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Chapter 935: Tiandao Mountain (2)

"Mountains, mountains, and mountains are quite far away. It will take a week to fly. This planet is really big, hundreds of times larger than the water blue star, right? The population of a country here is tens to hundreds of billions. Moreover, there are 9 countries in the real water continent, and this real water continent alone is so big, the other continents plus the area of ​​the ocean really don’t know how big they are."

Zhu Yuanyuan set up a table at the top of the building, made some snacks and fruits, made a pot of tea for himself, and looked at the scenery below. He couldn't help comparing this planet with the Aqua Star. He found Really can't compare, Aquastar is not as big as the real water continent, how can it be compared?

But the size is incomparable. There is a little water blue star that is very dominant, that is, there are time-space cracks on the water-blue star, which can connect all realms. This time-space crack is hard to see, whether it is for technological civilization or For cultivation civilization, the cracks in time and space are like the supreme treasure.

  Fixed cracks in time and space are hard to see. This is also in the world of scientific and technological civilization. If you are in a cultivation civilization, I am afraid that those who are strong and above the saint will rush to the blood.

   A week later, Tiandao Shanxia Zhu Yuanyuan lowered the boat.

   "Is this Tiandao Mountain? It is really spectacular. The peaks that pierce the sky, the white jade stairs that go straight up, and the huge palaces on the top of the mountain are all in awe."

   Zhu Yuan saw Tiandao Mountain when he was on the boat. Now it feels more intuitive after standing under the mountain. The oncoming visual impact is awe-inspiring and inexplicable.

   "Zhu Gongzi, since he is here, come up!"

   When Zhu Yuanyuan stood under Tiandao Mountain and looked at the whole mountain, a vague voice reached his ears. When he heard it, he found that it was Fang Hongdao’s voice, which seemed to be here.

"Okay, inspector Fang, I'll go up now." Zhu Yuanyuan said into the air. He knew that the people of Tiandao Pavilion would definitely be able to hear it, and then climbed up the white jade stairs to the top of the mountain, using his body Quality, climbing a mountain is also very fast, and it does not take long for tens of thousands of meters of peaks.

   Fifteen minutes later, Zhu Yuanyuan arrived on the square at the entrance of the huge palace on the top of the mountain.

   "Master Zhu, have you handled your personal affairs?" Fang Hongdao and Tian Li were waiting for Zhu Yuanyuan at the gate of the palace. After seeing him coming up, Fang Hongdao asked directly.

   "It's done, Supervisor Fang, I don't know how you send me to the 2nd dimension space?"

Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, and then asked about going to the level 2 dimension space. He only recently learned that there are things that the system can’t do, or can’t be done, such as the nine-star chef on the real water continent. It’s the strongest one. The reason why you can’t upgrade to a stronger one is because this is a level 1 dimensional space. If you surpass the 9th level of nine stars here, it will definitely attract the attention of the Dao of Heaven, and maybe even the punishment will be lowered. .

Of course, even if there is no Heaven’s Dao, these Heaven’s Dao Pavilion people will probably find them. They have special monitoring and search for treasures of powerhouses beyond dimensional levels. These things are basically available on every continent and planet. That’s why The reason why the strong in the high-level space will be discovered when they come to the low-level space.

   However, Zhu Yuanyuan does not have so many prestige upgrades now. Although it has been half a year since this kitchen world, China Food Court has only been opened, and there are countless restaurants competing, so for the time being, the increased prestige value is not too much.

Although the food in Huaxia Food Court is delicious, far exceeding the dishes in other restaurants, the dishes in this world are not only delicious, but also contain energy. People eating dishes are not simply appetite, but It is related to cultivation.

All dishes in the kitchen world are for cultivation. Chef cooking dishes is cultivation. Other professions eat dishes cooked by chefs to assist cultivation. Generally speaking, if you want to practice in retreat, practitioners will go to restaurants and restaurants to buy a lot in advance. The dishes are then eaten when practicing in retreat, which can accelerate the speed of cultivation.

"Master Zhu, come with us, I will take you to the dimensional teleportation array." Fang Hongdao and Tian Li looked at each other, and then they didn’t want to waste time, so they simply took Zhu Yuanyuan to the dimensional teleportation array to calculate Up.

"Okay." Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, not surprisingly. When the people in the Heavenly Dao Pavilion didn't show up, he was thinking that he had reached the top level of the mainland. Why didn't he feel ascended? There are many rumors of Ascension. Now that there is a Dimensional Teleportation Array, he knows that Ascension is completely nonsense, it is not the case at all.

   After Zhu Yuanyi followed Fang Hongdao and Tianli into the palace, he found that the palace was decorated very luxuriously, with various furnishings, but it was unassuming. It seems that these two don't stay here much.

   "Zhu Gongzi, this is the dimensional teleportation array. You can directly teleport to the level 2 dimensional space through this teleportation array."

   After Fang Hongdao took Zhu Yuanyuan to a hall in the palace, he pointed to a raised circular platform in the middle and said that there was still blue brilliance flowing on this platform.

   "Is this the Dimensional Teleportation Array? Supervisor Fang, can we just stand up and teleport? Is there anything else we should pay attention to?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard what Fang Hongdao said~www.ltnovel.com~ He also stared at the teleportation array in front of him, and found that there were many unintelligible runes on it. Although he knew the formation, it was the realm of cultivation. The formation is completely different from the formation of the kitchen world.

"Oh, yes, Lord Zhu, this is an invitation letter from Tiandao Pavilion. There is the code name of me and Tian Li on the invitation letter. If you want to join our Tiandao Pavilion, you can teleport to those guards after teleporting to the 2nd dimension space. The guards of the formation said that they will take you to the Tiandao Pavilion. If you don't want to join the Tiandao Pavilion, just hand over the invitation letter to the guards."

   After Fang Hongdao heard Zhu Yuanyuan’s question, he directly took out a wooden token from the space kitchen utensils. There was also a word of Tao on the token, with a blue halo circulating on it.

   "Oh? Fang inspector, can I still join Tiandao Pavilion? I wonder if I can open a restaurant outside after joining Tiandao Pavilion?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan was a little surprised when he heard that, this Tiandao Pavilion is a big power at first glance, did it recruit people casually? This is too casual! !

"Haha! Master Zhu, you have misunderstood, how could our Tiandao Pavilion randomly recruit disciples? Master Zhu, we have known everything about you for a long time. You have created so many dishes, you are considered to be a master of chefs. , Is a genius at the rank of Tianjiao. Of course, Tiandao Pavilion does not want to miss a genius like you, so we will invite you. If you change someone else, you will definitely not be invited."

   After Fang Hongdao saw Zhu Yuanyuan’s expression, he knew what Zhu Yuanyuan was thinking, so he explained it. He didn't want others to think that anyone could join Tiandao Pavilion.

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