"Shit... that's it!Ladies of Raydol!


Grannard smiles happily and kicks Célia's tummy down.Célia rolls down on the ground, moaning bitterly.

The fallen Celia has already lost consciousness and is completely disengaged from the tightly thrown limbs.

The same was true of Namilia, who fell a little farther away, and there seemed to be no resistance left.

"I can win... with this power, I can win!Leidor will never lose a damn empire!This is the kingdom of Zane... no, I can be the hero of the world!

From Grannard's head, it seemed to have disappeared that it was the power of the borrower or the result of a contract in exchange for the life of the nation.

Drunk by the excessive power he has acquired, he continues to laugh like crazy in the dark.

"Well... before we kill Raydol, we have to get rid of these too."

After a brief laugh, Grannard turned to the two women with a grin and a creepy smile.

They were the ones who broke into pieces and made me do it, but I've already decided to win or lose.All that remains is to cook.

You can wear it as declared, or you can chop off your neck and send it to Raidor.

What kind of face does Raidor grieve when he sees the remains of the women who lived with him?

With such evil in mind, Grannard points his spear at the tip of the fallen two.

Unleash a bullet of light to reap your life - a shadow stands in front of Grannard, the arrow of power.

"Please wait! Your Majesty!


The person who appeared in front of me was someone Grannard knew very well.

Rockwood Marcel, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Zain. He and Grannard's wife had a suspicious meeting earlier.

"Huh? It's a special victory to come all the way out here to give your life.He will be buried in a single blow, sparing his cleanliness. "

"... you don't mind killing me.But before you do, I want you to listen to me for a moment. "

"Hmm, are you talking?

Granard finally gave Rockwood a chance to lay flat on the ground.He has served himself for more than a decade.No matter how rebellious I was, I thought I should be merciful.

"It is premature to kill these girls here.Their lives have a use!

"How to use...? Say it."


Rockwood grips the soil with his head down and his hands tight.

If we fail to persuade the king here, Seelia and Namilia will, of course, end their lives.In the worst case scenario, the kingdom of Zain could be destroyed.I desperately endured my shoulders trembling from tension and fear.

(Still... you have to!It is the duty of the minister to speak up when the master is out of the way....!I couldn't stop you from falling so far.At the very least, I'll feed you to hell!

"The woman over there is the Empire Empress.If we kill her here, the Empire will not remain silent.They will destroy harmony and invade the kingdom again. "

"What's the matter?If the Empire has attacked, we can fight back.I have that power now. "

Granard says it's nothing.

How much damage will come from the resumption of the battle against the Empire... even though Grannard couldn't have known before, he is now completely drowned in power and unable to judge the success of things.

Once again, Rockwood chewed his lips as he showed off his master's frenzy.Still, I don't give up yet.

"... Your Majesty Granard is going to be fighting Lord Raydol now, isn't he?Wouldn't that disturb the empire?I know that the hostage daughter should be kept alive in order to devote herself to fighting His Highness. "

"I see... that makes sense."

Grannard seems to have been slightly intrigued and leans his neck as he strokes his chin.

Rockwood was relieved that he had as much reason to think as he could, and stroked his chest down.

"Indeed... until I executed Raydol, I was different from the Empire...But to keep the little girl who defied me alive.... "

"Well then, Your Majesty. How about this?Your daughters must be dear to His Highness Raydol.How about feeding them and summoning His Highness to King's Landing?


"And... when His Highness comes to King's Landing, I will drop these girls' heads right in front of you.If you fail to rescue the women you are supposed to protect, they will be taken from you... and your Highness will despair. "

"Ho! That's funny!

Grannard snips his fingers when he thinks it's a good idea.

He pasted a gloomy smile on his face and looked down at the women who fell.

"Well, it tortured me a lot.If you don't hurt Raydol, I won't!Killing is not a trick!

Grannard reaches up to Rockwood and commands high.

"Very well. Listening to your advice, I'll keep the girls alive for a while!Rockwood, summon Raydol to King's Landing immediately!


"As soon as Raidor reaches the gates of King's Landing, I will execute these women on the walls!I'm looking forward to your stupid brother's bitter face!


Swallow what you wanted to say, Rockwood bowed his head respectfully.

The solution seems to have succeeded.Now I can buy some time.Grannard will not kill Namilia and Seelia immediately.

(All I have to do... is leave it to His Highness Raydol)

If Granard continues to reign over the kingdom of Zayn, this country will undoubtedly be destroyed.

Even in exchange for your life, you must avoid it.

(Your Highness... I know it's too good for you.Still, we no longer have any choice but to trust you... in this country.And save His Majesty Granard....!

While rubbing his head against the ground, Rockwood kept praying to Raidor, who wasn't even here.

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