【Famous scene 2: The indestructible cockroach, I can fight you all day long! 】

Captain America’s best quality is never giving in.

No matter how strong the enemy is, he will never give up. He gets knocked down again and again, and stands up again and again.

This is his greatest personality charm!

So, after seeing this title,

Captain America smiled with relief

"This scene must be very grand."

"I wonder which battle it will be."

"The train? Or the one on the plane."

Whether it was a battle or not,

Captain America's performance was very handsome and impeccable.

So he was very confident.


Hospital ward.

Carter looked at the screen.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

"I can spend the whole day"

"I didn't expect that after so many years"

"I can still see these words again."

Captain America's voice seemed to echo in his ears.

Carter's mood gradually calmed down.

"I'm very lucky"

"Be able to at this time"

"See his highlight moments"


Hydra base.

A masked man stroked his metal arm.

His eyes were cold and murderous.

Suddenly, a light screen appeared in front of him.

The Winter Soldier's face froze.

His eyes were extremely alert.

This strange scene was completely beyond his cognition.

"Captain America’s famous scene?"

"Who is Captain America?"

"Why do you want me to see him?"

At this time, the Winter Soldier was transformed by Hydra. He no longer had any memory of the past.

He didn't know Captain America at all. He stared at the light curtain with a fierce look.

His eyes were full of murderous intent.


【In the deep alley, the figure of Captain America emerges】

【Still the same as before the serum injection, thin and useless】

【Looks fragile】

【The man standing in front of him was big and strong.】

【Like a grassland wrestler, he is worth five American captains】


【The fat man swung his fist and hit Captain America hard in the face】

【With just one punch, Captain America fell to the ground, dizzy and dazed.】

【But he stood up again】

【The fat man punched again】

【Captain America fell to the ground and picked up the round trash can lid.】

【As a result, the fat man punched the lid and sent it flying.】

【Captain America fell to the ground again and slowly stood up again】

【Fatty: You won’t give in no matter what, right?】

【Captain America: I can spend the whole day with you!】

【Captain America punches hard】

【The fat man punched out, and Captain America fell to the ground, with his arms and legs spread out, looking extremely embarrassed.】

【A uniformed figure entered the alley and grabbed the fat man】

【Buggy: Bullying, huh?】

【With just a few punches and kicks, Bucky drove the fat man away】

【Captain America said stubbornly: I will defeat him soon】

【The fact is, Captain America was almost beaten to death】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America closed his eyes and tried to find an ice hole to crawl into.

When the alley appeared, he remembered how he was beaten badly in the alley.

If it weren't for Buggy, he might have been beaten to death.

The most embarrassing thing was that after Buggy appeared, Captain America was still stubborn and claimed that he had won.

But what was the truth? Captain America was already lying on the ground, without the ability to resist.

The light curtain pulled out these shameful memories bit by bit, complete and detailed, and showed them to everyone.

Captain America felt too embarrassed to face anyone.

"There will definitely be no more embarrassing scenes."


Hospital room.

Carter smiled happily.

His wrinkles were filled with joy.

"I didn't expect him to be so stubborn before."

"Why didn't you tell me about this experience?"

"He must have been bullied a lot in the past.

After the joy, Carter felt only pain in his heart.


Hydra base.

Winter Soldier looked at the screen.

His eyes widened.

His hands froze.

In the screen, the man in uniform who beat the fat man away... looked exactly like him!

"His arms are complete, not metal?"

"Is that me?"

""My former self?" Winter Soldier questioned his own identity. If the content of the picture was true, then the current me must have been brainwashed , used wantonly, and ordered around like a slave. Winter Soldier forced himself to calm down. He looked at the light screen, hoping to get an answer. He had already developed a rift with the Hydra he belonged to.

"It seems that from now on, I can't trust anyone"

"However, this American team in the picture……"

"Seems like she has a good relationship with me."


Stark Industries.

Tony smiled happily

"I only knew about Captain America from my father."

"I thought he was a serious, meticulous person."

"I didn't expect that he was so stubborn."

"He was almost beaten to death, but he still said he was going to beat the opponent."

Tony couldn't close his mouth.

He felt like seeing a top student praised by everyone... secretly playing with glue behind his back.

The contrast between him in front of people and behind their backs was really laughable.

"If Captain America could see this"

"He must be very embarrassed."

"I really want to see him embarrassed."



Nick Fury laughed even louder.

In his childhood,

Captain America was a legend.

Seeing the legend being so stubborn,

Nick Fury couldn't help laughing.

Black Widow rolled her eyes at him.

"Fury, let me remind you."

"Laughing at heroes, especially dead heroes"

"This is extremely immoral.

Nick Fury quickly stopped smiling.

"Sorry, I'm the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"I usually don't laugh."

"Unless you can't help it, hahahaha!"

Black Widow:...

Heroes shouldn't be laughed at.

Unless you really can't help it.

Black Widow couldn't help but laugh.

When she laughed, everyone laughed.

Hawkeye said quietly:

"Do you dare to laugh?"

"Don't forget, we are on the list too."

"Now it's the US team that's embarrassed"

"We may be the ones who will be embarrassed in the future."

The widow's face changed.

She still insisted on her opinion.

"I haven't done anything embarrassing."

Hawkeye shrugged.

"Then just wait and see"


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner carefully records data.

"This video is so precious."

"Able to have a simple assessment of the combat power of Captain America before the transformation"

"After the transformation, it can be accurately compared"

"This light screen is really a good thing."

Banner was excited, as if he had obtained some incredible experimental material.

He took a pen and added a line"Hard-mouthed" in the personality column of Captain America's file.


"The character is also more complete"

"It's perfect experimental material."



Thor smiled.

"The bodies of earthlings are really too weak."

"They haven't admitted it yet, and they keep talking tough"

"What an interesting race."

Odin said seriously:

"Thor, I told you that, didn't I?"

"Don't laugh at anyone"

"Have you forgotten everything?

Thor's face changed.

He quickly restrained his expression and hugged the hammer tightly, fearing that the hammer would be taken away by his father.

Odin continued:

"Look down"

"I can feel that this American team"

"It is very worthy of attention."

Screen switch

【Famous scene 3: Water-injected meat]

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