【Famous scene 3: Seeing the female reporter again】


Stark Industries.

The three words"female reporter" are too eye-catching.

After all, in the previous scene... she and Tony spent a sleepless night together.

That part is very inappropriate for children.

It is also the starting point of Tony's embarrassment.

I thought this matter was over.

I never expected that the female reporter would come back!

In the video on the screen, there is even a legend about her!

Tony was embarrassed and wanted to get under the table.

He tried his best to avoid Pepper's gaze.

Pepper stared at Tony with a smile.


"What are you avoiding?"

"A beautiful lady is coming soon."

Tony smiled awkwardly.

Happy sensed that the atmosphere was not right.

He stood up and tried to slip away.

Pepper said coldly:


"Stay and watch together"

"After all, you said that this female reporter……"

"Very good."



Absolutely impossible!

The light curtain before.

Happy had never seen it.

He had no idea what happened.

But he instinctively felt���

This office is pregnant with a storm.

It might affect me.

Happy forced a smile.

"I'd better go back to my seat."

Little Pepper:"No."

Happy didn't dare to move at all. He could only stay.

He could only pray in secret.

If blood spurted out later, it must not spurt onto him.


【A banquet, toasts and feasts】

【Tony and Pepper are talking about something】

【Not far away, someone poked his head out.】

【Hammer: Tony? Is that you there?】

【Tony recognized the other person instantly】

【Tony lowered his voice:"Hammer, the guy I hate the most."

Hammer Industries is also a military-industrial enterprise, but it is not well-known.

At least in 2008, when Stark Industries was still manufacturing and selling weapons,

Hammer Industries could only be a foil. No one could compare with Stark Industries in weapons. But after the prisoner incident, Tony changed and stopped selling weapons. Hammer Industries began to rise. In"Iron Man 2", it was barely qualified to talk to Tony. Otherwise, it was not even worthy of carrying Tony's shoes.

【Hammer: This is Kristen from Vanity Fair.】

【The female reporter came forward and said: Hi~】

【Chili Pepper: Hello】

【The last time the two met】

【Kristen naked】

【Even with clothes on, Pepper will still recognize her!】

【Hammer: Do you know each other?】

【Chili pepper: Get to know】

【Female reporter: Of course I know her.】

【Tony: But not familiar, very unfamiliar】

【Hammer: Pepper Potts, Stark's new CEO】

【Female reporter: I know that if I don’t interview you, the editor-in-chief will scold me to death】


Stark Industries.

Tony looked at Pepper.

He looked a little surprised.

"Your Future Self"

"Became the CEO of Stark Industries?"

Pepper looked confused.

"I have no idea"

"Even if the appointment"

"It was you who gave the order.

Tony nodded in admiration.

"It seems that you have controlled my future self."

Happy sat aside and felt like he had eaten some dog food.

Little Pepper said again:

"This female reporter is still so beautiful."

Tony was immediately embarrassed.

Even in the video, he emphasized that he was not familiar with the female reporter.

In fact, the distance between the two of them once reached below zero.

How could they not be familiar with each other!

Tony was just embarrassed.

It was like his current girlfriend meeting his ex-girlfriend.

This kind of scene was absolutely embarrassing to the point of wanting to die!


Arctic Ocean


"You have come to this day too."

Captain America laughed.

He felt relieved. He had had affairs with his female secretary, Carter, and Carter's niece. It was very embarrassing to expose this experience. But now, he was not the only one who was embarrassed. Captain America felt a little balanced.



"This is really an embarrassing situation.

Nick Fury sighed.

Black Widow agreed.

Hawkeye wiped the arrow.

"I have seen this Hammer."

"Not a very good person"

"The weapons they produced were also very bad."

Nick Fury nodded.

"Although Stark has a bad character"

"But we must admit"

"Stark's weapons are definitely the most powerful in the world."

"The strongest weapon!"

"There is no other!" Most people criticize

Tony for his character. Why not criticize his ability? Because there is no way to criticize! His ability and talent in making weapons are better than anyone else. No one will criticize him in this aspect. Even if you hate his character, you can't deny this.


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner is thoughtful.

"This scene must be very embarrassing."

"But for a person like Stark"

"This kind of embarrassment shouldn't affect anything.


【The purpose of the female reporter's trip is to interview Xiao La Jiao】

【Chili Pepper has just taken over as CEO and cannot damage her image】

【She couldn't refuse the interview.】

【Hammer: She interviewed me first.】

【Pepper: I know, she also did a"private" interview for Tony last year.】

【"The word"do" was said very forcefully by Xiao La Jiao.】

【Like deliberately emphasizing something】

【Tony looked very unnatural.】

【The female reporter's smile was also somewhat forced.】


Stark Industries.

Tony was a little helpless.

He looked at Happy.

"Happy, see?"

"Don't mess with women"

"They are very vindictive."

"From time to time, I will mention your embarrassing things"

"You feel extremely embarrassed."

Happy forced a smile and nodded.

But seeing the murderous eyes of Pepper,

Happy quickly restrained his expression.

Inwardly, MMP.

It is obviously the boss who is embarrassed.

Why am I still afraid?

The incident with the female reporter passed quietly.

Tony did not have a sleepless night this time.

Pepper was very satisfied with this.

The famous scene was obviously not over. I don't know what kind of experience Tony will be exposed in the next few famous scenes. Tony is getting more and more nervous. He is also on pins and needles. On the screen, the picture changes

【Famous scene 4: Friendly Happy!

Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the protagonist this time is Happy.

Happy was confused.

Why is it my turn again?

Will I be beaten again this time?

Tony's voice came

"Happy, relax."

"Look at the title, friendly happy"

"It means to show your friendliness"

"This is positive, active"

"You should relax."


The more Tony comforted him, the more unsure Happy felt.

He saw that

Tony was gloating over other people's misfortunes. It was like he had escaped a disaster.

Happy wanted to curse in his heart.

But the two people present were the boss and the boss' girlfriend.

He couldn't afford to offend either of them.

Happy could only shut up silently.


【The car ran up and the driver fell over】

【A fat man wearing a strange weapon】

【Tony walked towards the overturned car step by step】

【The long whip in his hand was marked with five big words:……】

【Lightning Five Whips! 】

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