【Secretary: I read your story.】

【Captain America: It's just a trivial matter】

【Secretary: You have saved countless families and prevented many women from losing their husbands.】

【Captain America is a little unnatural】

【Secretary: All women should thank you】

【Captain America: No……】

【The female secretary grabbed Captain America's tie and went behind the bookshelf.】

【In the corner where no one is】

【Captain America tried it for the first time, what does it feel like to have your lips touched?】

【Until a roar, Carter appeared】

【Carter: Captain! We need you over there!】

【The captain hurriedly let go and quickly chased Carter】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America said he didn't want to talk.

I thought dancing was enough of a social bummer.

Unexpectedly, there was something even more socially bummer here!

He made an appointment with Carter one moment ago. Then he flirted with another woman. It would have been fine if it was just flirting. But he was caught by Carter! The guilty feeling of being caught with two women at the same time surged into his heart. Captain America closed his eyes.

"As long as I can't see"

"It won’t be embarrassing!"

"There will definitely not be a more embarrassing scene!"

Captain America remembered clearly that he had only kissed twice.

The first time was with the female secretary.

The second time was with Carter.

So, the next kiss will definitely not be embarrassing!

Thinking of this,

Captain America breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the screen switched

【Captain America and Carter, sitting in the car】

【Carter hugs Captain America and gives him a kiss】

【This is what love is!】


Captain America was very pleased.


It was this scene!

It was this moment that moved him the most!

Unfortunately, it was also the last time.


"how are you now"

"He must be married."

Captain America's eyes gradually turned red.

He missed that date.

At this moment.

The screen video switched again

【Under a modern bridge】

【Captain America wearing short-sleeved shirt and shorts】

【Standing there, waiting for something】

【There's a car parked behind me】

【I vaguely saw two people in the car.】

【I just can't see the face clearly】


"What's this?"

""A scene from the future?"

Captain America was stunned. He stared at the screen.

He had seen the famous scenes of Iron Man and Hulk.

The architectural style inside was very advanced.

And the scene on the screen now was just as advanced!

Captain America understood instantly.

His future self must have been rescued!

"Very good"

"No need to stay under the ice"

"Just the famous kiss scene……"

"How could the future appear?"

Captain America was stunned.

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

His future self.

Kissed someone else?

Who could it be?

A woman in the future, or the elderly Carter?

Or maybe Carter also injected the serum and didn't age?

Captain America's mood gradually became nervous.


Hydra base.

Winter Soldier's eyes were bloodshot and fierce.

He stared at the screen.

Although the scene in the car flashed by,

Winter Soldier could tell at a glance.

The figure in the car... was him!

As for the other one, it was too dark to see.

Winter Soldier couldn't sit still anymore.

"In the future, I found Captain America again?"

"Becoming friends again?"


Hospital ward.

Carter was excited. Her heart rate increased.

She looked at Captain America, standing under the modern bridge.

It felt unreal! How could someone who had died a long time ago appear in the modern era?

There was only one explanation...

Captain America was not dead at all!

And he did not age!

"In the end what happened?"

"Steve, what on earth have you been through?"

"If you're not dead, why don't you come back for the appointment?"


Stark Industries

"Modern architecture"

"Modern Clothing"

"With a person from seventy years ago"

"Is it really possible to travel through time?"

Tony narrowed his eyes.

This scene was so shocking that even he couldn't figure it out.

After calming down, he suddenly remembered what his father said.

Captain America fell near the North Pole.

If the temperature is low enough, the body will enter a dormant state.

Tony immediately understood!

"Captain America is still alive"

"Sleeping under the ice"

"Maybe we can rescue him."

"But what does this picture have to do with the title?"



Nick Fury can't sit still anymore

"Apparently, Captain America is still alive."

"No wonder he's also a hero"

"The Avengers need a captain like this.

Nick Fury was very excited.

The team would have another strong general.

Black Widow felt it was unreal.

"The legend I had heard since childhood suddenly came alive"

"I always feel a little dazed"

"Clint, is this true?"

Hawkeye stopped wiping his arrows.

He looked at the screen.

His eyes lit up.

"Captain America is definitely a legend"

"If he becomes captain"

"I am willing to obey his orders."

Black Widow:...

Damn brainless fan.

Get away from me.


【A woman drove a car, coming from a distance】

【The trunk is open and full of equipment】

【Sharon Carter: Your equipment is all here.】

【There is a Captain America uniform and shield in the trunk】

【Captain America: I really don’t know how to thank you】

【Sharon Carter: It doesn't matter. After all, I am Peggy Carter's niece, and it's my duty to help you.】

【Captain America sincerely thanks】

【As they thanked each other, they gradually approached each other.】



Arctic Ocean.

Captain America was stunned.

A chill ran from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

"Peggy Carter's niece?"

"You've grown so big now?"

"Besides, I and Carter's niece……"

Captain America was stunned.

He felt that he had messed up his ethics.

No, not just seemed to.

He had messed up!

"Carter wouldn't see this, would he?���

"Then how should I explain it?"

"What others see"

"What would they think?"

Captain America was not calm.

He could see the performance of Iron Man and others.

Which meant...

Tony and others could also see his performance.

Isn't this a naked joke?


Hospital ward.

Carter's eyes were gloomy.

The woman in the picture.

She was so familiar!

Niece Sharon Carter.

Unexpectedly, this girl had good intentions.

She had bad intentions towards her uncle!

Carter remembered Captain America's first kiss

"He's an abusive person."

"I waited for him for so many years."

"It's really chilling."

Just then, someone pushed the door and entered the ward.

Sharon was carrying a bunch of fruits.

""Aunt, I'm here to see you."

Sharon turned her head and saw her aunt's eyes were like knives.

It seemed as if she was going to chop her off.

Sharon trembled all over.

"Aunt, what's wrong with you?"

Carter laughed.


"Sharon, do you have a boyfriend?

Sharon shook her head.

She was confused.

Her aunt never asked about these things before.

Carter said:

"Get your parents here."

"I want to talk to them."

"Hurry up and marry you off!"

Sharon: ???

My aunt, who has always been nosy, is suddenly forcing me to get married?


Stark Industries Building.

Tony looked stunned.


"Do you have a niece or something?"


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