Marvel 616 Universe, 2008


Stark Industries.

Chairman's office.

Tony Stark wearing sunglasses.


With his feet on the table.

Looking at the screen in front of him.

With a puzzled look on his face.


"What is this?"

"Whose new high-tech research is this?"

As the most advanced AI,

Jarvis analyzed the data and performed a huge amount of calculations.

The results were not ideal.

"Sir, this looks like a projection."

"But unfortunately, I didn't find any projection equipment"

"The other party's technology"

"It should be far ahead of our world."

Tony Stark was in high spirits.

His Stark Industries had the most advanced technology of the time.

But in comparison, it was far ahead of this empty screen.

"How on earth did he do that?"

Tony looked puzzled.

At this moment, the office door opened. The only person who was qualified to come in without knocking was his secretary, Pepper Potts, also known as"Little Pepper".

Tony waved his hand and said jokingly:

"Don't knock on the door next time."

"I will fire you."

She has heard this hundreds of times.

Little Pepper doesn't take it to heart.

She was about to say something, but she saw the projection in front of her.

"Boss, did you see it too?"

Tony was stunned.

"you also have?"

"I thought I was the only one chosen"


Do n't be nervous, it's just some advanced technology that 's ahead of us.

"Hello, dear Colonel Rhodes"

"Tony, a light screen appeared in front of my eyes. Was it you who did this?"

"It has nothing to do with me. I am also investigating."

"Besides you, Stark Industries, who else has such technology?"

"Relax, Rod. This technology is far ahead of us."

At this moment,

Chinese characters appeared on the screen.

English translation is included below.

"616 famous scene in the universe?"

"Has anyone numbered the universe?"

"Does the multiverse really exist?"

Tony couldn't help but fall into deep thought.


Arctic Ocean.

Under the thick ice.

A curtain of light quietly emerged.

It awakened the sleeping people.

Captain America opened his eyes.

Endless coldness.

Deep into his bones

"Where am I?"

"Very cold……"

"What is this?"

Captain America looked at the screen warily.

He didn't know how long he had slept.

But before he fell asleep, the only technology that could make such a screen was movie technology.

Thinking of his best friend Howard Stark, the technology madman,

Captain America suddenly had a guess.

"Could this be the latest technology?"

"Has the technology outside developed to this extent?"

"The picture can be sent to me"

"Why didn't anyone come to save me?"

Captain America looked confused.

At this moment, words appeared on the screen.

【616 Universe famous scene]

Captain America is even more confused


SHIELD headquarters.

Nick Fury rubbed his eye to make sure he saw it right.

"Can someone explain this to me?"

"What is this?"

"Alien technology?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Soon, a figure came over.

She had a charming figure and was wearing a tight-fitting dress. Her golden wavy hair was draped over her shoulders.

She walked with a charming manner.

Black Widow, Natasha


"What is this light curtain?"

"Are these aliens you've been worried about?"

Nick Fury helplessly spread his hands.

He didn't know either.

Natasha looked at Hawkeye in the corner.

"Clinton, what do you think?

Hawkeye wiped his arrows.

"Look at the words above."

"616 universe, like a number"

"Could it be related to the multiverse?"

Nick Fury looked thoughtful.

He held a device in his hand.

It looked like a pager.

He thought for a long time but still didn't press the button.

The situation is unclear now.

It's better to wait and see.


Corvo University.

In the laboratory.

Dr. Banner took off his glasses and rubbed his sore eyes.

"616, is this our universe number?"

"Does the multiverse really exist?"

"How did this screen appear?"

As a technology fanatic,

Banner was very interested in the principle of the light screen.

After looking at it for a long time, he still couldn't figure it out.

"What a powerful method"

"What does famous scene mean?"

"Some interesting pictures?"

Banner put down his work and stared at the screen.



Inside the palace.

Thor, the god of thunder, holding his hammer.

His muscles tense.

Stay alert.


"Is this your doing again?"

"In front of your father, put away your little thoughts."

Loki, the god of trickery, stood aside with a blank look on his face.

"Brother, you misunderstood"

"This light curtain has nothing to do with me."

"Father, you should be able to see it."

On the throne,

Odin sat majestically.

His eyes were full of wisdom.

He looked at the light curtain with a solemn expression.

"Even I can't figure out the principle of the light curtain"

"This method is not cosmic technology."

"I'm afraid it's a being higher than God.

Thor was startled.

He raised his hammer.

"No matter what"

"Let me smash it with my hammer!"

Thor swung his hammer, but it passed through the light curtain.

He staggered and almost fell.

Loki covered his mouth and laughed:

"Just now"

"It can be called Thor's famous scene"

""Father, is 616 our universe?"

Odin narrowed his eyes. He knew very little about the multiverse. He had only heard of it but had never seen it with his own eyes. He even doubted whether it really existed.

"Now it seems that the multiverse really exists"

"This light curtain should come from the multiverse"

"Watch quietly."

"You're not curious"

"What is a famous scene?"


��The first six members of the alliance, at the same time, in different places, all saw the light curtain.

People related to it could also see the number 616.

It was undoubtedly the most conspicuous.

At this moment, the content on the light curtain changed.

【616 The Universe is Vast and There Are Many Talents】

【In the course of history, a large number of superheroes were born.】

【There is a wealthy playboy】

【There is a big green guy who is as angry as thunder】

【There are also popsicles that have been dormant for seventy years】


【Are you curious about how heroes are born?】

【What is the daily life of a hero like?】

【follow me】

【Let’s watch the heroes’ famous scenes together! 】

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