"Come on, boy."

"Our barber shop"

"In addition to haircuts, they do everything, cheap."

The beautiful lady boss leaned against the door frame and waved with a smile.

Lin Yang took a look, shook his head, turned around and left.

The lady boss was still shouting behind him.

"Don't go"

"I'm not the only one in there"

""You see something else?"

Lin Yang quickened his pace.

It's not that he didn't want to go, but he couldn't afford it.

He only had 10.31 yuan left in his card.

It was hard to even eat a bowl of noodles.

Lin Yang sighed.

Who would have thought that after four years of hard work in college, it would be so hard to find a job.

The peers in the circle of friends either traveled around, or bought cars, bought houses, and got married. They drank 1982 Lafite, but he couldn't even afford Mixue Funeral City.

It seemed that the only poor person in the world... was Lin Yang.

Back to the shabby rental house and lying on the bed,

Lin Yang began to feel melancholy.

He would rather not have traveled through time.

The life of a social animal with a salary of 3,000 yuan in his previous life was better than now.

After a moment of melancholy,

Lin Yang took out his mobile phone and prepared to continue looking for a job.

Five minutes later, he clicked on the Douyin short video and watched beautiful women dancing.

It seemed that no matter who it was, the final destination of swiping the phone... was short videos.

He wanted to watch something else, but he clicked and clicked.

Finally, he entered Douyin.

Lin Yang couldn't help sighing

"Short videos are so popular now"

"Since I studied editing"

"Shall I edit the video too?"

"Too many monks, too little porridge"

"Can I make money if I cut my hair now?"

Lin Yang couldn't help but ponder.

He began to check what types were popular now.

"Subject three?"

Lin Yang frowned.

He showed the expression of an old man on the subway.……

"How the hell can this be so popular?"

"It really has to be unique."

The next few videos were movie commentaries.

But the format was rather outrageous.

Either shouting, or rap

, or even clapper talk.

Lin Yang almost vomited blood.

"This is too curly."

"I don’t know how to do that."

Lin Yang was getting more and more depressed.

However, when he scrolled down, a video popped up.

It caught his attention.

【Time and space error, your short video APP has been connected to the 616 universe】

【Edit specific videos and post them to get cash rewards】

【You can get 100 yuan for each play/like/comment. 】

What an outrageous video.

Even the universe serial number is figured out. Do you really think there is a parallel world?

It must be a scam.

Whoever believes it is a dog.

Lin Yang was about to cross over.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind.

He himself is a time traveler.

This shows that there is a parallel world.

Others can choose not to believe it.

But he has to believe it.

"Can you make money by editing specific videos?"

"How about giving it a try?"

"Even if it is a scam, it is only 10.31 yuan."

Lin Yang's balance.

The scammer would cry after seeing it.

Even if he was cheated, he would not feel bad.

If the content is true,

Lin Yang can even make money.

No matter how you look at it, it is not a loss.

He clicked the option below: Extract specific content

【Content: Marvel Movies]

This world also has Marvel and DC.

It's exactly the same as Blue Star.

Lin Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he got Marvel.

At least before Avengers 4.

There are many famous scenes to edit.

If it's DC... there are famous scenes, but not many.

A good IP, but often changes directors.

It's a mess.

Lin Yang did what he said.

Turn on the computer.

Download movies.

Start editing videos.

The first movie is naturally"Iron Man 1".

When Marvel was down and out.

Relying on this movie, it turned the tide.

Needless to say, the quality of the movie.

With Lin Yang's speed.

The editing was completed quickly.

Then it was released and released.

Lin Yang turned on his mobile phone.

He swiped it.

And liked and commented.

Then, a text message came to the bank card.

【Your bank card with the last number 1314 will receive 300.00 yuan.


Lin Yang almost jumped up.

He is not a liar, he is really rich!

The number of views, likes and comments are still calculated separately.

Lin Yang made a second comment.

No money was deposited.

Everyone can only contribute once.

Lin Yang was not discouraged.

Even if he edited a video a day and gave himself likes and comments, he would still earn 300 yuan a day.

In a month, it would be 9,000 yuan.

Rounding it off, it is equivalent to a monthly income of over 10,000 yuan.

And Lin Yang himself... only needs to move his fingers. He doesn't even need to use his brain.

"What kind of work is this!"

"It is impossible to work part-time"

"Keep working on it!"

Lin Yang returned to the computer.

He continued editing the video.

He kept putting it out.

As he was putting the video out, the Marvel world.

The main universe of serial number 616.

Several empty projection screens quietly emerged...

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