Asgard belongs to the realm of gods.

Thor grew up here and is not familiar with Earth culture.

He has no idea what"Doctor" is.

Neither does Loki.

Odin is well-informed.

Of course he knows.

"Doctor is a degree on Earth."

Sol was stunned.

"Acupuncture points?"

Odin didn't explain.

Cultural differences lead to cognitive differences.

Odin began to think.

Maybe he should send Thor to Earth to practice.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America saw"seven doctoral degrees".

He was extremely surprised.

In his era.

Those who could become doctors were all super geniuses! Their status was a million times higher than that of soldiers like them! And this Dr. Banner. He actually had seven doctoral degrees! What kind of genius is he? Captain America was shocked. If you want to be a hero, you don't have to be a soldier. You don't have to be injected with serum. You can also become a hero by studying hard. It's a pity that Captain America can't go back to his student days. He felt very sorry.


Stark Tower

"Dr. Banner?"

"I've heard of him."

"It seems that they are working on the super soldier project."

Tony's face was not very good.

He didn't like super soldiers.

In Tony's opinion, transforming super soldiers was against the natural process of the human body.

It would not work.

Captain America was an accident.

Throughout history, apart from Captain America, which other super soldiers have left their names?

Tony thought about it.

Dr. Banner could be rated as a hero.

It means that the transformation was very successful.

It seems that this Dr. Banner has something.

Tony was very alert and watched carefully.


【The birth of a hero is full of hardships.】

【Hulk is even more so】

【Kind tips】

【Before watching the famous Hulk scene】

【Please drive away everyone under the age of 18】


Corvo Labs.

Banner: ???

Drive away minors?

In his famous scenes.

Are there scenes that are not suitable for children?

Why do I feel... it doesn't sound good?

Banner's heart is inexplicably uneasy.

His heart rate starts to speed up.


Stark Industries.

Tony's eyes widened.

He focused.

His expression was full of curiosity.


"I like seeing this kind of tips."

"Pepper, come here, let's watch it together."

Pepper was speechless.

It was true that wolves go to the edge of the sky to eat meat and dogs go to the edge of the sky to eat shit.

Tony still couldn't change his nature as a playboy.

Pepper's face was slightly red.

She was also a little nervous.

What kind of pictures were forbidden for minors to watch?

What if the pictures were too exciting... Would it be embarrassing to be in the same room with the boss ?


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America looked confused.

"No viewing for those under 18?"

"What kind of picture is it?"

"Howard's son did not show this kind of hint in the scene with the female reporter."

"As a doctor, you wouldn't do anything too outrageous, right?"



Nick Fury rubbed his eyes.

Adjusted to a better angle.

Convenient to watch the light screen.

No man can resist the temptation of 18+.

Black Widow's beautiful eyes widened. She also wanted to see what this Dr. Banner... did. Hawkeye said calmly:

"Calm down, you two."

"Some of these videos are"

"You can find it by searching on the Internet."

Nick Fury said:

"That's different"

"The ones you searched for don't have this excitement."

"After all, the next protagonist"

"The future is anxious for us.

Hawkeye was stunned.

This made sense.

Watching a movie with professional actors, the excitement level is 10.

But if it's a female classmate you know well... then the excitement level is 100.

Hawkeye stopped cleaning the arrows and stared at the screen intently.

His eyesight was so strong that it was like having a telescope. He could see every detail of the picture clearly.



Thor is confused


"What kind of picture"

"Should people under 18 years old be allowed to avoid it?"

Odin was silent.

He didn't know.

Although he understood Earth's culture, he didn't know many details.

But think about it.

Children under 18 years old are not mentally mature.

The next scene may be violent and pornographic.

In short, anything is possible.

Fortunately, there are no minors around.

"Want to know what the picture is? It's very simple"

"We are already eighteen years old"

"Just watch carefully and you will know.

Thor and Loki nodded.

Their eyes were fixed on the screen.

Information flashed on the screen.


【Famous scene 1: The birth of Hulk】

【Inside Corvo's laboratory, researchers are conducting research.】

【Dr. Banner is recording the data carefully.】

【Suddenly, the instrument alarm sounded and panic broke out in the laboratory.】

【All personnel, evacuate immediately and leave the laboratory】

【Only Dr. Banner was unwilling to evacuate】

【Banner: The experiment is at a critical moment, I will not evacuate!】


"This is my personality."

Dr. Banner nodded with satisfaction.

Geniuses are stubborn.

He is no exception.

The experiment can fail.

It can even explode.

But the data must be recorded.

Even if he dies here.


【Assistant: Dr. Banner, the instrument is about to explode and the radiation produced will kill you.】

【Banner: Even if we run away, the radiation will still kill us】

【Assistant: That's better than staying here!】

【Banner: Okay, you go first, I'll be there soon.】

【The assistant breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and quickly evacuated the scene.】




Absolutely impossible!

How could I agree to evacuate?

The experimental data has not been recorded yet.

Absolutely cannot evacuate!

Banner in front of the light curtain stamped his feet anxiously.

His heart rate soared.


【After watching the assistant leave】

【Banner locked the laboratory door】

【With a determined look, he walked towards the test bench without hesitation.】

【Continue the mission and record the data!】


"That's right!"

"I said, how can I evacuate?"

"This is the real me!"

Banner laughed. He was very satisfied with his performance.


【Banner: It's all my fault. I insisted on conducting the experiment and caused the disaster.】

【The experiment went wrong because of Dr. Banner's stubbornness.】

【He insisted on modifying the test data.】

【Refusing to listen to others】

【Firmly believe that you are right】

【The result was this disaster】

【Reality gave him a loud slap in the face.】

【Banner's look】

【Full of regret. 】

The video content is all from movies.

It's just that the movie of the Hulk is a bit messy.

The editor used a mixed editing method.

He even searched for a lot of behind-the-scenes footage.

There are also some clips from anime and comics.

From all the clues, the crisis in the laboratory was caused by Banner's stubbornness.

The occurrence of this disaster is inseparable from him.


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner sat at the laboratory table in a depressed state.

He covered his face with his hands.

"I actually……"

"What caused such a serious crisis?"

"Damn it!"

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