-tenths of the tofu material and apply it here. Layer the lean meat, then continue to steam it, and finally the remaining tofu is dyed red with plant juice and steamed. .

   The last thing that comes out is a layer of skin, a layer of fat, a layer of lean meat, and a layer of fat, and the last layer of lean meat. This is the standard pork belly. The fat is interspersed, and it looks crystal clear and mouth-watering.

After    is done, you can pour out the iron plate and cut it into squares, pour some gorgon sauce on it, and then it will become a braised pork belly. Of course, this is "Vegetarian Tofu", a vegetarian dish.

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