Nick Fury is a seasoned veteran.

He spotted the problem immediately.

Loki showed up, but his men didn't.

This means they acted separately.

Even if Loki was caught, it doesn't mean the matter is over!

"Did Loki get caught on purpose?"

Black Widow said in astonishment.

Nick Fury nodded.

"There is this possibility"

"Fortunately, we saw the future in advance"

"If it really happens"

"We can prepare for the rainy day and crush Loki's plot!"

Nick Fury likes these videos so much.

The future disasters and the direction of efforts are all laid out!

It saves Nick Fury a lot of trouble.

"I really hope this light curtain"

"Exist forever!"


【The battle between Captain America and Loki continues】

【Loki with divine power】

【Not afraid of Captain America at all!】


【Captain America used a classic shield throw】

【Loki raises his scepter】

【Easy to hit aside】

【Without the shield, Captain America went for hand-to-hand combat】

【His physical skills are already very strong.】

【The fight with Loki was quite intense. 】

In the screen, a lot of comments flashed by

…‘Loki, the greatest wizard in the Nine Realms, must fight in close combat!’

…‘Captain America is really weak. Without the shield, he is nothing.’

…‘Loki, you are a mage, a mage! Use magic!

The person who sent the barrage is more anxious than these two.

【The scepter hit Captain America's back hard】

【Captain America fell to the ground and was about to stand up】

【Loki stepped forward and put his scepter against Captain America's head】

【Loki: Kneel down!】

【Captain America: You’re dreaming!】

【Loki starts beating up Captain America】



Loki grinned.


I, Loki, am still very capable.

Captain America is no match for him!

Loki was feeling very proud.

Suddenly he heard Odin's voice.

"You seem very happy?"

Loki shuddered and fell to his knees.

"Father, I, I don't have"

"I just got hurt at the corner of my mouth"

"It looks like it's going up."

How could Odin believe this?

But it was a matter of the future after all.

He couldn't say much.

"You just need to know it in your heart."

Loki nodded repeatedly.

He was still boasting in his heart.

A mortal body can never be as good as a god.

Odin's voice came again.

"You seem to be still happy"

"Have you forgotten?"

"The title says,"You were arrested."

Loki was stunned.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America's eyelids twitched

"I was knocked down by Rocky"

"And you're putting a scepter against my head?"

"It's so humiliating!"

Captain America has suffered many humiliations before, but this time, it was different.

Hundreds of people in the square watched him being defeated.

This scene was extremely embarrassing.

"Although it is a scene from the future"

"Although not on site"

"But it's already starting to get awkward."

Captain America is so embarrassed

"No, the title is Loki is arrested"

"It shows that victory is still on our side"

"I will definitely turn the tables."

Captain America continued to watch



Nick Fury pouted

"The US team's combat power"

"Lower than I thought"

"Or maybe Loki is too strong.

Nick Fury looked thoughtful.

The enemy was stronger than he thought.

Black Widow looked at the screen.

Her future self was also there.

Unfortunately, she couldn't help.

"Loki is so cunning"

"I'm on a plane and I can't aim"

"I can only watch like this."

Black Widow couldn't help but get anxious.

Hawkeye suddenly stopped wiping his arrows.

"I think it's my turn."

"Shoot Loki directly"

"Cleared on the spot!"

Nick Fury:...

Black Widow:……

"Clint, you can't clean up."

"The brainwashing of the scepter is hard to remove."

"You can't do it by yourself."

Hawkeye was immediately discouraged.

In the video,

Loki had the upper hand.

Everyone couldn't help but worry about Captain America.

"How can we defeat Loki?"

Black Widow asked.

Hawkeye thought about it.

"Unless there are reinforcements"


【Captain America was completely abused】

【On the plane, Black Widow adjusts the sight】

【But Loki is really cunning】

【Always using Captain America as a shield】

【Hiding in the blind spot】

【The widow was at a loss, not knowing what to do】

【At this moment, a voice came from the headset】

【Tony: Agent Romanoff, did you miss me?】

【As soon as she heard the frivolous voice, she knew who was coming.】

【Tony Stark!】

【The aircraft system was tampered with and music was played】

【When reinforcements arrive, there must always be BGM!】

【In the dark sky, a figure cuts through the night】

【A palm cannon directly knocked Loki away】

【The red and yellow armor landed steadily】

【This is the first time Tony Stark and Captain America meet】

【The two greeted each other】

【Loki also raised his hands and surrendered.】


Stark Industries.

Tony smiled.

"It's me"

"Chili pepper, did you see that?"

"In a critical moment, I am a hero."

Pepper was speechless.

She admitted that this rescue was cool.

But Tony was too narcissistic.

Happy was still in the office.

"Boss, you are so cool."

Tony gave a thumbs up.

"Good vision!"

Tony enjoyed the glory of this moment.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America doesn't want to talk now.

I thought he was the only one showing off.

I didn't expect he was just a stepping stone!

He was a cannon fodder and a pioneer.

He came out to get beaten.

Then Tony came to the rescue.

Comparing the two,

Captain America's face is gone.

"I don't want to watch it anymore."

Captain America closed his eyes.

However, the picture and sound were still there.

Captain America had no choice but to open his eyes and continue watching the picture.



Odin exclaimed:

"Human technology is indeed powerful"

"Their wisdom should not be underestimated."

"Loki, you must remember this well."


You're hitting me, right?

Loki himself didn't expect that

Iron Man's palm cannon would knock him down with one shot.

Thor hugged him

"Brother, you are too weak."


This sentence is like rubbing salt into the wound.

"Brother, maybe humans are too powerful"

"I underestimated them."

"But I'm glad that it wasn't you who caught me."

Sol laughed.

"Of course, I'm your brother."

"No matter what happens to you"

"I'm on your side!"

At this moment, the light curtain changed

【Famous scene 5: The brotherhood between Thor and Loki! 】 When Thor saw this title, he laughed.

"See, brother?"

"I'm on your side"

"Even if the whole world is against you"

"I will also stand against the whole world!"

Loki's eyes widened.

He couldn't believe it.

His brother actually supported him?

This was unbelievable.

Odin seemed to be thinking.

"Sol, sometimes, family affection can be put aside."

Sol said firmly:

"No, I must protect my brother!"

Loki was deeply moved.

For the first time, he felt Thor's kindness to him.

"The next famous scene"

"It must be a touching brotherhood, right?"

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