"just kidding"

"I don't care if you have a niece or not."

"I only have you in my heart."

Tony quickly changed his words.

He even took the opportunity to confess.

Pepper's face looked much better.

The anger turned into shyness.

"I think you need to calm down."

Chili said.

Tony nodded repeatedly


"I need to calm down."

Although Tony has been around a lot of women, he still feels shy when facing his beloved. He quickly changed the subject.

"Look at this man, Captain America."

"Absolutely not marry!"

"Eat what's in the bowl, look at what's in the bowl"

"That's fine."

"He even wants to take over the pot's niece"

"What a piece of shit."

Pepper rolled her eyes at Tony.

"All men are the same."





Nick Fury smiled brightly, showing a row of big white teeth

"Only in newspapers, or in the US Army Museum"

"You can't see this scene."

"I should have recorded it for later use.���

Black Widow sneered and shook her head

"Men, you can never control yourself"

"Same with Team America"

"Even in this regard"

"Captain America went even further."

In just a few minutes, they saw Captain America kiss three times.

The first time was with the secretary.

The second time was with Peggy Carter.

The third time was with Peggy Carter's niece.

"Men are really playboys."

"Clint, seeing this American team"

"Are you still willing to follow?"

Hawkeye stopped talking.

He is a good man who loves his family.

He cannot agree with Captain America's behavior.

"If I could meet him one day,"

"I must ask carefully."

Nick Fury said:

"Now it can be confirmed that Captain America is still alive"

"Send out search teams to the North Pole"

"We must dig deep to find him!"


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner sighed.

"The file is too incomplete"

"Captain America is so abusive"

"How come there is no record at all?"

Banner continued to add files.

Then, he continued to think.

Captain America appeared in modern society.

This means he is not dead. He is still alive!

"Archives record the actual situation of the plane near the North Pole"

"Captain America should be frozen in ice and put into hibernation"

"A normal person would have frozen to death long ago."

"It seems that the super serum has transformed the body"

"It's even better than I thought."

Banner likes the light screen more and more. The video content provides a lot of new evidence and new ideas for his experiments. This is a wealth that can't be bought with money!



Thor stopped talking.

He looked at the screen.

His eyes were full of envy.


"Just a human being"

"How come there are so many girls who admire him!"

Thor was jealous and envious.

Loki was not interested in women.

But he had to admire Captain America.

"Brother, he's just a cyborg."

"But we are God"

"If you go to Earth"

"Maybe there will be more girls who like us."

Thor smiled.

Holding the hammer, he turned around and headed for Earth.

On the throne,

Odin raised his scepter and tapped the ground lightly.

Thor stopped immediately and turned around with difficulty.


Odin looked at Thor coldly.

"You two, do you want to be locked up?"

Thor shook his head repeatedly.

Loki even knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy.

Odin snorted coldly.

"Then stay still."

"What this captain does is none of your business."

"You might as well think about how to improve your strength!"

Odin looked at the light curtain.

He didn't care about his aunts and nieces.

He had lived for so many years and had seen so many gods.

The relationships between them were even more confusing.

What Odin had seen was far more unbearable than Captain America's operation!

There was no way, gods also had seven emotions and six desires.

It was inevitable.


The famous kiss scene.

It's finally over.

Captain America has passed the most tormenting moment.

Now he is extremely cautious.

Although his heart tells him that he has never done anything embarrassing again.

But... the future is not certain!

After all, the third kiss just now is a future scene.

Captain America couldn't imagine it at all.

"Will there be more famous scenes of mine in the future?"

【Famous scene 6: The first meeting with the director of SHIELD]


Captain America was stunned.

In his impression, he had never seen a director.

He didn't know what SHIELD was.

Captain America immediately thought, this is a picture of the future!

Meeting with the director in the future.

Are there any embarrassing scenes?

Captain America now assumes that the famous scene is a social death scene.

He can't help but feel nervous.



Nick Fury looks surprised

"Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"


"I didn't expect that I also had a picture"

"Natasha, did you see that?"

"I appeared earlier than you."

Black Widow:...

Black Widow was also a little speechless.

Among the original six members, she was the only one who hadn't appeared yet. Even Hawkeye showed up once in Thor's famous scene. Black Widow has not had a single shot so far.


The last one to appear is usually more important.

"Then I look forward to your appearance."

Nick Fury chuckled.

He was very relaxed now, because he knew that he and Captain America would meet in the future. This meant that Captain America must have a place in the Avengers! Putting aside his private life and other qualities of Captain America, Nick Fury was very relieved. With such a mission, this alliance will definitely be excellent!


【In a retro little house, the radio is broadcasting a game.】

【Captain America slowly opened his eyes and looked around blankly.】

【Female agent dressed in retro style enters the room, smiles and greets】

【Captain America: Where is this?】

【Agent: Hospital Ward】

【Captain America: Don't lie to me, I was at the game and it was over long ago】

【The agent's face changed and he quietly pressed the instrument in his hand.】

【Armed men broke into the house】

【The American team was frightened and immediately took action, knocking the armed personnel away】

【Break through the wall, rush out of the door】

【All you can see are modern high-rise buildings and busy traffic.】

【Dazzling colorful neon lights, overwhelming】

【Captain America walked on the street in a daze】

【He ran as hard as he could, as if this would make him feel safe】

【However, the unfamiliar environment】

【It doesn't make people feel safe at all】

【Captain America feels as if he has traveled through time.】

【Several cars drove over from a distance and blocked the way of Captain America.】

【There were cars approaching from behind, attacking from both sides.】

【The US team wants to take action】

【Nick Fury: Calm down, Steve Rogers】

【Captain America looked at Nick Fury with a puzzled look】

【He doesn't understand that people of this color】

【Why can you lead so many people?】

【Nick Fury: I am the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.】

【Captain America: Director? You don't have to pick cotton anymore, you can even be the director?】


Captain America: ???

Nick Fury: ???

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