【Famous scene 7: Beautiful woman changing clothes in the car】


Stark Industries.

As soon as the title appeared,

Tony was immediately upset.

His famous scene, but with a beautiful woman as the title.

It's scary to think about it!

I'm afraid it's another bad relationship.

Tony laughed awkwardly

"Little pepper, actually this matter"

"It should have nothing to do with me."

"It's... it's Happy!"

"It must be the woman that Happy hooked up with."

Happy, who was sitting on the sofa, was caught in the crossfire.

Good fellow!

Happy shouted, good fellow!

He had only been in for a short time. It was fine if he was fed dog food.

It was fine if he watched a video and was beaten by a woman. But now, the boss's fault is being put on his head?

How can this be tolerated!

Happy stood up.

"Boss, I protest."

"You can't blame me for your own problems."

"Bodyguards also have dignity."

Tony glared at him.

It was full of threat.

But Happy was not afraid at all.

He saw it.

Tony was very afraid of Pepper now.

As long as Happy stood on Pepper's side, he would never be fired!

Pepper said faintly:

"Tony, you don't have to frame Happy."

"The video will not have only one title"

"Look down and you'll know what's going on."

Tony broke out in a cold sweat. His hair stood on end.

This damn title of"Beauty changing clothes in car" is terrifying.

If you think about the content, the two may have spent a sleepless night in the wild.

In the car. The beauty changed her clothes in the car. The more Tony thought about it, the more possible it was. Happy was gloating. Pepper's eyes were serious. The atmosphere in the office was tense! At this moment, the picture changed. Happy appeared. He opened the door and got in the car. Happy:???


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America held his head helplessly

"Beautiful girl changing clothes in the car?"

"It's obvious that Tony is having an affair again."

"This guy is really stubborn."



Nick Fury's eyes are bright

"I can't wait"

"I want to see the beauty change her clothes"

"Who do you think the beauty is?"

"The previous female reporter, or the new woman?"

The widow sighed.

"Who knows?"


"When will you be able to control yourself?"

But the next moment...

Black Widow appeared in the picture.

She was wearing a dress and had her hair tied up in a bun.

She opened the door and got in the car.

That luxurious car.

It was obviously Tony Stark's.

Black Widow:???


Corvo Laboratory. Banner was a little helpless after seeing the title. He was thinking, wouldn't Tony have kidney deficiency? Just then, the figure of Black Widow appeared in the picture. Banner's heart trembled. I don't know why, when I see Black Widow's face, my heart always trembles. A strange desire arises.

"Is there something wrong with my body?

Banner was puzzled.



"Changing clothes in the car?"

"It sounds interesting."

"Stark is really good at this."

Thor said with a smile.

Men have no resistance to beautiful women.

At this moment, Thor stared at the screen and was ready to watch the next scene carefully.


【Happy is driving and Black Widow is sitting in the back seat】

【Black Widow: Go to Hammer Industries!】

【HAPPY: Okay.】

【The car drifted and turned the corner.】

【Happy's driving skills are very strong, there is no doubt about that】

【Black Widow: When we get there, I need you to stay outside while I go in and eliminate the target.】

【While speaking, the widow let her hair down】

【Pull open the zipper of the clothes with your hands, and pop out the two favorites】

【Fluffy and soft】

【Happy held the steering wheel with both hands, tilting his head slightly upward.】

【This posture makes it easier for him to look in the rearview mirror.】

【A car was coming from the opposite direction, and Happy quickly turned the steering wheel】

【Black Widow: Look ahead!】

【Happy: Got it……】

【A big white leg is raised in the back row】

【How can Happy still be in the mood to drive?】

【Two or three times in a row, I almost crashed】


Stark Industries.

Tony's hearty laugh echoed in every corner of the office.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I said it was related to Happy."

"Little Pepper, do you believe me?"

"Happy, are you still going to quibble now?"

Little Pepper was a little speechless.

Tony was right.

He got away with it.

However, Happy sat on the sofa.

He lowered his head.

He drew circles on the sofa with his hands.

He looked so depressed.

To be honest, there was nothing wrong with driving a woman.

Even if there was a real fight in the car,

Happy thought it was okay.

But the problem was... he in the picture had the desire but not the courage. He wanted to look but didn't dare to look openly.

He could only peek.

Happy was socially dead again.

Facing the ridicule of Tony and Little Pepper, he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

What did Tony think of?

"The woman in the car"

"It seems to be the one who hit you before."

"Happy, you should have an impression, right?"

Happy nodded depressedly.

Tony was thoughtful.

"Changing clothes is so neat"

"Maybe he's an agent."

"I just don't know who sent her."



Black Widow looked stunned

"Beautiful woman changing clothes in the car"

"It’s me?"

"Fortunately, nothing happened."

Black Widow breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Tony was not in the car.

Fortunately, nothing inappropriate for children happened between her and Tony. Otherwise , it would be so embarrassing if it was broadcast live!


Arctic Ocean


Captain America's eyes lit up.

The big white legs in the picture looked too real.

Captain America was a"pure" boy after all.

He had never experienced what adults should experience.

Seeing this scene, it was inevitable that some���answer


"The ice fits my body"

"It blocks certain parts of the body.

Captain America felt the pain.


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner pursed his lips

"very nice"

"Too bad I wasn't there"



Thor couldn't help but admire

"Although only a short picture"

"But I can be sure"

"That woman is very hot."

Odin coughed twice.

Thor realized that he had lost his temper and apologized quickly.

""Father, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Odin said coldly.


The scene where Black Widow changes her clothes in the car is definitely an indelible scene in Marvel.

Many people just regret that it was not them who were in the car, but Happy.

Such a great benefit was left to Happy to enjoy alone.

Jumping out of the Marvel Universe.

From the perspective of moviegoers

《The director of"Fullmetal 2" is the one who plays Happy. It's hard to say whether the director deliberately gave himself a bonus when filming this scene.


After Black Widow changed her clothes, she put on a neat action uniform.

The following action is also one of the famous scenes.

It is also another social death of Happy.

【Famous scene 8: Brave Happy]

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