Obi looked confused.

He had always been secretive about what he did.

How could he be discovered?

Tony continued:

"You want to take advantage of my business trip"

"Hire terrorists to catch me"

"Then take the opportunity to grab the shares, right?"

Obi's eyes widened.

His face was full of disbelief.

This plan was only thought of yesterday.

I haven't told anyone.

How did Tony know?

Seeing Obi's performance,

Tony shook his head in disappointment.

"Mr. Coulson, thank you for taking him away."

"Joining S.H.I.E.L.D."

"I'll think about it."

Coulson didn't say much.

He turned and left, returning to S.H.I.E.L.D. to report. After they left,

Pepper couldn't help but ask:

"Tony, do you really want to join S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"Do you know S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"Why don't you ask a few more questions?"

Tony smiled and shook his head.

Obviously he had never heard of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Although I don't know S.H.I.E.L.D."

"However, this light curtain understands"

"Coulson's recruitment of me means they know my future"

"Someone in S.H.I.E.L.D. must have seen the light curtain."

"Being able to see the light curtain means it is related to superheroes"

"The light curtain will definitely show detailed information about SHIELD."

Pepper looked enlightened.

She didn't expect Tony to have thought so much about it.

The light curtain won't lie.

It can see the truest side of SHIELD.

Using the light curtain to understand the future is much easier!


In the Arctic Ocean, under the ice.

Captain America looked satisfied.

When he saw Tony was determined to die with Obi, he thought of the scene where he used his body to cover the grenade.

They were both selfless.

They would rather sacrifice themselves for others.

Tony has such a character.

It shows that he is a qualified superhero.

"Howard, you gave birth to a great son."


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner nodded calmly.

"very good"

"This spirit of self-sacrifice"

"Very worthy of my admiration!"



Black Widow is speechless

"I admit I was wrong."

"This Tony has a good character."

"Maybe we can cooperate.

Nick Fury smiled with satisfaction.

Hawkeye wiped the arrow and nodded slightly.



Thor holds his hammer.

Nodding in agreement.

"Father, you are right."

"Don't underestimate anyone's hero"

"This Stark is worthy of admiration."

Loki also echoed:

"Father's foresight"

"The vision is much longer than ours"

"Brother, we should learn from our father."

Faced with the two flattering,

Odin's eyes were calm. He didn't bother to pay attention.

His eyes were a little deep.

Odin has lived for too many years and seen too many things.

When a sudden hero breaks the peace of life... there will be heroes one after another, and even cause a huge disaster.

With the body of a god, Odin vaguely felt that there would be a catastrophe in the future.

However, with his ability, he couldn't see what the catastrophe was.

And by that time... he seemed to be gone.

Even if he realized this,

Odin's expression didn't change much.

He stared at the light curtain, hoping that the heroes on the list could become the backbone.


Stark Tower.

Pepper's emotions calmed down.

Her eyes were still red.

She looked at Tony.

"In the future, don't do things beyond your ability."

Tony patted his chest and promised

"Do not worry"

"I promise you that"

"I must keep a low profile in the future."

At this moment, the screen image changed.

【Famous scene 8: Identity exposed!】

【The press conference was held, and after Rod's speech】

【Rhodes: Next, Tony Stark!】

【Injured Tony walks onto the podium】

【Sitting below is a female reporter who has fought before】

【Facing sharp questions, Tony responded calmly】

【Rhodes whispered: Read according to the script】

【At Rod's reminder, Tony took out the manuscript and prepared to read the words on it.】

【Tony: The truth is……】

【After a brief contemplation】

【Tony: Iamironman!】

【All the reporters cheered!】


Stark Industries.

Tony dug his toes into the ground in embarrassment.

He had just promised to keep a low profile in the future.

But the screen slapped him in the face.

In the future, he actually admitted in front of the camera and all the reporters that he was Iron Man!

Tony himself was stunned.

What the hell is this called keeping a low profile?

It's just short of writing the words"Iron Man" on his face!

Tony forced a smile in embarrassment.

"Little Pepper, listen to my explanation.

Little Pepper glared at her

"I know you won't be humble."

"This is the real you"

"Be yourself."

Tony was silent, deeply moved. He was very relieved to have such a woman who understood him. Rhodes' voice came over the phone.

"I'm glad you two sprinkled some dog food"

"But, Tony, you really need to change your character"

"Still need to be more stable"

"Learn from me and be serious and conscientious in doing things."

Tony retorted:

"Oh? For example, on a plane, watching a B1 bomber?"

Rod stopped talking immediately.

The screen changed

【"The birth process of Iron Man ends with many famous scenes】

【The beginning of heroic history, magnificent and grand】

【Too many famous scenes, too many to count】

【In the order of the first stage】

【Next, we will witness the birth of the second hero: The Incredible Hulk!】

【Hulk: Dr. Banner】

【His real identity is a genius physicist in the Corvo University Laboratory.】

【Graduated from California Institute of Technology, holds seven Ph.D.】

【A well-deserved genius in physics!】


Here they come!

In Corvo's laboratory,

Dr. Banner was extremely excited.

He was usually calm, but now he was very nervous.

When he learned that he was a superhero, he was actually quite calm, because he did not have a deep understanding of superheroes.

However, after witnessing Tony Stark,

Banner's thoughts changed dramatically.

The armor that could fly freely in the sky was simply every man's dream.

Banner could not help but envy him.

He could not help but think that he was also studying physics, although he focused on human science.

But would he... also develop a super armor and then become a hero?

The light screen described him as the Hulk.

A green giant.

Could it be that his armor was very large?

And it was green?

That must be very domineering!

Banner could not wait.

He wanted to see his famous scene as soon as possible.



Nick Fury looked shocked

"Seven PhDs?"

"A genius among geniuses"

"Even if you don't have super powers, you can still join us."

Black Widow said calmly:

"Even if you want to recruit people, they may not come."

"But I'm interested in this guy."

"How about I go and recruit him myself?"

After hearing the request from Black Widow,

Nick Fury thought about it and finally agreed.

"But don't rush to leave."

"First look at his abilities and do a background check"

"Find out the situation clearly before you set off."

The widow nodded.



Thor scratched his head



"What is it?"


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