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Chapter 936: Blu-ray world!

"Oh? It turned out to be like this. I'm sorry, Supervisor Fang, I misunderstood." After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Fang Hongdao's explanation, he also knew that he had misunderstood, so he apologized. That's right. Since it is said that it is the nine dimensions that penetrate the entire kitchen world, how could it be possible to recruit disciples indiscriminately? It also depends on talent.

That's right, Tiandao Pavilion will not recruit disciples indiscriminately. Even Fang Hongdao and Tian Li are both because their families are from Tiandao Pavilion. Otherwise, with their talents, they are far from the level of joining Tiandao Pavilion. .

As for why there are family forces in the Heavenly Dao Pavilion, this is simply too common. Any group with a long history will extend to various groups that gather together, and over time will form a force.

Just like the Huaxia Empire on the Aqua Blue Star, the major families in the Huaxia Empire did not exist before. They were built by those in high positions. If they want their offspring to not be bullied, they can only establish Build up your own power, otherwise, after they die, who will guarantee that their offspring will not be bullied by others?

"It's okay, you can consider whether to join the Tiandao Pavilion or not. You can keep this invitation letter and slowly consider whether to join the Tiandao Pavilion or not. You can also hand it over to the guards of the teleportation formation."

Fang Hongdao still values ​​Zhu Yuanyuan very much. He thinks Zhu Yuanyuan’s chef talent is very powerful. Even in the 2nd dimension space, he has never encountered such a talented genius. He can continuously create his own dishes, which is simply a monster. , Can he not win over such a Tianjiao?

Fang Hongdao thinks that if Zhu Yuanyuan joins the Tiandao Pavilion, he will definitely rise quickly in the future, and maybe even sit in the high position of Tiandao Pavilion, so he will give the invitation letter, otherwise Fang Hongdao will give the most if it is an ordinary person. A letter of introduction. This letter of introduction is also useful. It allows people who go to the 2nd dimension space to join a force. Of course, there is also Fang Hongdao’s personal code name in it. After this letter of introduction reaches the 2nd dimension space, Fang Hongdao's merits will be more.

"Okay, I'll remember what the inspector Fang said, and I will consider it." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded, and then put away the token-like invitation letter in his hand.

"I hope so, Master Zhu, please go to the teleportation formation." Fang Hongdao nodded solemnly, and then let Zhu Yuanyuan stand in the teleportation formation.


After Zhu Yuanyuan stood in the teleportation formation, Fang Hongdao opened the teleportation formation, and then a blue barrier rose up on the entire teleportation platform, covering Zhu Yuanyuan in it, and then "Shoo", Zhu The origin disappeared on the transfer platform, and the blue barrier on the transfer platform also disappeared.

"Lao Fang, do you think this kid will join our Tiandao Pavilion?" Tian Li asked, who had not spoken.

"Old Tian, ​​I don't know if he will join the Tiandao Pavilion. In short, we have already explained the matter. If he joins the Tiandao Pavilion, then we will get a lot of achievements. If he does not join the Tiandao Pavilion, we can also get Some merits are just a question of how much. If Zhu Yuanyuan does not join the Tiandao Pavilion, it will be a loss to us. Such a Tianjiao level figure is destined to reach the top in the future."

Fang Hongdao said with emotion, he thought that Zhu Yuanyuan would definitely be able to stand at the top of the kitchen world. There is no such talented figure as Zhu Yuanyuan in the strong biographies recorded in Tiandao Pavilion. He created dozens of dishes in a month. Is it something human can do?

Even the supreme chefs who are at the top of the ninth-level dimension space can’t do such a thing. Fang Hongdao and Tian Li can find out the origin of Zhu, but where did Zhu origin come from? Yes, they haven't found it yet, maybe as he said he was living in seclusion in the old forest in the mountains.


"Friends from the white light world, welcome to the blue light world! Please download the teleportation array!"

As soon as Zhu Yuanyuan came out of the colorful space tunnel, he heard a welcome voice, which was strange to say. The language of the kitchen world was also Chinese. Although the accent was a bit strange, it did not prevent him from being able to understand.

At the same time, Zhu Yuanyuan found out when he walked down the teleportation array. It turned out that he was not the only one who was teleporting. This teleportation array is estimated to be connected to many places at the same time, so hundreds of people can be teleported at one time. Of course, there are more than one teleportation around Array, there is a teleportation array a hundred meters away, there are in all directions, densely packed, you can't see the head at a glance, and the people who are teleporting are also endless.

Originally, Zhu Yuanyuan thought that people in level 1 dimensional space should rarely be able to reach the requirement of level 2 dimensional space, but now that so many people have transmitted it, it simply broke his imagination.

"I am Li Tianjin, the guardian of the Transboundary Star Teleportation Array. Hello, friends, and welcome to the Blu-ray Realm Transboundary Star. This is the first time everyone has come to the Blu-ray Realm. Maybe you don’t know everything here~www.ltnovel.com ~The Blu-ray world is a level 2 dimension space. Now everyone comes here to pick up a booklet introducing the Blu-ray world. The brochure contains an introduction to the Blu-ray world. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me and I will answer you one by one. ."

Li Tianjin looked at the one hundred people in front of him and said slowly, and said that he finally pointed to the table next to him and asked them all to pick up a booklet. The table is now full of thin booklets. As for why there is no need to store information Things, such as jade slips in the realm of cultivation, because even in the kitchen world, there are few such things. They are generally used to store various recipes, exercises, formations, and other important inheritances, like It is these materials and biographies that introduce a certain place, which are all recorded in books.

After hearing Li Tianjin's words, all the people present agreed, and all of them came forward to receive a booklet. Zhu Yuanyuan also followed the crowd and took a booklet introducing the Blu-ray world.

After Zhu Yuanyuan got the booklet, he turned it over immediately. Turning the first page is to explain the origin of the Blu-ray world, which also contains the name of the first-dimensional space.

The original level 1 dimension space is called the white light world, and the white light world is also called the mortal world by the people in the blue light world, and the second dimension space is called the blue light world. Of course, the people in the blue light world think that they are superior, they think of their own world. It is the fairy world, after all, the people in the white light world come on the pole to the blue light world.

The blue light realm is the same as the white light realm. There are aboriginal people. They are not all cultivators. There are also people with poor talents who are not cultivators. Those who are cultivators also have so-called ascended people like Zhu Origin. People with low strength.

In general, there are abundant resources in the Blu-ray world, but it is also necessary to cultivate from scratch. It does not mean that you are born with strength, that is impossible.

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