Raydor Holy Sword War Journal

128. Aberrant germination

It was the same time that Namilia and Seilia fell.

Raydol noticed something unusual in the town of Wolfine, where he was based.

"This... the engraving is gone!?"

Time is already around midnight.Raydol, who was already in bed, suddenly noticed the heat hitting his chest and jumped out.

The cause of the abnormality was visible.Once upon a time, the stamp of the covenant engraved against Granard vanished without trace.

"Is this... what happened to Namilia...?

The curse of the covenant was invented by the dark witch, Namilia, using the power of the Dark Slave curse.If anything happens to Namilia, of course the curse and the engraving of the covenant will disappear.

(It's unlikely that the court sorcerer lifted the curse... but it's too soon for a boulder.Did something happen in King's Landing?No, but....)

Leidor's maid, Namilia, had left it in King's Landing, but in the same Mansion was Seilia, the holder of the Holy Sword.

Even if it happened, I thought those two could handle it without a problem.

"Lord Raydol! Are you sure!?"

"Mm... Darren?"

The door of the room was knocked from the outside.What you hear through the door is the voice of nearby Dalen Garst.When Raydol gave permission to enter, Dalen and a soldier entered the room.

Dalen was asleep, too, wearing a jacket in her sleeping clothes.The soldiers appear to be guards, armed with armor in the middle of the night.

"What's wrong with you at night?"

"It's like... this soldier found something strange..."

"Well, Your Highness. This is it...."


The soldier offered me a crow.

She has dark black feathers and bright red eyes that melt in the dark.It was a bird with some creepy atmosphere.

"This suddenly flew up to the front of the Mansion.Crows aren't supposed to be able to fly at night... and this leg... "

There was some paper tied to the crow's leg.When a soldier tries to take it, the crow spreads its wings and goes wild.


The crow wings against Raydol's shoulders.Raidor stops with his hand as the soldiers rush over.

"No problem. This is Namilia's wizard."

As Raidor strokes the crow's mouth with his fingertips, the crow squeals softly and disappears to dissolve in the air.Only the folded paper that the crows had tied to their feet was left behind.

When you take a piece of paper and spread it out, you see a cluttered text that looks like an obfuscation.

"This... was written by Mertina?

I thought it was a letter from Namilia, but it came from Mertina Marcel.

Raydol reads a messy sentence... and as he sees it, he makes his face steep.

"... a military council."

"What about it?"

"Now we have a military conference!Get everybody together!

"Ah... I understand!

Dalen immediately lowered her head and ran out of the room.The soldiers accompanying him followed him in a hurry.


Raydol is alone in a room, scratching his chest, which was once engraved with a curse.

The document sent by Mertina described the anomaly in King's Landing.A pillar of light emitted from the royal castle.The anomaly that Namilia felt.And about the existence of the witch's apostle, the Magic Sword.

The information is fragmented and too awkward to tell the full story.

But... that was enough for Raidor.That's all I could be sure of.

"Aniki... King Granard Zain.You finally turned into a witch's messenger...!

It was a conjecture that there was no physical evidence or circumstantial evidence, but it was correct.

Was it your intuition as the holder of the Holy Sword?Or maybe the slightest remaining blood line, the siblings, made him understand it.

Raydol accurately predicted from the carnivorous information that Granard Zain had become an apostle of the witch and acquired the Magic Sword.

"You're a really stupid brother.He won't even listen to my brother's last wish. "

Raydol squeezes his fist and shivers his lips with anger and remorse.

In the not too distant future, Raydol intended to take the throne from his brother.Preparations for this were under way in this city east of King's Landing.

We're almost ready for that.The day will come when we will act.This is where the arrow ends.

It is clear that Granard has fallen to the point of falling and is no longer functioning normally as king.

Perhaps he no longer has a brother before he was chosen by the Holy Sword.Maybe she's not even sane.

"If I could, I wanted to beat you up before that and say," Crazy. "It's not good to run away from reality before they do.I really hate you, oniisan...!

Words crushed by loneliness disappeared into the void in the middle of the night.

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