【The experiment is finally over!】

【The hatch opens and Captain America emerges】

【At this time, the American team has well-developed muscles and a tall stature.】

【He has become a qualified macho man】

【The transformation was successful, and the doctor supported Captain America.】

【Carter walked up and looked at Captain America with a smile on his face.】

【She subconsciously reached out and wanted to touch Captain America's muscles】

【Suddenly realizing something, he quickly pulled his hand back.】

【Everyone is celebrating the birth of Captain America】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America is very upset

"Why didn't she put her hand on it!"

"Those hands must be very delicate."



In the hospital ward,

Carter's wrinkles were all flushed. She looked extremely embarrassed.

She never expected that in this famous scene 3, it was not Captain America who was socially dead, but her!

Although it is said that beauties love heroes, but the unconscious action of touching muscles is indeed very embarrassing.


Stark Industries.

Tony stood up and took off his coat.

The vest inside was very thin.

Very elastic.

Almost close to his body.

The outline of his chest muscles was squeezed.

Tony deliberately did a few fitness exercises.

He winked at Pepper.


"Would you like to use your delicate little hands?"

"Come and touch my muscles too?" Little Pepper has long been accustomed to this unreliable look. And she also knows how to deal with an unreliable boss.

"Boss, I don't want to touch you."

"But I can give you a suggestion"

"Let the female reporter who has a sleepless night come and touch you."


Speaking of female reporters.

Tony completely lost his temper.

Pepper has been a secretary for so many years.

There has been an ambiguous relationship between the two of them that is almost like a couple.

It's just a layer of window paper between them. So, Tony always feels guilty when he flirts with women in front of Pepper. He feels sorry for Pepper

"It's all because of this damn light curtain!"

Tony complained in his heart.

The appearance of the light curtain helped him break the window paper.

The two of them were a little embarrassed now.

Tony cleared his throat awkwardly.

"You really don't want to try it?"

Little Pepper rolled her eyes at him.



Nick Fury touches his big belly.

His dark face is full of regret.

"Should I also inject serum?"

"Build some muscles"

"Maybe my wife will love me more"

""Clint, your muscles are well-developed, right?"

Hawkeye nodded.

He has been doing fitness and archery for many years.

His muscles are extremely well-developed.

Among the first six members of the Avengers, he is the only one who does not rely on mutation or technology. He relies on pure physical strength.

Although he is not as good as Captain America, his muscles are much more developed than those of ordinary people.

Nick Fury joked:

"Your wife must love you very much, right?"

Hawkeye didn't want to answer.

Because he was right...

His wife often commented on his muscles.

She was even planning to have a third child.

These were the couple's privacy.

Hawkeye couldn't tell them.

Nick Fury looked at Black Widow again.

"Natasha, what about you?"

"Would you touch someone else's muscles?"

Black Widow rolled her eyes.

"No." She had no interest in men's muscles. Black Widow didn't even know what she was interested in. Apart from being an agent and completing missions, she didn't know what she should do. She seemed to be alone. There was only work and no so-called family life. She envied Hawkeye for having a complete family and children. Black Widow was confused about the future. Therefore, she now attached great importance to the light curtain and wanted to find the answers she needed in her heart from it.


Corvo Labs.

Banner did some exercises.

Then he sighed.

"I have been doing experiments for many years and I have no muscles at all"

"Otherwise I can attract girls"

"But when I turn into a big green guy"

"His muscles are more developed than Captain America and Thor"

"Will someone touch him?"

Banner was confused.

Hulk was so ugly.

Would anyone touch his muscles?

Normal people would have been scared away long ago, right?

By the way, would there be a female Hulk?

The more Banner thought about it, the more he wondered.



Thor exerts force on his arms.

Let his muscles swell up.

"Look, I'm born with this."

"Aren’t God’s muscles stronger than those of mortals?"

"They really need to open their eyes!"

Thor has never been in love in his life.

He has never even held a girl's hand.

Carter touched Captain America's hand.

He was really envious.

Loki reminded him:

"Brother, your screen has appeared before"

"There was a woman named Jane"

"It seems to be your girlfriend."

Sol shrugged.

"It's not that time yet."

"But Jane is also very beautiful"

"Much prettier than the one with Captain America."

Loki smiled awkwardly.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

If Carter changed into modern clothes and used modern cosmetics, she would definitely look better than Jane.

Loki could only think about these words and didn't dare to say them out loud.

At this moment, the scene switched.

The famous scene of the birth of Captain America was still going on.

【Famous scene 4: Super soldier’s first mission!】


Arctic Ocean


"finally come!"

"My highlight moment!"

Captain America was a little excited.

After being embarrassed so many times, he finally stood up.

What can best show the charm of personality?

Of course, it is behavior!

Heroic behavior of risking one's life for the country and the family!

And his first mission was also very successful.

Captain America recalled the past.

His first mission was to rescue the most important friend: Bucky!

At that time, Bucky was captured by the enemy and disappeared for a long time.

In order to save his friend, Captain America took the heavy responsibility and took a plane with Carter and Howard Stark in bad weather and went deep into the enemy camp.

Of course, he jumped off halfway.

Howard also said that he would take Carter to eat cheese hot pot.

Captain America was jealous at the time.

I fought hard and went deep into the enemy alone to rescue people.

You two eat cheese hot pot? With Howard's romantic style, what will you do after eating cheese hot pot? You can guess it with your toes!

Captain America was very angry at the time.

In fact, Carter and Howard were fine.

Captain America was relieved when he knew it.

"Why am I thinking about this?"

Captain America quickly pulled his thoughts back.

Recalling the first mission.

He went deep into the enemy's territory alone to save Bucky.

He also rescued a large number of prisoners.

Finally, he returned successfully and established a military industry.

The whole process was clean and neat. It is definitely a famous scene!

It was also Captain America's first highlight moment.

Thinking of this,

Captain America smiled with relief.

"Let’s get started"

"I also want to see myself at that time……"

"How awesome is that!"


Hospital ward.

Carter looks like he is reminiscing.

"Steve's first mission?"

"What was it?"

"Save Bucky?"

"It seems not, he did something else before."

Carter couldn't remember clearly, but she was sure that

Captain America's first mission was definitely not to save Bucky, because the mission to save Bucky was assigned by a temporary decision when he was in the army.

"Why did he join the army?"

Carter is old and weak.

His memory is lost.

He really can't remember.

At this time, the scene switches

【Captain America's boss begins assigning tasks. 】

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