【Famous scene 3: Water-injected meat】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America shuddered when he saw the title.

He had been in the ice for so long.

It was the first time he felt the cold. His hair stood on end.

"This title doesn't look friendly."

"But my experience"

"What does it have to do with water-injected meat?"

Captain America was confused.

He felt extremely apprehensive now.

The titles in the videos were sometimes very impressive, but the results were extremely socially deadly.

Today's titles looked very low-brow.

I'm afraid that the following content will make him even more socially deadly!

Captain America couldn't help but panic.


Hospital ward.

Carter frowned slightly.

"What does water-injected meat mean?"

"Could it be Steve's food?"

"But he was in the army, and he ate high-quality beef."

"What does this have to do with water-injected meat?"


Stark Industries.

As a billionaire.

Tony is now confused

"Little Pepper, what is water-injected meat?"

Little Pepper explained:

"In order to fake the meat, the vendors injected water into it."

"The selling price will be higher"

"Boss, the meat you usually eat is all carefully selected meat."

"So you won't eat water-injected meat."

Tony's expression suddenly became clear.

He had a guess in his mind.

Captain America had been an orphan since he was a child, and his life was difficult.

It was estimated that on weekdays, he could only afford to eat water-injected meat.

The following famous scene, is it... to show Captain America's simple life?

Tony thought it was possible.

Simple life breeds powerful heroes.

This is such an inspiring thing.

But the problem is... is the light curtain so kind?

Suddenly, Tony's face changed.

A familiar figure appeared in the light curtain.


【In the laboratory, the instrument is running】

【A young figure is busy】

【Howard Stark is busy and the scene flashes by】


Stark Industries.

Tony's eyes are slightly red


Although it was only a flash of his back, he still recognized it at a glance.

It was his father, Howard Stark!

""My father was really young when he was young."

Tony exclaimed.

In his memory, his father was tall but old.

Unexpectedly, he was a little thin when he was young.

Just a back view reveals his casualness.

"Is this when they met?"

"Looks like an experiment"

"Could it be that the so-called water-injected meat……"

"The test material?"


The Arctic Ocean.

Captain America is very familiar with this scene!

It was the starting point of his life.

The turning point of his life!

It was in this laboratory that

Captain America received the serum and became a super soldier. He was familiar with everyone in the picture.


"When I was young, I was really young"

"The experimenter over there seems to be called Tom."

Captain America recalled the past.

He was a little excited.

"Wait a moment……"

"This experiment"

"What does this have to do with water-injected meat?"

"If I remember correctly"

"Water-injected meat, injection?"

"The whole process, receiving injection"

"It seems that there is only one……"


【Carter's figure appears on screen for the first time】

【Delicate red lips exude a hot breath】

【Fair face, resolute temperament】

【A perfect queen style, a boy killer】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America laughed foolishly.

Like a pervert.

From childhood to adulthood, because of his thin body, no girl wanted to talk to him.

Except Carter.

The first communication with Carter was the moment when Captain America talked the most with girls in history.

At that time, he was immature and shy. Carter walked into his heart quietly. To this day, in Captain America's eyes, Carter is still the most beautiful woman.

"Being able to see you this way"

"very nice"


Hospital ward.

Carter smiled.

"I was so beautiful back then."

Carter's current appearance was reflected in the window.

Old, thin, with white hair and a sickly look.

Even she hated looking at her.

"If Steve were still alive"

"He will be as old as me."


"Isn't this a picture of a laboratory?"

"What does this have to do with water-injected meat?"


【In the laboratory】

【Carter and the thin American team came to the doctor】

【The Doctor: Are you ready?】

【Captain America looked at the experimental cabin with hesitation.】

【But still nodded】

【Doctor: That's good. Take off your hat and clothes.】

【Captain America did as he was told.】

【Then lie in the experimental chamber】

【The experiment officially begins!】

【The female experimenter took a needle of reagent and injected it into the American team】

【Captain America frowned slightly】

【Captain America: It hurts a little, but it’s okay, I can handle it】

【Doctor: It's just penicillin.】

【Captain America: ???】

【Doctor: Prepare the serum injection!】

【The experimental chamber is closed and the countdown begins】

【The Doctor: Stark, it's time to begin!】

【Howard Stark activates the instrument】

【The serum slowly pushes into Captain America's body. 】

Countless comments flash across the screen


…‘Okay, okay, this is the water-injected meat you mentioned, right?’

…"There seems to be nothing wrong, but I always feel something is weird."

…‘The person who edited the video must be a genius! He can come up with such an awesome title!’


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America was helpless.

He guessed right.

The water-injected meat did not refer to pork or beef.

It was his own... serum injected into his body.

Isn't it just water-injected meat?

Captain America felt insulted.

But it was okay.

The scene was not too deadly.

Except for the part where he injected penicillin.

As for the transformation process,

Captain America was actually very reluctant to recall it.

Because soon, the doctor who had done him a favor would be shot and he would stand by and watch helplessly.

This is probably the eternal pain in Captain America's heart.


Hospital ward.

Carter smiled.

Happiness was revealed in his wrinkles.

"It turns out that the water-injected meat refers to Steve"

"The description of this video is really interesting."

"If Steve knew, he would definitely say something sweary, right?"

"After all, his language skills are not high."

Carter smiled happily.


Hydra base.

Winter Soldier stared at the screen with eyes wide open.

This scene seemed familiar. It was as if there was such a scene deep in his memory. It was just a scene in his memory. The one who was transformed was Winter Soldier himself!

"Why do I have such a subconscious mind?"

"Could it be that I have also been transformed?"

"But why am I not a hero?"

"What is the relationship between Hydra and me?"

The content of the light screen made the Winter Soldier think. He had a strong suspicion about the relationship between himself and Hydra. Looking back, he seemed to have been a tool of Hydra all these years! They didn't regard him as a human being at all.

"If the video content is true"

"This American captain is my friend."

"But, after so many years"

"He should be dead."

Winter Soldier's eyes were filled with deep sadness.

In the screen, the famous scene of water-injected meat... was still going on.

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