Random Shopping System

Chapter 977: This is hope!

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"This...how is it possible? It turned out to be a king-level poem, Liang Xuezheng, do you know this exam?"

Supervisor Wang Xiaoren looked incredulous. He was only at the level of a literary teacher. He was only in the third level of literary training. He had written platinum-level poems at most, and only had one platinum poem, otherwise he would have already entered the university. The level of the literary teacher will not be shorter than Liang Youwei, the great literary teacher.

Now there is a candidate who has no literary skills and even wrote a poem of the king's level. Is this not a joke? He seriously suspected that there was something wrong with the candidate, but he didn't dare to say it. This is so literary. If Wang Xiaoren doubts, he will definitely be laughed at. The literary only recognizes the person who wrote the poem. If he cheated, Even if it is the kind of poetry that hasn't been written, it is impossible to have a literary atmosphere.

In fact, Wang Xiaoren is just not convinced. He is not convinced. Why can a mere examinee write a king-level poem, but he himself even happened to write a poem by Platinum. He is really unwilling.

You have to know that Wang Zhe-level poems can only be written by writers at the literary level. This is a super-big man at the seven-level Wen Xiu level, and even a child student is not an examinee. He actually wrote a Wang Zhe-level poem. This is simply counterintuitive. God.

"Wang Xuejian, the matter is clearly in front of our eyes, do we have to question whether it is not successful? Wenqi cannot be faked."

Liang Youwei knows Wang Xiaoren’s disposition. If it weren’t for the position of superintendent, he would have given Wang Xiaoren out of the academy. This guy is a villain who looks very honest and does things very well. Stiff and deadly, but these are not the real Wang Xiaoren. Wang Xiaoren is actually a villain. As far as hypocrites are concerned, Liang Youwei tried his best not to have a relationship with Wang Xiaoren during the exam, because he knew how to deal with it. It's a villain, so Liang Youwei disdain to get along with Wang Xiaoren.

"No, no, Liang Xuezheng, I didn't mean that." When Wang Xiaoren saw Liang Youwei's anger, he really didn't dare to continue to question it, otherwise it is estimated that the storm is waiting for him!

"Wang Xuejian, the old man hopes that you don't do anything meaningless, otherwise you know the old man's methods. Even if you are in the Imperial College, it is a dead end, do you understand?"

Liang Youwei had seen Wang Xiaoren displeased for a long time, and now in order to protect Zhu Yuanyuan, he directly used his aura to suppress Wang Xiaoren. He didn't want this guy to stumble behind him, if it caused a problem with the Human Race Tianjiao like Zhu Yuanyuan. , He will regret it.

"No, no, Liang Xuezheng, how could I do unnecessary things."

Originally, Wang Xiaoren really intended to prevent Zhu Yuanzi from making the list and not becoming a child student. As long as he was out of the school, wouldn't he let him squash? But now Liang Youwei said that the back that scared Wang Xiaoren was all sweat. He quickly shook his head and denied what he wanted to do. He also dispelled the idea of ​​dealing with Zhu Yuanyuan. After all, he just thought about it. I didn't do it, so I can't talk about offending this genius, and I don't expect to see each other in the future.

"hope so."

Liang Youwei glanced at Wang Xiaoren blankly and then ignored him. Liang Youwei was not just a simple warning. If Wang Xiaoren really dared to do something at Zhu Yuanyuan, Liang Youwei would definitely kill him. his.

............Yunhai Novel Network

On Zhu Yuanyuan's side, after he finished writing his poems, he was not too surprised to see the red vigour from the words. This song "Spring Day" is also very famous on the water blue star, plus it is It is not surprising that Zhu Xi's poems are king.

Even as long as Zhu Yuanyuan wants to write, even if it is a mythical poem, he can write it. There are many famous Tang poems and Song poems on the water blue star, and there are more than these. There were poetry books before the Tang Dynasty, such as "Guan Ju" It is the first verse in the Book of Songs. Although I don't know who wrote it, it is indeed sung through the ages. Even the "Analects" also mentions the Book of Songs, and of course it will inevitably mention "Guanju".

The Analects was compiled by the disciples of Confucius, a collection of quotations that recorded the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, including politics, ethics, moral concepts, educational principles, etc.

Therefore, the name of the poem "Guanju" has been passed down through the ages, and it should be a mythical poem.

There are many more. For example, the poem "Tao Yao" is also very famous among women. It may be unknown to men, but if an educated woman doesn't know this poem, it would be a laugh.

There are many mythological poems like this on the water blue star, such as Su Shi's "Shui Tiao Song Tou-When Does the Moon Have", and Li Bai's "Xia Ke Xing", all of which can reach the myth level.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan will not write these poems for the time being, because it is too high-profile, even if he writes the king-level poems now, it is already high-profile. Maybe a large number of people will assassinate him. This is certain, but As long as he opens the Wen Palace and becomes Wenxiu, he is not afraid of someone coming to assassinate him. It's just that he has written a king-level poem, so if someone comes to assassinate, it is probably not too powerful.

But if he wrote a myth-level poem, it would be completely different. This is the literary sage. People from the three tribes of monsters, demons, and gods will definitely do everything possible to kill Zhu Yuanyuan, so for the time being It will take a while, as long as he can become a sage, then he doesn't need to be afraid of being exposed. What can't he do then?


After Zhu Yuanyuan finished writing the song "Spring Day", the blood red literary spirit emerged from the text. After a while, the literary spirit entered Zhu Yuanyuan’s chest, and it was like opening a door out of thin air in a mysterious place. , And then all these red literary spirits poured into the door, and inside the door, these literary spirits gathered together to form a palace~www.ltnovel.com~ presumably this is Wen Gong.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan just opened the Wen Palace, so the Wen Palace is very illusory, and his mental power can't enter this door. It seems that he just opened the Wen Palace and his realm is very low, so he can't enter.

"Is this Wen Gong? It's really different from others. Why is mine red?"

After the Wen Palace was opened, Zhu Yuanyuan took a look and found that his Wen Palace was red, which was the same as the red text in the front, but it didn't matter, as long as he could improve his strength.

"But I'm still at the literary level, and I didn't get to the literary magnate all at once, but it seems that there is a lot of literary spirit. If the realm can be improved, then I may be promoted to the least as a literary master now!"

Zhu Yuanyuan was also restricted by the system. Now Wen Palace is open, and he has no reputation. He is still just a strong combatant, but when he has the reputation, Zhu Yuanyuan can improve his realm.

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