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Chapter 910: Chu Dou Dark Kitchen (7)

Now Zhu Yuan’s three dishes are all nine-level dishes, and two of them are self-made, and the level has reached the level of nine-star nine-star. Baili Duanying is destined to lose his face. It is also inevitable.

   People don’t want to lose, who doesn’t want to win?

   Now Baili Duying knows that he must lose, but he has to continue, because he is still holding a fluke, because this time it is not only the level of the dishes, but also the taste of the dishes.

   Baili Duying took a fluke and continued to cook his own dishes. He thought that if his dishes taste better than those of Zhu Origin, he would be able to draw a tie.

   "It seems that only special means can be used." After Baili Duying thought about it, he took out a bottle of dark yellow powder from the space kitchen utensils, and then sprinkled some in the dishes he was making now.

   "Zhu Yuanyuan, don't be proud, I will make the dishes soon. This time it is not just the level of the dishes. The taste is also one of the keys to the victory."

   After Baili Duying placed the dark yellow powder, he raised his head and said aloud towards Zhu Yuanyuan.

   "Okay, let's wait and see!" Zhu Yuanyuan was a little puzzled in his heart. Why did this guy look depressed just now, and now he puts a powder into the dish and he looks like this?

   "Is there a problem with that kind of powder just now?" Zhu Yuanyuan was a little skeptical, he suspected that the president of the dark kitchen branch might be messing up.


Eight hours later, Baili Duying had made three dishes. These three dishes had an eighth-level 7-star, an eighth-level eight-star, and an eighth-level nine-star, which was the highest in Baili Duying. Level up.

   As for why he didn't consume his life as a price to upgrade the dishes?

   Baili Lone Eagle is not stupid, this time the kitchen fight is not a life-and-death fight, why do you need to increase your level at the expense of life span?

   Besides, the consumption of lifespan increases the level of the dishes, and the dishes cannot be upgraded to the level of nine stars, so why bother to find it boring? And in case himself and killed, that would be miserable, Baili Du Ying loved ones at home there, he did not want to remarry after his wife died, their children recognize others Dangdie, and his son was another man beat, This is not fun.

   "Zhu Yuanming, I have finished cooking, you can start to taste and see whose dishes are delicious."

   Baili Duying brought three dishes to the altar table on the central altar in the kitchen space, and said as he looked at Zhu Yuanyuan who also brought three dishes.

"Let's get started!" Zhu Yuanyuan didn't bother to speak. He didn't think this guy's dishes were better than Chinese cuisine. The seasoning alone was not something the world could understand. After all, the development of medicine in this world was not High, far not as high as understanding the characteristics of all plants on Aquastar.

   However, Zhu Yuanli still used the system to identify several dishes cooked by Baili Duying.

   "Fuck! This guy dared to do this, looking for death!" After Zhu Yuanyuan was appraised, he was taken aback and his expression changed.


   Seeing Fang Yuansheng going to eat the food cooked by Baili Duying Eagle, Zhu Yuanyuan roared.

"Crack crouch! crouch!" The bowl Fang Yuansheng was holding fell to the ground and broke to pieces. The food scooped out of the bowl was also scattered on the ground. The food is not good-looking. This dish is vegetarian, Baili Of course, the vegetarian dishes made by Du Ying are not insects, but all kinds of plants are also some weird things, some are poisonous, but they are not poisonous when they are neutralized. If they are replaced by other chefs, they must not dare to cook them like this. Plant, but Baili Dare to be alone.

   "Mr. Zhu, what's the matter?" Fang Yuansheng was startled, and then asked Zhu Yuansheng with a pale frightened face.

   "Baili Duying Eagle, I am afraid that this competition will not be compared, I don't bother to fight with someone like you." Zhu Yuanyuan ignored Fang Yuansheng's words, but stared at Baili Duying with an unsightly face.

   "Zhu Yuanyuan, are you going to give up?" Although Baili Duying didn't know what Zhu Yuanyuan had discovered, he still said bluntly.

   "Baili Duying Eagle, I surrender? You may not be qualified yet. Do you have to tell me what you have done yourself?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Baili Duying coldly and said.

   "Zhu Yuanyuan, don't worry about him. If you have anything to say, what did you do? It's a joke to say that you are not qualified!"

Although Zhu Yuanyuan is a level 9 chef, Baili Duying is not panicked at all. He doesn't think Zhu Yuanyuan will kill himself. Even if he finds his own little actions, he does not think that Zhu Yuanyuan will kill him. Contending with the existence of the God of Cooking Association, there are no nine-level nine-star chefs in the Dark Kitchen, and there is more than one. Why should he be afraid?

   The main reason is that there are nine-level nine-star chefs in the Baili family, and he has not seen such a big boss.

"Okay~www.ltnovel.com~Since you have to see the coffin without crying, then I'll just say it straight, you put poppy fruit powder in this dish, don't you? Poppy fruit can let you People are addicted, it is difficult to get rid of the influence after eating. After addiction, if you don’t eat it, life will be worse than death. It is a poison that can control people, but it is poison, not poison, because the method of drug testing is used. I can’t find it at all, is it?"

"I'm afraid you want to take advantage of the opportunity of this kitchen fight to control me and Chairman Fang. Controlling me can get a lot of recipes. The chairman of the controlling party can bury a nail in the Kitchen God Association. , You have a good plan, but it is really poisonous."

Zhu Yuanyuan directly guessed Baili Duying’s plan. His face is very cold now. This dark kitchen is really a **** thing. The poppy in this different world is more powerful than the medicine on the water blue star. It is more than a hundred times higher, and you can imagine what would happen if people have eaten it. It is completely impossible to get rid of this addiction.

Zhu Yuanyuan felt that if he hadn’t had a system, I’m afraid it would be really dangerous this time. If he eats this dish, he really eats poppy fruit powder, and then I’m afraid he will be controlled by Baili Duying. Oops, and President Fang might also be controlled, and the God of Cooking Association will be in danger in the future.

People in the God of Cooking Association generally don’t taste the dishes cooked by the dark chefs. The kitchen battle between them is judged by God. They never taste the dishes of both sides. This is also afraid that if the other side poisons them, they It's really a place to die. .

   "What? Mr. Zhu, you mean this Baili eagle has poisoned the dishes, it is the fruit powder of poppy flowers?"

   Fang Yuansheng exclaimed, he really didn't expect it to be like this.

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