【The track is in a mess】

【Several racing cars were destroyed and people died.】

【Tony was lucky enough to escape.】

【But the criminal holding the lightning five whips is still chasing him.】

【Tony was forced to the edge of the block, with no way to escape】

【Just then, a Rolls-Royce drove over from a distance!】

【The ones above are Happy and Pepper!】


Stark Industries.

Happy is standing up

"Boss, did you see that?"

"At the critical moment, I, the bodyguard……"

"Never absent!"

Happy now feels very accomplished.

Tony in the picture is in a mess.

But the bodyguard arrives in time.

The scene of a heroic rescue.

It is definitely a scene that every man dreams of!

Tony's face is embarrassed.

He can't figure it out. He actually cherishes his life very much.

How can he go back to play racing?

Such a dangerous thing.

He usually doesn't play it at all!

Tony looked at Pepper cautiously.

But Pepper looked nervous.

"This guy looks dangerous."

"And, Tony, look"

"The bright things on him"

"Is it the same as your nuclear reactor?"

Tony nodded. He had seen it as soon as the picture appeared.

"But his nuclear reactor is not as good as mine."

"Roughness is not mentioned for now"

"The speed alone seems to be much lower."

"If you were wearing armor"

"I can kill him directly."

Compared to Tony's armor, the Lightning Five Whips are too inferior.

It can only hit Tony without armor.

Once the armor is combined, the Lightning Five Whips will be useless!

The car on the screen is about to drive to the front.

Happy shouted excitedly:

"Look, look."

"My most handsome rescuer"

"Coming soon!"


【Tony's face changed when he saw the car coming.】

【Just turn around and climb onto the net, climb high!】

【The car coming, a sharp turn】

【Didn't even step on the brakes】

【Directly hit the criminal!】

【If Tony hadn't climbed onto the net】

【The car hit him as well.】



"I feel like you want to murder me"

"You are my bodyguard!"

Tony looked at Happy expressionlessly.

Happy was confused at this moment.

Where was the handsomest rescuer?

Where was the hero?

He almost killed the boss.

What kind of rescue was this?

Happy was embarrassed.

"Boss, let me explain."

"It must be too chaotic."

"I can't tell."

Tony narrowed his eyes.

"Even the boss can't tell"

"I must fire you and hire a new bodyguard."

"Let's let the blonde beauty come."


He knew Tony was joking.

But he still felt awkward.

It was like he had shot the hostage in advance to prevent him from committing suicide.

Happy felt extremely socially dead.


【Happy: He's alive!】

【Lightning Five Whips was not killed】

【Happy immediately shifted gears and backed away, creating some distance.】

【Shift to forward gear and hit the five-whip hard!】

【Tony: Hit me again! Give me the box!】

【Happy hits the car again】


Stark Industries.

Happy stared at the screen for a long time.

"Am I so cruel?"

"Impossible. Absolutely impossible."

"Doesn’t the title say it? I’m friendly!"

"I will never hit anyone with my car again!"

Tony laughed.

"Happy, well done."

"Just this scene"

"I will definitely give you a raise!"

Happy immediately stood up and patted his chest and promised:

"Boss, don't worry."

"From now on, I will hit whoever you ask me to hit."

"Just don't let me pay for the car!"

In front of money, the friendly Happy eventually degenerated into a violent maniac.

Although it was very socially dead and embarrassing, but... who would have a problem with money!

Happy laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

Tony said helplessly:

"Look at your cocky look."


【Famous Scene 5: Wearing armor! 】

The content of the light screen changed again.

Tony was stunned for a moment.

Wearing armor, is this also a famous scene?

"what is this?"

"Just ordinary armor"

"What kind of famous scene can it be?"

Tony was puzzled.

Happy took the opportunity to say:


"Boss, have you developed a battle armor in the future?"

"I admire you so much, boss."

""Will your hair or flesh be pinched when you put on the armor?"

These words reminded Tony.

Could it be that when he puts on the armor, it will really pinch a part of his body?

With the fit of the armor, it will be crushed!

Tony couldn't help but tremble all over. He felt uncomfortable for no reason.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America looks puzzled

"Wearing armor?"

"Hasn’t this been played out before?"

"What's so good about it?"

Captain America looked disdainful. He had no interest in the next scene.


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner shows little interest.

"The armor transformation scene is so cool"

"I don't really want to see"

"However, there have been scenes of wearing armor before."

"Is there a change this time?"

"Could it be that the meat was caught?"

"A scene of social death where people scream in pain, right?"

Banner's face became excited.

He was ready to imprint the next scene in his mind!



Nick Fury touched his bald head

"I admit, the armor transformation process is very cool"

"But it shouldn't happen so many times, right?"

"Don't you think so?"

Black Widow and Hawkeye nodded.

Especially Black Widow. She was even more disdainful of this.

She was a woman.

She couldn't understand the special feelings men had for armor.

"I don't really want to see"

"But I am afraid of missing some details"

"Let's just take a look at it." said the widow.



Thor began to demonstrate various actions.

Loki asked curiously:

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Sol smiled.

"I'm thinking of some transformation moves for myself."

"Looks more handsome"

"Just like a battle armor."


"Brother, we have already seen the transformation scene."

"I think this transformation"

"It might be embarrassing."

Thor paused.

He felt that it made sense!

There was no need to stage the same scene twice.

The first time was so cool.

The second time, it would be embarrassing, right?

Besides, the process of putting together the armor looked easy to get stuck.

Imagine, halfway through the armor,

Tony holding his flesh and jumping around in pain.

I couldn't imagine how embarrassing that scene would be. And how funny it would be to others! Thor's eyes widened.

"I will remember this next scene well!"


【On the track, a crisis breaks out】

【The Rolls-Royce has been split in half】

【Tony shouted to Pepper in the car】

【Tony: Pepper, give me the box!】


【The box was thrown out and fell at Tony's feet】

【Tony stepped on the box and triggered the mechanism……】

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