Arctic Ocean.

Seeing Iron Man win his first battle. Captain

America looks much better.

As a businessman, Tony is able to stand up for those who have suffered from war.

His character is absolutely good.

"There is still an advantage."

Captain America smiled.


"When will someone come to rescue me?"


Corvo Laboratory.

Dr. Banner pondered for a moment.

Tony's actions were beyond his expectations.

"It seems that this merchant of death still has a conscience"

"I just don't know, this conscience……"

"How long can it last"



Thor's hair stood up.

He seemed a little excited.

He looked eager to try.

Loki said:

"Does this count as a victory in the first battle?"

"Brother, if you go to Earth"

"It must be better than what he did."

Sol laughed.

"Of course, I am God."

"I am Thor, son of Odin"

"Tens of millions of times stronger than a human being."

Loki took the opportunity to say:

"Brother, let's go to Earth."

Thor looked at Odin.

Odin's face was calm.

His eyes were a little warning.

Thor silently shrank his neck.

Loki quickly lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Odin.

Odin said calmly:

"Human heroes are different from God's heroes"

"You shouldn't underestimate humans."

"We should not underestimate those whom they regard as heroes."

"Saul, if you keep saying this,"

"I'm going to take your hammer back."

Thor shut up immediately.

The hammer was his life.

If he lost it, it would be more painful than killing him.

However, Thor was thinking.

Since he was also on the list of heroes

, maybe he would meet Tony Stark sooner or later.

When the time comes, the two of them will fight.

There will always be a white hanger.


Iron Man's first battle was not very spectacular, but it was definitely shocking enough.

People could intuitively feel the real strength of the armor!

It could withstand the shells without any damage to the people inside.

It could even kill the target.

Such weapons were far ahead of the modern technology of Blue Star. Everyone who saw the light screen was shocked.

Rhodes even took a car to Stark Tower. At the same time, the picture changed again.

【Famous scene 7: Duel between steel armors!】


Tony was stunned.

A duel between two iron armors?

Did someone else have an armor?

Or... who stole his armor?

Tony was confused. If the armor he had worked so hard to develop was stolen, he would definitely want to kill someone!

Pepper was thoughtful.

"Maybe, it was not stolen, but picked up."

"When you escaped from the desert"

"The first generation of armor fragments remained in the desert."

Tony's face froze.

Then he patted his forehead.

He could guess what the future was thinking. He must have thought that the armor fragments would be buried in the sand and would never be discovered.

So they were not recovered...

Tony secretly felt lucky.

Fortunately, there was this light curtain.

He peeked into the future in advance.

As long as he avoided it in advance... the future crisis would not happen.

"This light curtain is really good stuff."

"If the technology is lost in the future"

"Must be recycled in time!"

"Now comes the problem"

"Who picked up the fragments of the first generation of armor?"


Inside the light screen

【Under the night sky, red and yellow armor flies】

【Jarvis: 48% of energy remaining, and decreasing.】

【Tony: I understand. Please help me contact Pepper.】

【Call connection】

【The slender figure of Little Pepper walked out of the building, looking anxious.】

【Pepper Potts: Tony, are you okay? Obi is crazy, he also made a suit of armor】

【Tony: Get away and run for your life, the farther the better!】

【The ground bulged, and a huge battle armor emerged from the ground, plotting something bad.】

【Pepper's life is in danger】

【Tony's armor fell from the sky, and the two sets of armor collided and rolled far away.】

【Obi's armor has an advantage in size】

【Tony's armor is not powerful enough and he is always at a disadvantage.】

【The hero seems to be dying.】


Inside Stark Tower,

Tony sat on a chair, turning a pen in his hand.

Under the seemingly calm appearance, he was in a very gloomy mood.

He was very angry now.

A name was called out from the screen.


Another director of Stark Industries.

He was also Howard's good friend.

Before Tony was 21 years old and took over the company,

Obi had been in charge of the company's business.

He thought his father's friend was trustworthy.

Unexpectedly, he stabbed him in the back.

"Pepper, please work hard."

"Contact the Police"

"Take Obi under control"

"There must be evidence of guilt in his office."

Pepper immediately made a phone call.

But her face was full of worry.

Tony comforted her:

"Are you worried about my future self?"

"Don't worry, if it were me……"

"Next I will challenge the flight record again."

Little Pepper was stunned.

【The huge first-generation armor is chasing Tony】

【Jarvis: Remaining Energy 7%】

【Tony didn't care at all and flew vertically upwards】

【Obi's armor, followed closely behind】

【Soon, the huge armor grabbed Tony】

【Obi: Tony, my armor is much more advanced than yours, you can't catch up with me!】

【Tony: Really? How did you solve the icing problem?】

【Obie: What's the icing problem?】

【A layer of frost quickly condensed on the huge surface of the armor】

【The lights of the first generation of armor went out and lost power】

【Tony raised his hand and tapped the first generation's head, making a crisp sound.】

【The huge armor began to fall.

Tony Stark is very smart.

He will remember the losses he suffered.

Just like the icing incident.

The Mark 3 uses more advanced materials.

It can prevent icing at high altitudes.

This improvement... plays an important role at this moment.

It directly interrupted Obi's pursuit.

【Tony runs out of energy and starts falling】

【On the rooftop of Stark Tower, fight Obie】

【However, Obi's armor is indeed powerful.】

【Tony is always at a disadvantage】

【Finally, she had no choice but to let Chili detonate the nuclear reactor in the building.】

【He wanted to die with Obi, but survived by accident.】

【I accidentally saved a life】

【Obi died in the electromagnetic shock】

【The battle between steel armor】

【Officially over!】


Inside Stark Tower.

Pepper let out a sigh of relief

"Very good"

"You really beat Obi."

"Successfully survived."

Tony looked at Pepper affectionately.

"Finally, you played an important role"

"Behind every successful man, there is a woman"

"The woman behind me must be you."

Little Pepper didn't answer.

But she was very happy.

At the same time, a figure entered the office.

Coulson brought a few people.

They took Obi.

At this time, Obi was confused.

He was watching the computer and drinking coffee as usual.

From time to time, he secretly sold some weapons.

But unexpectedly, someone rushed in and arrested him directly.

"Tony, what are you doing?"

"I'm your father's friend."

"You're doing this to me?"

Tony ignored him.

He looked at Coulson.

"You look familiar"

"I seem to have seen you in the light curtain."

Coulson said:"Let me introduce myself. My name is Coulson, from S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Mr. Stark"

"I sincerely hope that you can join us.

Tony ignored Coulson.

He looked at Obi.

"Obi, how many weapons did you sell to the company without telling me?"


"How did you know?!"

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