【Famous scene 2: Inexplicable self-confidence】

【Earth, Restaurant】

【Saul and Jane, eating together】

【Someone entered the restaurant and claimed that a meteorite had fallen 50 kilometers to the west.】

【Thor determined that it was Thor's hammer】

【He immediately stood up and walked out of the restaurant】

【Jane chased out: Where are you going?】

【Sol: 50 km west】

【Jane: There's martial law over there. You'll be arrested if you go there.】

【Thor smiled confidently, his eyes full of arrogance】

【Thor: Don't worry, I will prove it to you.】

【Jane: Prove what?】

【Thor: You'll understand when I get the stuff.】

【Thor took a confident stride forward.】



Thor plays with Mjolnir.

Looks puzzled.

"How inexplicable is this?"

"The hammer is mine, I'll take it back"

"Isn't this normal?"

Loki's eyes flashed with jealousy.

He also wanted Thor's hammer.

Unfortunately, his father Odin seemed to always favor his brother.

Loki had to keep many of his thoughts to himself.

"Brother, you take back the hammer, it's only natural"

"It can't be considered inexplicable"

"The creator of the video has a problem with his brain."

Saul agrees


"You finally said something right."

The scene changes.

【Temporary factories built in the suburbs】

【Thor rushed in and saw Thor's hammer.】

【At this moment, Sol, who is in a foreign country,】

【Finally, there is a hint of warmth in my heart】

【Sol smiled like an auntie】

【Confident and vigorous eyes】

【Reaching out his hand towards the hammer】

【Outside the tent, somewhere on a commanding height】

【Hawkeye draws his bow and looks for an opportunity to shoot】

【Coulson's orders came from the headset】

【Coulson: Don't do anything yet. I want to see what he is going to do.】

【Hawkeye remains silent】

【Thor held the hammer and prepared to lift it】

【The hammer was motionless, as if firmly stuck to the ground.】

【Saul: ?】

【The confidence in my eyes gradually disappears】

【Thor held the hammer with both hands, using all his strength.】

【The hammer didn't move.】


【There is no more confidence in my eyes】

【Thor discovered that he had lost his powers.】

【Towards the rainy night, I roared in impotent fury】



Thor was petrified on the spot.

His eyes were as big as a cow.

He looked at the light curtain, then at the hammer in his hand.

"How come I can't lift a hammer?"

"Where is my divine power?"

""Father, did you take my power away?" Odin's eyes were calm on the throne. He guessed that his future self had cast a spell on the hammer. There must be some restrictions. Only those who meet the conditions can lift it. Thor, who was demoted to Earth, was not qualified at all.

"My child, don't be nervous."

"It's yours, it will be yours."

"Be yourself."

Sol at this moment was harder to press than a pig during the Chinese New Year.

In the future, if he lost the hammer, it would be like the West losing Jerusalem. He simply couldn't survive!

Sol was about to collapse.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that... what was said in the video was true.

His self-confidence was really inexplicable. He rushed in with full confidence.

In the end, he couldn't lift the hammer.

He originally planned to prove himself to Jane.

In the end, he was severely slapped in the face.

Sol couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"This confidence"

"It's really inexplicable"



Hawkeye couldn't sit still.

He looked at Black Widow.

With a bit of boasting on his face

"See, Natasha?"

"I showed up before you"

"And he looks so handsome on stage!"

Black Widow rolled her eyes at him.

She stroked her golden wavy hair.

"The sooner you enter, the sooner you leave"

"And the protagonist of this scene is the God of Hammer"

"It's not you"

"My debut must be independent"

"I will never be someone else's foil like you."

Hawkeye was speechless.

It was just a scene in the video.

He was indeed a foil.

The previous Iron Man, Hulk... although they died socially when they appeared, at least they were independent.

If this was a movie, they would be the protagonist.

He was just a supporting role.

Hawkeye was hit hard.

The only consolation was that

Thor, as the protagonist, died socially.

Hawkeye himself was still handsome.


Arctic Ocean.

Under the ice.

Captain America looked at the hammer in the picture.

His eyes moved slightly.

I don't know why.

Seeing the hammer, he felt a little excited.

As if he sensed something.

"It must be an illusion."

"I've never seen that hammer."

"How can there be any induction?"


Stark Industries

"Chili pepper, did you see that?"

"A man just appeared, Coulson"

"The one who just came."

Pepper nodded.

She and Tony had just met Coulson.

It was impossible for them to forget.

"These special events"

"It seems that he handles everything."

Chili said.

Tony nodded.

"Think deeply about this."

"Behind Coulson, there is a S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Now someone from S.H.I.E.L.D. has contacted me."

"Also contacted Saul"

"If we meet in the future, it must be related to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Pepper looked surprised.

She had never thought of this.

"Oh, by the way, there was a guy shooting arrows in the picture just now."

"Could he be a superhero too? Tony thought about it and shook his head.

"probably not"

"Just an archer."

"Can you be a superhero?"

"By the way, Thor's hammer is made of good material."

"I don't know if it's better than my armor."

"Who is tougher?"


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner looks disdainful.

"That's it?"

"Is this what you deserve to be called a god?"

"Very weak���"

""I can't even lift a hammer."

Banner's confidence increased.

Thinking of the big green guy.

The brute muscle strength.

Then think of Thor who couldn't lift the hammer...

Banner's confidence was booming.

Confidence would not disappear, it would only be transferred to others.

Banner hoped very much that Hulk would pick up the hammer.

This way he could prove to everyone that Hulk... was stronger than God!

The previous social death scene could be completely ignored!

Unfortunately, it was just a thought.

"If we meet one day"

"Hulk must pick up the hammer"

"Laugh at the so-called gods"


Thor's first trip to Earth was obviously not smooth.

Not being able to lift the hammer was only one aspect.

The most embarrassing thing was actually being deceived by Loki.

This was also the starting point for Loki to reveal his ambition.

This led to the third famous scene.

【Famous scene 3: Thor is a simple and honest man.

Thor: ???

Simple and honest?

This doesn't sound like a good thing.

Thor couldn't help but get nervous.

Loki tried to hold back his laughter.

He liked to see his brother get embarrassed.

But before he could laugh at him, the scene changed again.

【In a closed cell】

【Saul sitting on the ground】

【Here comes Loki, the god of trickery!】

【Loki: Brother, you can't go back, father is dead】



Loki: ???

Thor: ???

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