【Loki: Brother, my father is dead, you can't go back. 】

According to the rules of Asgard, when the previous king dies, the successor must carry out the unfinished orders of the previous generation.

Before Odin"died", he ordered Thor to be expelled.

This order must continue.

【Loki: Now I am the king of Asgard and must obey the orders of the previous generation.】

【Thor's eyes were red and his expression was full of sorrow.】

【He worships Odin and hates Odin】

【But after all, that's my father.】

【Odin's death caused Thor to collapse】



Loki was sweating profusely.

He knelt on the ground and looked at Odin on the throne.

"Father, I don't know what's going on."

"The one in the light is definitely not me"

"I have never done such a thing!"

Loki was panicking now.

Because the content of the video proved one thing: he was suspected of usurping the throne!

Odin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Don't be nervous, kid."

"This is the future"

""I, in the future, should really fall."

Odin's face was calm.

He was a god, and he had seen the changes of the world.

He had seen death a long time ago.

Loki thought carefully.

That's right!

The picture shows the future.

Things haven't happened yet.

Besides, in the future, Thor will be exiled.

Odin will die.

Of course, the throne will be mine!

What is there to feel guilty about?

After thinking this through,

Loki straightened up and regained his confidence.


Corvo Labs.

Dr. Banner looked at Loki.

He narrowed his eyes.

I don't know why.

When he saw Loki's face, he wanted to beat him up.

And beat him hard.

"No, that's too brutal."

"I have to control myself"


Light curtain screen switching

【In a small town restaurant, Thor's friend found him across the universe】

【Saul: I can't go back.】

【The friends' faces changed, thinking that Thor was angry with Odin.】

【They gave advice】

【Thor shook his head: I won't go back. My father died because of me. How can I have the face to go back?】

【Friends were stunned】

【Sif: Thor, what are you talking about? Your father is not dead!】

【Saul: ???】

【Thor's expression gradually became serious.】

【He realized that he had been deceived.】

【Deceived by his younger brother Loki! 】

At the same time, everyone in front of the light curtain realized this!


Thor and Odin's eyes fell on Loki.

Loki was panicking.

He was the god of trickery. He could tell at a glance that his future self... wanted to usurp the throne! He didn't hesitate to lie and deceive his own brother for this. Something must have happened to Odin in the future.

As for what it was, there was no way to know.

But now one has to suspect that

Odin's accident was related to Loki.


Loki knelt directly on the ground.

"Father, brother"

"I don't have any intention of rebelling."

"The throne will always belong to my father, and the future belongs to you, my brother."

"I have never coveted it!"

Loki looked flustered.

The one who usurped the throne was his future self.

What does it have to do with his present self?

Although he occasionally had such thoughts... but Loki had always concealed it well.

Who would have thought that he would be exposed by the light curtain!

This damn light curtain!

I will kill you in the name of God!

Thor walked up to Loki.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Kill me?"

"Or should I kill my father?" Loki shook his head repeatedly.

"I don't have such an idea"

"I am loyal to my father and to you."

""Father, you must have seen it!" Odin looked at Loki with deep eyes.

"Saul, don't be impulsive."

"Even if Loki makes a mistake in the future"

"It's because we didn't teach him well.

Thor didn't care about it anymore.

But the warning in his eyes was full of meaning.

Loki was relieved.

He quickly swore and promised:

"Father, brother"

"I promise you"

"Things in the video"

"I will never do it!"

Odin said nothing.

Thor also calmed down.

"I'm sure you won't dare do it again."

"I'll keep an eye on you from now on"

"To prevent you from making mistakes again."

Loki nodded repeatedly



Nick Fury. Write down a name.


"I think Loki is a potential threat."

"His feud with Thor could bring trouble to Earth"

"Remember this person and be on guard at all times."

I have to say.

Nick Fury is indeed far-sighted.

The future Loki will indeed bring a lot of trouble to the earth.

And this trouble... will come soon!

The screen switches

【Famous scene 4: Thor is confident again】



Thor's face darkened again.

This title was not friendly at first glance.

He forced a smile

"Father, why don't we just stop watching it?"

"Video content"

"He has been trying to sow discord among our family members."

"Loki, you're right, right?

Thor thought Loki would support him.

After all, the video exposed Loki's ambition.

But he didn't expect that

Loki would actually laugh.

"Brother, just keep watching."


He looked at Odin on the throne again.

Odin said calmly:

"Keep watching"

"Maybe this confidence is brought by your divine power returning."

"You picked up the hammer again."

Thor heard it.

It made sense!

He quickly widened his eyes and stared at the screen.


【On the streets of the town, Thor is wearing a cloak, like a god】

【Thor's hammer in hand】

【He really regained his divine power!】

【Become the real God of Thunder!】



Thor cheered loudly.

"Yeah! Oh yeah!"

"I regained my power"

"Picked up the hammer again!"

Thor smiled from ear to ear.

It turned out that this time his confidence was positive!

Seeing this scene, Loki felt sour.

He thought he could see Thor's social death again.

Unexpectedly, he saw his wise and brave appearance.

What a loss.

This wave of loss is a big loss!

Loki was very angry.

Odin on the throne smiled with relief.

The future Thor has really grown up. The eyes, movements, and expressions in the video are very mature. Seeing his son really grow up, Odin was happy from the bottom of his heart. At this time, the screen

【Saul came to Jane like a god.】

【It feels so good to have such an attitude in front of a beauty!】

【Thor: Do you want to see the legendary Rainbow Bridge?】

【Thor's eyes are full of confidence】

【He wants everyone to know that the Rainbow Bridge really exists!】

【Jane nodded repeatedly: I want to】

【Thor picked up Jane, swung his hammer and flew up to the open space in the suburbs.】

【Land steadily and walk to the center of the teleportation array】

【Thor looked up to the sky: Heimdall, activate the teleportation array!】

【The scene is extremely quiet, nothing happens】

【It seems like a few crows are flying over my head.】

【The scene was a little awkward】

【Thor forced a smile and called out again】

【The scene is still quiet】

【Jane: Where is the bridge?】

【Thor scratched his head in embarrassment】



Thor looked depressed...

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