"Junior Brother Zhu, this is not a matter of benefit or not, it is a matter of principle. When you arrive at someone else’s site, shouldn’t you drink someone else to say hello? After you just passed this way, you just opened a restaurant, and those who don’t know pay for it. Think we Tiandao Pavilion will participate in some kind of power struggle?"

   "Junior Brother Zhu, the power to develop is not so developed. You open a restaurant with such a big fanfare, and you can't make much money. You still worry about it, why bother?"

   Lin Zhenjian is still pretending to be a good person. He is not a bad guy who wants to tell Zhu Yuanyuan how to be a human being. In fact, he is beating Zhu Yuanyuan to prevent him from doing too much.

   "Brother Lin, the entire Transboundary Star belongs to the Tiandao Pavilion. As an inner disciple of Tiandao Pavilion, is it a problem to open some restaurants on my own site?"

Zhu Yuanyuan is also true. It is hard to go straight up, and what he said is right. The entire Transboundary Star is under the control of Tiandao Pavilion. If you open a restaurant in your own territory, you have to greet others. Is this possible? wrong? Where did you put Tiandao Pavilion?

   "Senior Brother, Senior Brother doesn't mean that..." Lin Zhenjian was suddenly speechless by Zhu Yuanyuan, and his face turned black. This is a **** pot, he doesn't want to recite it.

If Lin Zhenjian dared to say that there was a problem with Zhu Yuanyuan’s establishment of a restaurant on the Tiandao Pavilion site, and he had to greet other forces, it is estimated that he would be charged with colluding with other sects, and the result would be his identity as a true disciple. If not, maybe the inner disciples will not be able to be, and they are very likely to be expelled from the Tiandao Pavilion. This is not a joke, no sect will like a traitor.

   "Brother Lin, just tell the truth, did my subordinates go to your family to open a restaurant?"

   Zhu Yuanyi didn't want to make a fool of himself with this hypocritical guy. It was boring. He straightforwardly exposed Lin Zhenjian's lie and said.

"Um... Junior Brother Zhu, Senior Brother was also commissioned by the family to find Junior Brother. You have opened so many restaurants, and you have continuously recruited so many handyman disciples. This cross-border star is just this big. If you continue to add restaurants in each city, how should those small forces live?"

Lin Zhenjian was a little embarrassed to tell the truth about the matter. Sure enough, he was a member of a certain family of Transboundary Stars, and he came to inquire about Zhu Yuanyuan. They were afraid that Zhu Yuanyuan would open restaurants everywhere on the entire Transboundary Star, and if so If you continue to open new restaurants in each city, these forces will not be able to survive, and Zhu Yuanyuan’s restaurant will be squeezed into bankruptcy.

This is not alarmist. These family forces approached Lin Zhenjian to discuss with Zhu Yuanyuan. They were not talking about what to do. After all, the strength of Huaxia Food Court is also very powerful. The chefs inside are much stronger than Lin Zhenjian, so Even if they have the idea of ​​dealing with Zhu Yuanyuan, they dare not really act. First release https://https://

   "Haha! Brother Lin has been worrying too much. The style of the younger brother has always been to open a restaurant in every city. There will never be a second Huaxia Food Court, so please rest assured."

Zhu Yuanyuan originally planned to open a Chinese Food Pavilion in a city. This is called hunger marketing. In this city, there are less than tens of millions of people, and more than one billion people. Isn't it hunger marketing? ?

"What Brother Zhu said is true? Don't lie to me!" After Lin Zhenjian heard what Zhu Yuanyuan said, he was still very happy. It turned out that he only opened a restaurant and will not continue to increase, but although Lin Zhen Jian heard Zhu Yuanyuan's assurance, but he still said something dubiously.

"Senior Brother Lin should know that the cultivator is responsible for what he said? I said that just opening one restaurant in each city will only open one restaurant. If you go against your own wishes, then your cultivation level may be damaged in the future. I will not make my cultivation path more difficult for this benefit!"

Zhu Yuanyuan’s statement is very reasonable. In the cultivation civilization, whether it is cultivation, magic, or special cultivation methods in the kitchen world, all pay attention to a cause and effect, and what he says is the water poured out. The cultivator can't get it back. If the cultivator says it, then he can do it. If he can't do it, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome, and subsequent cultivation will have an impact.

"Um... It's no wonder that Junior Brother Zhu is too happy, so for a while, I forgot that there is this one. Since Junior Brother said so, then I can rest assured." Lin Zhenjian is now Knowing that Zhu Yuanyuan did not open many restaurants in a city, he was also inexplicably relieved.

"It's okay, brother is also for his own family, I can understand." Zhu Yuanyuan can also see it now. Although Lin Zhenjian is a bit of a small city, he is actually not very bad. He has no intention of killing his fellow students. Zhu Yuanyuan is in Lin Zhenjian didn't feel the killing intent, so he felt nothing wrong with Lin Zhenjian's actions.

   "Thank you, Brother Zhu, for your understanding."

   Lin Zhenjian quickly thanked him. He also felt that since he had made a mistake, he would apologize. They were all brothers in the same school, and there was no need to make the relationship froze.

   "Senior Brother Lin, don't be too polite. Since it was a misunderstanding, then I will go back to Junior Brother."

   After seeing that the misunderstanding was resolved, Zhu Yuan was also ready to leave.

"Brother Zhu, Brother Zhu misunderstood you. Another day, Senior Brother Zhu will be a guest~www.ltnovel.com~ Lin Zhenjian has no face to ask Zhu Yuanyuan to stay, but he still wants to apologize, think about it. After thinking about it, I have to make a banquet to invite Zhu Yuanyuan to come as a guest, not only to close some relationships, but also to thoroughly understand today's misunderstanding.

   "Okay, Brother Lin's invitation will definitely come."

   Zhu Yuanyi directly agreed.


   "This Lin Zhenjian is a little bit interesting, I thought he was going to be in trouble! I didn't expect the thunder and the rain to be small, so I made a clear explanation and misunderstanding just a few words, but it was a bit unexpected."

   After returning to his mountain, Zhu Yuanyuan also thought that Lin Zhenjian was very interesting. As a true disciple, there was no arrogance. He seemed to be a little afraid of people. It is probably because of his low status before, so he became a habit.

Zhu Yuanyuan’s guess was correct. Lin Zhenjian was also a disciple of an ordinary family when he did not join Tiandao Pavilion. Although he was a family, he was actually ruined. The family’s business was small and poor, and there was only one restaurant to maintain the family’s livelihood. At that time, the Lin family was really miserable. .

   Later, after Lin Zhenjian joined the Heavenly Dao Pavilion, the Lin family rose completely, and then they had a lot of resources until they had the current power.

   Lin Zhenjian grew up in this kind of family, so he has no arrogance. There is no so-called grandfather and son's arrogance, and he is very grounded.

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