The first time Captain America met Nick Fury was on the street.

However, the video on the screen made a spoof dubbing of the meeting scene.

Captain America under the ice in the Arctic Ocean did not notice the problem.

In his era, videos could not be photoshopped.

So it must be real.

Moreover, Captain America did have this question...

Nick Fury's skin.

How could he be the director? And that Colonel Rhodes before.

Why didn't he go pick cotton? Have times changed? This scene still made Captain America speechless.

He has always paid attention to language quality.

As a result, when he met someone for the first time, he said something discriminatory.

It was really embarrassing.



Nick Fury's expression was stiff.

He never expected that his future self and Captain America would chat like this when they met for the first time!

"Captain America is such a great chatterbox."

Black Widow and Hawkeye were trying not to laugh.

It was rare to see Nick Fury get humiliated.

Black Widow said:

"Fury, this is not meant to be discriminatory."

"Captain America has been sleeping for about 70 years"

"At that time, you, or you"

"It was picking cotton.

Nick Fury nodded.

He couldn't help but recall the experience of picking cotton.

That was his childhood.

"This matter ends here"

"Notice, continue searching for Captain America"

"Once found, bring them back immediately."

Nick Fury has a big picture view.

He is calm, wise, and has strong leadership skills. He doesn't care about the details of many small things.


【The famous scene of the birth of Captain America ends here】

【Of course, there are many more of his famous scenes.】

【On your left, American hips, etc.】

【In order, these famous scenes will appear one by one.】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America breathed a sigh of relief.

It was finally over!

To him, the scene just now was like whipping a corpse.

The dead memory was forcibly awakened.

Even had to be whipped severely! It was simply killing him.

Now, the clouds have been cleared and the light has appeared.

It is finally over!

"Who will be embarrassed next?"


Hospital ward.

Carter's eyes are full of hope.

"He is still alive"

"And was discovered by Nick Fury"

"What year is it in the picture?"

Carter was very excited.

Her lover was still alive.

This was great news for her.

As the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D.,

Carter certainly knew Nick Fury.

She quickly got out of her phone and called

"Hello, Fury"

"Mr. Carter? Any advice?"

"Steve is alive"

"I know, the salvage has already started."

"Fury, can you see the picture too?"

""I can see it."

After hanging up the phone,

Carter breathed a sigh of relief.

SHIELD started searching the Arctic again.

With modern technology, they will definitely find Captain America!

"I hope I can live to see that day!"



Nick Fury hangs up the phone

"Senior Carter also saw the scene"

"Oh, Natasha, Clint."

"The birth of Captain America is over"

"Among the six first-generation heroes, four"

"There are only two of you left."

"Next, it's your turn."

Black Widow perked up.

Her eyes were burning.

She had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Hawkeye stopped wiping his arrows. How many famous scenes about himself would there be?

The two of them couldn't help but wonder.

However, the screen switched

【Heroes need to transform and grow】

【No one is born a hero.】

【It's not the one who stands in the light who is the hero.】

【Only by constantly growing and improving yourself can you become a hero!】

【Even if you are covered in mud, you can still be a hero!】

【Next, please watch the famous scene of Iron Man's first growth! 】

Black Widow: ???

Hawkeye: ???

Nick Fury: ???

Black Widow was confused.

Why is it Iron Man and Tony Stark again?

Where are her famous scenes?

Where are Hawkeye's famous scenes?

Why are they all skipped?

Hawkeye thought for a while and said:

"Maybe you don’t have a famous scene."

"Natasha, I didn't expect that."

"I at least got a chance to see the light of the god of thunder."

"But you don’t even have a profile.……


Stark Industries.

Tony sent his own forces to the Arctic to salvage Captain America.

After all, he is his father's friend.

He must do his part.

Pepper said:

"The team has set out and will cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D."

"The famous scene of Captain America is over"

"Only Black Widow and Hawkeye are left"

"Who will be next?"

Tony shook his head.

He didn't know

"I hope it's Black Widow"

"This name sounds very appropriate."

"Uh... just a joke."

Tony smiled awkwardly.

Pepper restrained her expression.

【Next, please watch the famous scene of Iron Man's first growth! 】



Tony himself was confused

"Why me again?"

Little Pepper narrowed her eyes.

"Are you going to touch another woman again?"

Tony denied it repeatedly.

"In the picture just now, we are already together"

"How could I touch another woman?"

"I am very loyal!"

Tony's words are true.

When he doesn't have a girlfriend, he can be like playing house.

He can be with whoever he wants.

But after he has a girlfriend, he will treat her wholeheartedly.

From the previous video, he and Pepper are already together.

It is impossible for him to touch other women!

Pepper believes in his character

"Maybe it's a famous scene from a battle or a business deal."


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner collects Captain America's files.

He looks at the screen in confusion.

"iron Man?"

"Why is it him again?"

"Did this guy pay for it?"

Banner was puzzled.

He always wanted to see the famous scene of Black Widow.

He didn't know why.

"The words"Black Widow" made his heart beat faster. It was as if there was a destiny between the two of them.

"What will it be like when I meet her for the first time?

Banner couldn't help but start to daydream.



Thor scratched his head

"Why is it this Iron Man again?"

"Why does he appear twice?"

"Why wasn't I the one who appeared twice?"

Thor is now a naughty boy. He wants to be the first in everything.

Seeing Iron Man return, he felt a little jealous.

"Brother, calm down."

"He had a second time, and you must have one too."

"We just need to wait patiently."

Sol snorted coldly.

"Then wait"

"I still have this patience."

""Father, please put down your weapon."

Odin slowly put down his scepter.

He just wanted to teach the kid a lesson.

Fortunately, Thor realized his mistake in time.

So he was spared a beating. But

Odin was also confused.

According to the order,

Black Widow and Hawkeye should appear next.

Why did Iron Man show up again?


【Famous scene 1: Cooperation with the dancers]

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