【Famous scene 2: First transformation】


Here it comes!

Banner widened his eyes excitedly.

The transformation of a hero must be magnificent!

Just like Tony Stark.

When he put on the iron armor, the mechanical arm was running.

The scene was full of technology.

It made countless men envious.

Banner thought to himself.

He is also a superhero.

The transformation must be magnificent!

He was very alert and stared at the screen intently.


【The injured Banner was taken to the hospital covered with a thin blanket.】

【The medical staff pushed him into the emergency room and prepared to rescue him.】

【Young nurse, lift the quilt】

【Seeing Banner without clothes】

【Nurse: Oh~*!】

【Nurse No. 2 comes over and says: He is a genius physicist, take a photo with him!】

【The two of them took pictures with their mobile phones.】


Banner looked dazed. His eyeballs almost popped out!

What the hell!

He never expected that he would die after entering the hospital.

After all, Banner is an expert in human science.

Medicine is inseparable from the human body.

These medical textbooks.

Banner is on the list of authors.

It is normal for them to recognize Banner.

But Banner wants to die now.

It’s okay to go to the hospital.

It’s okay to be recognized.

It’s okay to be recognized by a female nurse.

It’s okay to take a photo.

But before you take the photo.

Can you cover yourself with a quilt? Or after taking the photo, put a mosaic? Why post it directly to social circles? Banner’s heart rate soared by 200.

Unfortunately, it was useless.

He in front of the light curtain has not mutated yet.

He can’t transform into the Hulk.

Banner forced himself to calm down.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

His eyes brightened.

"The video shows the future"

"These things haven't happened yet."

"I can prevent it!"

Banner's eyes lit up.

But he soon thought of something.

His expression suddenly changed.

"I could see Tony before."

"So now, Tony,……"

"Can you see me too?"

"Six people on the list"

"Can everyone see this light curtain?" Banner's face turned ugly.

He dug a castle with his toes.

"I'm really impressed"

"Isn’t the famous scene a transformation?"

"What's the point of doing these useless things?"

"Change quickly!"

"Or, put some clothes on me first?"

Banner in front of the light curtain kept wailing.


【Doctor: Stop filming and put him in a hospital gown】

【Nurse: Doctor, is he okay?】

【Doctor: There is no danger to life, but the physical indicators are a little strange】

【Paper documents record various body data】

【Doctor: His body functions have been greatly enhanced!】

【The nurse was surprised】

【When I was dressing Banner, I touched his muscles and his face turned red instantly.】

【Nurse: His muscles are stronger than any fitness trainer I've ever seen.】

【Doctor: Well, his physical indicators are even stronger.】

【The nurses finally dressed Banner.】


"Thank God"

"Finally got dressed"

"What a kind doctor."

Banner breathed a sigh of relief.

He was finally not so socially desperate. He probably wouldn't be socially desperate again.

As long as his clothes were not torn, he would not be socially desperate. Would clothes be torn in the hospital?

Of course not!


【Banner slowly opened his eyes】

【A needle stood before his eyes, and Banner was frightened.】

【Heart rate: 160 beats/min】

【Nurse: Doctor, Dr. Banner is awake.】

【However, it was not the doctors who came, but the investigators.】

【Investigation Team: Dr. Banner, I have a few questions for you.】

【Banner is not in a clear mind and feels very irritable.】

【Investigation team: Dr. Banner, was the laboratory accident caused by you?】

【Banner: I think so, I can’t remember】

【Investigation team: It was you who insisted on conducting the experiment and ignored the warnings of others, which led to the accident.】

【Banner: I...I don't know】

【Investigation team: Don’t deny it, we have sufficient evidence】

【Heart rate: 180 beats/min】

【Heart rate reaches 180, and the heart's blood supply capacity decreases】

【The body's functions will decline accordingly.】

【Banner's physical function is improving】

【Investigation team: Dr. Banner, did you cause this accident on purpose?】

【Banner: I didn't, don't ask me.】

【Investigation team: Dr. Banner, please don’t avoid the questions and answer us!】

【The investigation team's tone was very harsh, even tending to force a confession.】

【Heart rate: 191 beats/min】

【Banner began to get agitated and growled.】

【The members of the investigation team looked at each other and sneered in their hearts.】

【Investigation team: Dr. Banner, if you don’t answer, we will take compulsory measures!】

【Heart rate: 200 beats/min】

【Heart rate critical point arrives】

【Banner's blood began to boil】

【Muscles begin to swell】

【Green light flashes in the black pupils】

【The investigation team's faces suddenly changed, as if they saw a monster.】

【Several investigators retreated】

【Banner's skin swelled and his muscles grew wildly.】

【The skin begins to turn green, and the bones and muscles grow rapidly.】

【The consequence of the rapid growth of the body is……】

【The clothes were ripped apart, exposing the naked body.】


Corvo Laboratory

"I can die now."

Banner's eyes were lifeless.

His toes dug out a Pacific Ocean.

What the hell was this!

The long-awaited transformation process was actually a little... disgusting!

It was like a person gradually turning into a wild boar.

The process was barbaric and violent.

There was no visual appeal at all!

Especially the green color of the body.

It looked like a layer of paint.

The more Banner looked, the more disgusted he became.

The worst thing was... this was what he would look like in the future.

And it was him, as a superhero!

You call this a superhero? Is this what a superhero looks like?

No clothes?

Even underwear... huh?

How come after the body swelled, there was still a huge pair of underwear?


【Banner's first transformation completed】

【The appearance of the green big guy shocked the entire emergency room】

【Countless people screamed madly】

【The scene was in chaos and there was no order.】

【The investigation team has already disappeared.】

【The Hulk looked around and felt a strong sense of anger.】

【It starts smashing everything.】

【All facilities in the emergency room were not spared.】

【The wall was smashed and collapsed】

【A huge hole was smashed in the floor!】

【Everyone escaped from the hospital and looked back.……】

【The hospital collapsed and became a ruin】

【The grumpy green hunk jumped out of the ruins】

【Standing under the night sky, roaring at the sky. 】

The Hulk's first transformation ends here.

The editor chose the most interesting version.

The scene where the nurse takes pictures.

It is definitely a famous scene.

Well deserved!

However, the Hulk's first transformation.

And the consequences it brought... made the first generation heroes.

All feel a little flustered.

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