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Chapter 909: Chu Dou Dark Kitchen (6)

"It's about to be out of the pot. This sauce-flavored pig's knuckles is really fragrant. I didn't expect this dish to be so fragrant after being replaced with ingredients from this world. It tastes delicious when you look at it. It's a pity that it's cheaper than Fang Yuansheng and the person from the dark kitchen. unfortunately!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan saw that the sugar color was improved, the pig's trotter was fragrant. His saliva came out. He wanted to eat it, let alone other people. Chairman Fang on one side stared at the trotter and swallowed his throat. Drooling.

   Baili Duying on the opposite side smelled this unique fragrance, and he also looked up at Zhu Yuanyuan's side.

   "This dish is named "Sauce Fragrant Trotter"!"

   Then, with the naming sound, Zhu Yuanyuan's gas from the sky surged into the sky. This gas was ten meters thick, and four golden characters floated up in the gas.

   "This...this... is actually a homemade dish, even at level 9, I even created my own dish, lost, lost."

After Baili Duying saw the soaring anger, the kitchen knife in his hand fell to the ground, and the whole person became decadent. He didn't make a dish of his own, but his opponent did. Two dishes, one dish is ninth level, and the other one is homemade. Do you still have to live on your own? He never met such a pervert after the second time. He opened his eyes today.

"The homemade dishes...God, Mr. Zhu is too strong, too strong, no wonder, no wonder Wang He said that Mr. Zhu is strong and should not be offended. It turns out that what Wang He said is true. Mr. Zhu can really create his own dishes, and it seems true that he has created many dishes in Carob City!"

   The chairman of the Carob City Kitchen God Branch, Wang He, also notified Fang Yuansheng these days, so Fang Yuansheng also knew about Zhu Yuansheng, but I heard that it was one thing, and seeing it with his own eyes was another.

"Haha, I actually saw the homemade dishes, and they are the homemade dishes cooked by the ninth-level master. I am so happy!" A female audience above the audience saw that Zhu Yuanyuan actually cooked the homemade dishes. I yelled, and I was very excited. A face that was not pretty is full of flushing. The life next to her was afraid that she would pass away like this. All of them were moved out of the place carefully, seemingly afraid of being touched. what!

"Old man, I'm so lucky. The ninth-level master actually appeared in my Oyster City, and he happened to fight with the people of the dark kitchen club. People who want to meet can't see it, and people who don't want to see it. It's true. It's the impermanence of the world!" The speaker is an old man. He has passed his fate and will not live for a few years. He said that others should accept everything.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhāhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love you, i shall marry you...

   "Master...I want to give you a monkey..."

   "The master must win, the master must win..."

There were many girls on the scene who all cheered for Zhu Yuanyuan spontaneously, and they were also cheerleaders. They just shouted something. Zhu Yuanyuan could not think that he regarded these people as fans, and these fans wanted to sleep with him, of course. Zhu Yuanyuan is now cooking dishes, so he can't hear the audience's shouts. The stadium is originally soundproofed. Sometimes the chefs can't be disturbed when cooking dishes.

After Zhu Yuanyuan stood and waited for a while, the light beam of gas that appeared when he created the dishes surged towards him, and then a jade slip appeared on the table. He picked it up and placed it on his forehead to receive the message, and found that it was a reward from heaven. s things.

  "Sauce-flavored pig's feet, heaven rewards "Flying Cloud Step": Attribute (wind), nine-level nine-star footwork, after cultivating great achievements, you can chase the clouds and the wind, even flying is not impossible.


   And this "Sauce Fragrant Pig's Trotter" was also exposed to the original gas, it was the ninth-level nine-star ingredient.

   "Sure enough... I lost." Baili Duying smelled the pig's feet made by Zhu Yuanyuan, and he instantly withered, and he couldn't even hold a baby, isn't it psychologically upset!

   But this time I want to taste the taste, so both Zhu Yuanyuan and Baili Duying must bring out their own dishes. After all, this is a contract of heaven, not a joke.

   "There is one last dish, I want to convince this guy, let's make it."

   Although it was two wins in three rounds, Zhu Yuanyuan still planned to compare all three rounds.

   Then Zhu Yuanyuan opened the wooden refrigerator and looked at it. First, he took out the melted water and poured it out, and then took out the soup plate.

"Well, yes, this dish is named "Carp Offering Longevity"!" Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the papaya carved into carp and the tortoise that had been frozen in it. The tortoise was half exposed, just like a tortoise was lying on the outside. The red papaya has the edge and most of the body is in the water. The color of this soup is transparent, which has such an advantage. Although the soup inside has been frozen and turned into a jelly-like soup, the taste will not decrease.

  This tortoise soup is a taste when you drink it hot, and another taste when you drink it cold. Of course, drinking it cold is another taste in my heart.

As for why the name is called "Carp Xianyu", firstly, carp has a good omen. The fish among fishes every year is carp, and red carp is a good thing~www.ltnovel.com~ second, This tortoise represents longevity, so using carp to offer life is just right?

   Of course, this is Zhu Yuanyuan's own thoughts, and this dish is actually made by Zhu Yuanyuan himself. The taste will not be bad anyway, and he did not expect his own soup to be successful.

   "Boom!" As soon as Zhu Yuanyuan named the dish, a gas of more than ten meters burst out from the dish and went up towards the sky, not knowing where it went.

   "Again... it's a homemade dish. Who is this Zhu Yuanyuan? As a ninth-level chef, why did he come to Oyster City?"

Baili Duying’s heart thumped, although he had been mentally prepared for someone who could not get a knife in the rivers and lakes, but after this day, he was really uncomfortable, but the task he took was even kneeling. While cooking, it will be more than the end of this kitchen fight. None of their secret chefs are scammers, there have always been only dead secret chefs, and no secret chefs who surrender.

   "The carp presents longevity, and the heaven rewards "Water Yunjue": attribute (water), nine-level nine-star water system practice technique. After practice, you can control water, including various water system spells."

After the qi was absorbed into his body, Zhu Yuanyuan picked up a book that appeared on the desktop and looked through it, and found that it was a practice practiced by a sorcerer. This water accumulation is definitely a rare practice. After practicing It can make the battle aura and water merge into a water-attribute battle aura, so that the water can be controlled to fight. .

   "Baili Duying, I have finished three dishes, when will you make the dishes? Am I going to wait here?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Baili Duying's face very ugly, he couldn't help but joked.

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