Random Shopping System

Chapter 978: Vincent!

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If Zhu Yuanyuan wants to improve his realm, he must use reputation. This is the rule of the system and it is irreversible. Although I don’t know why, but if there is no system, then he will become a rich man at best, which is amazing. Someone can be an official or something. Maybe I can be with Chen Ziyuan in the end, but it is absolutely impossible to obtain strong strength, nor is it possible to obtain the things left by Atlantis, the time and space cracks on the Aqua Blue Star. It is also in an explosive state at any time, maybe when the entire Aqua Star will disappear.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanyuan is not dissatisfied with the rules of the system. On the contrary, Zhu Yuanyuan is very fortunate to have the system, otherwise he will never be able to embark on the road of longevity. The short life span of a hundred years is not what he wants to be a traverser. of.

Now Zhu Yuanyuan opened his literary palace in one fell swoop with a graded poem. Although his literary palace is red, he actually did not reach the level of a literary magnate. He also needs prestige to improve his realm and reputation. If enough, Zhu Yuanyuan could even raise his realm to a literary magnate in one fell swoop. As for a higher realm, Zhu Yuanyuan would have to write a higher-level poem.

In the literary world, if Zhu Yuanyuan wants to improve his realm, he must first meet a requirement, that is, he must write a poem of the corresponding level, so that he can use his reputation to raise his realm to the current level.

"Wen Sheng, this is a genius who opened Wen Palace and became Wen Sheng! I can never let go of such a genius, Ji Guo!" After Liang Youwei felt the breath of opening Wen Palace, he exclaimed.

"Yeah, Liang Xuezheng, this Zhu Yuanyuan is indeed the proud son of the emperor, and he opened the Wen Palace by himself." Wang Xiaoren also boasted. Although he does not like such a genius, he can only hide this kind of dislike. , Otherwise Liang Youwei would not let him go.


"Wen Sheng, the system won't drill for loopholes!"

Zhu Yuanyuan felt the newly born power in his body, and this power had the power of awe-inspiring righteousness. After feeling this power, he felt that everything in the "Song of Righteous Qi" really had something to do.

Although the whole "Song of Righteous Qi" was actually written by Wen Tianxiang in prison, he embodies his own national integrity and patriotism in his poems. It can be said that Wen Tianxiang is a fearless patriotic hero. He is also a talented person. Although he was finally defeated and captured on the battlefield, he did not lose his integrity. He also wrote a poem like "Song of Righteousness" that has been passed down through the ages.

Now Zhu Yuanyuan feels that the first poem of "Song of Righteous Qi" is completely describing the literary spirit.

"Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds. The lower part is Heyue, and the upper part is the sun star." This sentence is exactly the appearance of Wenqi, and Wenqi naturally contains awe-inspiring Qi, isn't it a representative word for righteousness?

Of course, this song of righteous qi cannot be put into the literary world, because there are no saints and allusions in the "Song of Righteous Qi" in the literary world, so Zhu Yuanyuan could not write this poem. Otherwise, he would not be able to explain these things at all, and others would not understand it. Maybe even if the entire poem was written, he would not be able to enter the level.

"Forget it, when the results come out this time, how can I be more famous in Mingye Town, earning some prestige points is definitely no problem, it would be great if I can improve my realm by then. ."

Zhu Yuanyuan also found out. After the system had a problem this time, the system was corrected. For example, if he is now a Wensheng, if he does not reach the Wensheng level after opening the Wengong, he can use the 1st level of reputation to upgrade to the Wensheng.

After Wensheng is a literary, if he is promoted to a literary, then he needs level 2 reputation. After the literary is a literary, he needs a level 3 reputation, a great literary needs a level 4 reputation, and a Wenzong needs a level 5 reputation. Wen Zong needs 6 prestige value, Wen Hao needs 7 prestige value, Great Writer needs 8 prestige value, and Yasheng needs 9 prestige value.

Therefore, the realm in the literary world is higher than that in the cultivation world, but because of its special reasons, the prestige value required to improve the realm is also lowered. In fact, it is almost the same as in the kitchen world. The standard was also lowered, otherwise it would be far more than just such a little reputation. I love novels



A bell rang.

"Attention, all examinees, the three days of the test are over. Please stop your pen and write your name and test room on all test papers. Test papers without a name will have their scores cancelled. Please test takers yourself Check it again."

This voice spread throughout the examination room of the Academy.

Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t respond when he heard it. He used to write his name on the test paper as soon as he got the test paper when he took the Aquastar exam. Not kidding.

He remembered that there was a person in Shuilanxing High School who had forgotten to write his name when he was taking an exam for a course, and then all his grades were invalidated. Although the examination papers were found, there were so many people in an examination room after all. Putting together in an examination room, not all examination papers in the examination room are put together, so it is very simple to check, but this is the rule of the examination room, the results without names will be invalidated, and the results will be invalid regardless of whether they are checked or not.

Fortunately, Aquastar is an exam. But in the literary world, the situation is even more serious, because all the questions are tested together, and the test papers are put together. If the score is cancelled, it will be over. This time the test will fail, and it will wait until the next year. came.

But for exams, sometimes it depends on inspiration, and the questions are different every year. Who knows if next year's exams can get good results?

So filling in the name in this test paper is a very important thing.

"Huh! It finally came out, but those people's eyes are also terrifying~www.ltnovel.com~ It's almost eating me!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan came out of the academy, he quickly left the scope of the academy. He didn't want to be surrounded by people and look like a monkey, although only a few people in the nearby examination room knew that Zhu Yuanyuan wrote the king-level poems. But if these people spread it out, he would definitely be surrounded for questioning. He didn't want to deal with the people here, so he ran away quickly.

After leaving the academy, Zhu Yuanyuan returned to the restaurant room he had rented. He had rented this room for a month, so he could still live in it now.

After Zhu Yuanyuan left, as expected, several examinees near him were actually making great announcements.

"Do you know? The person who writes the king-level poems is right next to this young man's examination room. How do you envy?"

"Also next to me, I felt that literary atmosphere, the aura of aura surged, it must be a good poem, but unfortunately I can't see it yet."

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