"But this is what Lin Zhenjian meant by himself. He was also talking about it for his family. It is hard to guarantee that Tiandao Mountain will have other direct disciples or core disciples who will come and ask me for trouble. It is not good to do business with peace of mind. What annoying!"

Zhu Yuanyuan felt very irritable. Whether these people are sick or not, they don’t allow people to do business well. Just a restaurant is not enough to be seen in the whole city. With such a small benefit, those family forces can see it. The pattern is really too small.

However, these are the things that Zhu Yuanyuan is worried about. In fact, there are very few core disciples and direct disciples in Tiandao Mountain. The only local people in Crossing Star are Lin Zhenjian who has been accepted as a direct disciple, and the others. The locals are all handyman disciples, outer disciples, and inner disciples, and even the core disciples cannot meet the requirements.

Most of the disciples recruited by Tiandao Pavilion are people who have been transferred from the White Light Realm. Such people cannot be spies, so Tiandao Pavilion will only recruit people who have just transferred from the White Light Realm.


Another half year has passed since I blinked. In the past half year, Li Fanzhou has led many people to open the restaurant across the entire Transboundary Star, one restaurant in each city, which has already been achieved.

Not only that, Zhu Yuanyuan also successfully broke through to the ninth level of the Yellow Tier 9 stars, and is already one of the most powerful beings in the entire Blu-ray world. It stands to reason that he can now go to the third-dimensional space through the Blu-ray world’s cross-border teleportation array. Go in.

But Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to go so early. He hadn't had a cross-border star in the Blu-ray world yet, so would he be teleported to the level 3 dimension space to be the lowest existence?

Unless Zhu Yuanyuan is crazy, he will be so foolish. Although there are subordinates in the Blu-ray world, the strength of those subordinates is still unstoppable. Zhu Yuanyuan must get a high position in the Tiandao Pavilion of the Blu-ray world, and then continue to develop the Huaxia Food Pavilion. Open the restaurant throughout the Blu-ray world, so that his reputation value will skyrocket.

"Level 1 reputation: 139,800 billion."

"Level 2 reputation value: five thousand four hundred and six billion."

"Level 3 reputation value: 47.6 billion."

Chef Zhu Yuanyuan’s combat power reached 10 million, and his reputation value has also increased a lot. However, there is still no increase in the fourth-level reputation value in the Blu-ray world. In his guess, it is estimated that the third-level dimension space corresponds to the fourth-level reputation value. Of course, this is just a speculation. Whether this is the case, he won't know until he has passed.

In the past six months, Zhu Yuanyuan has reached the ninth level of the yellow rank nine stars and also trained a large number of subordinates. Among these subordinates, the strongest is already the eighth-ranked chef of the yellow rank. A strong man.

Since Zhu Yuanyuan personally cultivated these people, the lowest level of these people is also Huang Tier 5. There is no way, people with good talents have been snatched away by those big forces, and Tiandao Pavilion is on a cross-border star. Most of them have good talents. All of the people were taken into the Tiandao Pavilion, and Zhu Yuanyuan could not compete with Tiandao Pavilion for geniuses.

But even so, Zhu Yuanyuan has cultivated at least more than 10,000 people. Now half of them have been allocated to the various restaurants of Cross-Border Star, and the other half have remained on Zhu Yuanyuan’s own mountain to continue practicing. , Zhu Yuanyuan wants everyone to become stronger, not all of them are half-hearted.

For the five thousand people who remained, Zhu Yuanyuan was planning to take them out of the Transboundary Star and follow him to develop outside. In the future, he will need a lot of manpower.

In fact, this is only someone he cultivated personally, and it was not cultivated by Zhu Yuanyuan. After all, Zhu Yuanyuan has only one person, it is impossible to train countless chefs, and his energy is also limited.

After he cultivated these people, these subordinates continued to recruit many talented chefs to train themselves in the restaurant, so Zhu Yuanyuan now has no ten million but eight million.

This is not nonsense. Transboundary stars are huge, at least several hundred times that of Aquastar. Therefore, Zhu Yuanyuan has opened many restaurants, at least tens of thousands. This is also the case for the large cities of transboundary stars. Otherwise, there will be more restaurants opened.

With so many restaurants opened, Zhu Yuanyuan’s subordinates were of course not enough, so Li Fanzhou, who was in charge of this matter, thought of a way to open a restaurant while cultivating new chefs.

After the new chefs were trained in this way, they started to change from the first restaurant, and transferred the first old chefs to the newly opened restaurant to preside over the situation, and then recruited people to continue training.

In this way, the cycle continues, the newly opened restaurant will use the second chef, and the second will be replaced by the new chefs trained, and the old chefs will go to the new restaurant to train new people. Such a cycle, the old chef of the third restaurant Go to the new restaurant to train, and the chef trained by the third restaurant will take the place of the old chef.

After this cycle continues, it becomes an ecological cycle mode. A steady stream of chefs are trained, and then either take the place of the old chefs in the restaurant, or be sent to the new restaurant to train new chefs, anyway, staying is also to train The new chef's.

In this way, after half a year, there is a Chinese Food Pavilion in the entire city with a population of more than 10 million people above the crossover star.

"Rafting ~ www.ltnovel.com~ did a good job, very good. Next we will have more difficult tasks. I will leave Crossover Star soon. I will go to the headquarters of the Blue Sky Heavenly Dao Pavilion. You follow me. Let’s go together. Of course, we will also bring the idle chefs. In the past, these chefs will also stay on certain planets and continents to open China Food Pavilion. I want the entire Blu-ray world on all planets and continents. There are all Huaxia Food Courts, okay?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan reached the ninth level of the yellow rank nine stars, he was thinking about leaving the cross-border star. After all, he is now the strongest group of people in the blue light world. Fortunately, he is now a member of the Heavenly Dao Pavilion, so Heavenly Dao The people from the Pavilion will not come and extradite him to the level 3 dimension space, because after Tiandao Pavilion knows Zhu Yuanyuan's strength, he will send someone to communicate with Zhu Yuanyuan.

Tiandao Pavilion's own clerks will not force extradition to the level 3 dimension space. They will go if they want, and they don't want to be pulled down. It saves trouble.

However, Tiandao Pavilion is also treating his sect person. If other forces have a ninth-level yellow rank nine stars, Tiandao Pavilion will definitely speed up the past and let him leave the Blu-ray world after knowing it.

This is all customary, and other forces dare not go against the wishes of the Heavenly Dao Pavilion. Otherwise, what awaits them may be the lesson of blood. In history, more than two incidents have occurred.

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