【Famous scene 8: Brave Happy】


Sterk Industries.

Happy has a smiling face

"Boss, I'm not showing off."

"You have to read this title"

"Brave Happy!"

"Next to show"

"It must be my bravery!"

Happy was as excited as a child.

Using"brave" to describe a man is the best compliment to him.

Tony could understand Happy's feelings, but he couldn't help but envy him.


"This word is so good for me."

"Don't you think so?"

Little Pepper blushed.

"Why are you asking me?"

"You should ask the female reporter."

"I don't know."


You're talking about female reporters again.

Women really hold grudges.



Nick Fury looks at Black Widow


"Are you sure about the next words?"

"Do you want to continue watching?"

The widow was stunned for a moment.

"Is there any problem with the next scene?"

Nick Fury said:

"Look, the brave Happy"

"You just rode in the same car with Happy."

"Then this title appeared"

"Between the two of you……"

Black Widow's face changed.

Her future self. Had a sleepless night with Iron Man's bodyguard ? No way? Black Widow found it unbelievable. Her face began to turn red. The scale of the light curtain. They had all seen it. It was very large! They didn't care whether there were minors or not. I'm afraid that the kind of unbearable scenes for children might really appear! Black Widow pondered for a moment. Gritted her teeth.

"Look, of course you should look!"

"I didn't do anything wrong."

"Besides, this is a matter of the future."

"What am I afraid of?"

Nick Fury nodded.

"Then keep watching"


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner's face was gloomy. His heart rate was over 200.

To be honest, he had a strange feeling for Black Widow.

Although he had never met her, he just had this feeling.

He saw the title of [Brave Happy].

Then he thought about Black Widow's change of clothes just now.

The scene of her riding in the same car with Happy.

Banner was inexplicably irritated.

"Could it be that I fell in love?"


【The car stopped at the gate of Hanmer Industries】

【The widow immediately opened the door and got out of the car】

【She was wearing a neat suit, and her figure was perfectly proportioned.】

【Happy followed closely behind】

【Black Widow: You stay in the car!】

【Happy: I don't want to stay in the car. What are you wearing?】

【The widow ignored it and directly hacked into the system and opened the company's door.】

【Happy ignored the black sister's dissuasion and entered the door first】

【The security guard immediately stepped forward: You can't come in!】

【Without saying anything, Happy threw a punch and got ready for battle. 】

Apparently, Happy's policy was simple.

No matter what level you were, he would just fight!

No nonsense!


Stark Industries.

Happy nodded with satisfaction.

"The punch just now could have been more handsome and more powerful."

"Boss, you saw me"

"How brave I am"

"In front of the lady"

"Isn't it very manly?"

Happy's tail was almost up in the air.

He was so proud!

Tony had to admit that the punch just now was indeed quite handsome.

And it was straightforward and decisive without any hesitation.

"As expected of you, Happy!"

Tony praised.

Pepper also praised.

Happy stood up, straightened his clothes, and smiled.

"You don't need to be too surprised."

"Keep watching"

"There will be a more exciting side!"

"My fighting skills are not exaggerated!"


【The scene switches, Black Widow bypasses Happy】

【Keep going deeper!】

【The security guards came over】

【The widow has a resolute face and sharp eyes.】

【Throwing out weapons with both hands, he restrained a security guard】

【A set of smooth and smooth combos, turning around and continuing inside】

【A head of wavy long hair, elegant and chic】

【At this time, Happy was still fighting bravely with the first security guard.】

【The Black Widow goes all the way inside】

【Security guards kept appearing, trying to stop her.】

【No matter how strong the security is】

【In front of the widow, she can't even get away with one move】

【A security guard came out of the house】

【The widow turned over and kicked the other person unconscious】

【At this time, Painted Skin was still fighting bravely with the first security guard.】


Stark Industries.

Tony smiled.

"Happy, can you do it, little dog?"

"A girl like her has knocked down more than a dozen people."

"You are still fighting the first one."

Tony laughed loudly.

Happy shrank his neck. He was too ashamed to see anyone.

He had to admit that his strength was indeed not as good as Black Widow.

She defeated more than a dozen people, but he couldn't even deal with one. They even fought back and forth.

Happy felt that he was a failure.

Tony continued to make fun of him.

"Don't tell me, the process of fighting"

"Very brave indeed."

"Unfortunately, the other party is also very brave"




【The widow rushed forward】

【He slid across the ground and smashed the security guard's legs.】

【The weakest part of a man is here】

【The security guard fell down】

【The widow turned over and stood up, like a spider falling to the ground】

【The action is chic and handsome】

【At this time, Happy was still fighting bravely with the first security guard.】

【The widow continues to go inside】

【She used the most classic scissor leg and head clamp move!】

【I don't know if I want to kill someone.】

【Or smoke the other person to death?】

【Black Widow used anti-wolf spray to kill the last security guard】

【The scene switches to Happy.】

【At this time, Happy was in a stalemate.】

【The enemy is too brave】

【He hit too hard.】

【The two of them were fighting together】

【Seeing the opportunity coming, Happy opened his mouth and bit the opponent's ear.】

【The security guard was in so much pain that he was powerless】

【Happy took the opportunity to kick the other person and knocked him out with a punch.】

【Happy: I win!】

【In the picture, Happy's face is covered with sweat and a relieved smile】

【After a hard fight, I finally gained the upper hand】

【The inner sense of accomplishment is self-evident】

【When he looked up and wanted to share the good news with Black Widow】

【The whole corridor is full of people knocked down by the widow】

【Happy's smile gradually faded】


Stark Industries.

Smiles don't disappear, they just move.

Tony is smiling too much

"Happy, biting the ear is so cool"

"Your fighting teacher must be Tyson, right?"

"Why isn’t it written on your resume?"

"If you write it, I will give you a higher salary!"


"Stop it, boss."

"I want to die now"

"It's really embarrassing."

I just hit one, but I can't beat him, so I have to cheat to get his ears.

Happy is too embarrassed to see anyone.

Rod's phone call also came at this time.

"Hello, Tony"

"Has your bodyguard learned fighting from Tyson?"

"Biting someone's ear is so funny."

Tony was on speakerphone.

Happy was petrified on the spot.

"Rhodes can also see the picture?"

At this moment, the picture changed

【Famous scene 9: Rod’s ex-wife]

Rod: ???

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