Random Shopping System

Chapter 911: Chu Dou Dark Kitchen (8)

"Bai Li Du Ying, you despicable villain, I didn’t expect your secret chefs to poison the dishes. Your secret chefs are not worthy of being chefs. For such a sacred thing as a kitchen battle, you dare to poison. , Pooh, your secret chef is not worthy of being an opponent of the God of Cooking Association."

   Fang Yuansheng is not ashamed of being an eagle in Baili. I didn’t expect this guy to dare to poison the dishes in order to win. Isn’t this a cook?

   "Huh! Fang Yuansheng, are you enough cold words? As long as you can win, what do you care about me? If it weren't for this kid, you would be my slave today!"

   Baili Duying snorted coldly, and then said, Has he done less evil things in the dark kitchen? This is one more, one less, it's no big deal.

   "Bai Li Du Ying, you dare to poison the dishes. You have lost. As a chef, you have violated your original intention. We will not taste this dish. You lost."

President Fang doesn’t care about Baili Duying’s sophistry and poisoning the dishes. This is already very bad. As long as the contract of heaven is used to judge this time, Zhu Yuanyuan will directly win. If this is the case, then they are It will win, what else can I say?

   "Okay, don't say more, let's just judge the victory or defeat of the kitchen fight this time, I have no time to entangle with such people."

   Zhu Yuanyi doesn’t want to pay attention to such people anymore. He is the most disdainful of such small actions secretly. Isn’t it justified to harm people?

   "Okay, Mr. Zhu, wait a minute." Chairman Fang agreed, and then judged the victory this time through the Heavenly Path Contract.

   Soon, Zhu Yuanyuan, Baili Duying, and President Fang and another person from the Dark Kitchen Association showed a white light on them, forming a heavenly contract in the air.

   This heavenly contract also appeared white light shining on the six dishes on the offering table. After a while, the white light disappeared, and finally the heavenly contract fell on the offering table.

   The original handwriting they had written on the Heavenly Dao Contract was gone, only a line of words remained.

   "The kitchen battle between Baili Duying and Zhu Yuanyi has ended. Because Baili Duying had poisoned the dishes, Zhu Yuanyi was automatically judged to win."

   This is the word left on the Tiandao Contract, which means that Tiandao has recognized Zhu Yuanyuan's strength and has the blessing of Tiandao.

   "I really lost." Baili Duying had hollow eyes and was very shocked. He was so old that he was finally defeated by a young man. It would be rare for him to have no mental breakdown.

   "Bai Li Du Ying, I took the gambling stuff, thank you very much!"

   Zhu Yuanyi picked up a ring from the altar table and looked at the things in the ring. It was very rich, with gold cards, and a lot of ingredients. This was the bet that Baili Duying made.

   Yes, this bet must be placed on the altar. No one can touch it. Zhu Yuanyuan has no bet. After all, he cannot open a restaurant in Oyster City if he loses.

   "You...Let's go! Zhu Yuanyuan, Fang Yuansheng, the mountains don't turn, we'll wait and see." After Baili Duying made a ruthless word, he left in a desperate manner.


"Mr. Zhu, thank you for saving me!" After leaving Baili Duying’s kitchen space, Fang Yuansheng looked at Zhu Yuansheng with a grateful expression on his face and said, while saying, he stuffed something into Zhu Yuanyuan’s hands. Gold card, there is also a space kitchenware.

"No thanks, no more effort." Zhu Yuanyuan shook his head and said. He doesn't think he has done the most. This is all the system's credit. If the system does not identify this function, it is estimated that he is fine, but Fang Yuansheng may be scammed. died.

"No, I have to thank you. Mr. Zhu is a simple task for you, but for me, it saved my life, and it was not only an order to save the family. If I were alone If the eagle controls, if this steals any confidential information from the God of Cooking Association, then I am afraid I will die miserably!"

   Fang Yuansheng said stubbornly.

   "Well, it's up to you. If you want to thank you, thank you." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the President Fang and wanted to thank him, and he didn't stop him anymore.


   "Heaven... I didn't expect that this Baili eagle turned out to be a ruthless character, and even poisoned to control Chairman Fang and Zhu Yuanyuan!"

   "Unforgivable, get born in Oyster City!!!"

   "Yes, they are not good things. The ingredients used are too scary, what bugs and snakes."

   "I won't eat bugs if I kill you!"



   After these audiences knew what Baili Duying had done, they were not ashamed of his actions.

   And after the Dark Chef learned that the Baili Duan Eagle mission had failed, the Baili Duan Eagle was transferred away, but the environment was much better than here, and the Baili Duan Eagle was directly transferred to the Imperial Capital.

   "My son, congratulations on your triumphant return!"

   "Oh oh...Congratulations to the son on the victory!"


   After Zhu Yuanyuan entered the Huaxia Food Pavilion, Zhu Jiti led everyone to come to give him joy, and it happened that magpies had been flying past!

   "Okay, let's do everything, don't make the guests wait in a hurry." Zhu Yuanyuan has watched the excitement, so he directly let everyone start work. Now it's business hours, you can't keep the store closed.

   "Yes, son." Everyone agreed, and then they went to work more enthusiastically.

   "Zhu Origin."

"Sex: Male."

   "Nationality: Chinese nationality."

   "Age: 36."

  "Occupation: Bright Lord God (11th level, late Magic God, 1 million combat power).

   Comprehension (Twelfth Floor of the Golden Core Stage, 26.44,000 combat power). Chef (9 stars, real water continent, 1 million combat power). "

   "Divine Power: 1000 points. (Converted from 1 million magic combat power.

   "Warcraft pet: Silvermoon Wolf King (Little Wolf) (lower god), fighting power 3 million."

"Life skills: guitar (level 9), piano (level 9 ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ singing (level 9), driving (level 9). Computer technology (level 9). Chinese medicine (level 9) (PS: here The level is only the level on the water blue star, and the ninth level is the top.) The thirteen needles of the soul (can wake up the vegetative)."

   "Special Skill: "Five Elements Feng Shui Secret Skill""

   "Psychic abilities (Level 3S): Mind reading. Mental hypnosis. Mental shock. Mental defense. Mental piercing. Mental manipulation. Mental shock. Mental realm.”

   "Ice type ability (3S level): Manipulate snow and ice to perform powerful ice type alien spells! (PS: Immune to all ice elemental attacks below 3S level!

   "Magic weapons: space ring (10,000 cubic meters), Jinyan flying sword (level 2 combat power of 120,000.

   "Gong Method: Control God Technique (Level 8), "Starlight Refining Body Technique" (Level 7). Soul Devouring Technique (Level 4). Qian Kun Jue (Level 12 of the Golden Elixir)

   "Number of crossings: Level 1 civilization (1 time)."

   "Property: 38,980 billion Chinese coins."

   "Level 1 prestige value: 38 trillion and 55.65 million."

   "Level 2 reputation: 265 billion."

   "Level 3 reputation value: 64.3 billion."

   "Aquamarine Star World Combat Power: 9,331,140 points +2.612 million."

   "The magical world combat power: 2.612 million points."

   "Combat power in the cook world: 1 million points.".

   "Total combat power: 13,943,140 points."

   Zhu Yuanyuan opened the system data and looked at it, and found that he had not changed much. The most important thing was to increase the fighting power in the chef world, but it was not high.

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