【Famous scene 5: The brotherhood between Thor and Loki! 】


Nick Fury's face was not looking good.

In his opinion, this title represented the cooperation between Thor and Loki.

In other words, Thor protected Loki.

From the perspective of the director,

Nick Fury hoped that those who joined the Avengers would be absolutely fair and just.

They would not bend the law for personal reasons.

But this was unrealistic.

Just like the villain in the video,

Loki, as Thor's younger brother, how could Thor kill him ?

"I have to think about it carefully."

"Should we recruit Thor to join us?"

Nick Fury fell into deep thought.


Stark Industries.

Tony looked solemn.

"If Thor and Loki join forces"

"I'm afraid we're no match."

"I am not afraid of God"

"But the combination of the two gods"

"It's not easy to deal with."

Tony likes to plan ahead.

Facing potential threats.

He likes to prepare in advance

"Thor's strongest power is lightning"

"If you can design the armor"

"Absorbs Thor's lightning and converts it into output"

"Use the opponent's strength to defeat the opponent"

"It should work wonders."

The more Tony thought about it, the more feasible it seemed.

So far, he had two ideas.

The first was to develop an anti-Hulk armor to prevent the green fat man from losing control.

The second was to develop an anti-Thor armor.

There were too many ideas.

As for the rest... including Captain America, ordinary armors could handle them.

What they were good at was nothing more than fighting.

Jarvis could analyze the combat data and make a response program.

So there was no need to worry.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America looked solemn.

"If Thor and Loki teamed up"

"We are definitely not opponents"

"The power of God is still very terrifying.

If someone heard this, they would definitely be sarcastic.

After all, Captain America said he was not afraid of God. But when he saw the video, he was beaten by Loki and realized the horror of God.

"Even if we can't win, we have to fight."

Captain America will not back down.

Even if the gods are strong,

Captain America will never give in.

"I could spend the whole day with them!"


Corvo Laboratory


"Loki and Thor are teaming up?"

"That's really terrifying."

Banner had a self-made file in front of him.

Based on the relevant information revealed in the video, he summarized Thor and Loki's abilities.

Overall, even if his future self turned into the Hulk and his anger value was full, he might not be the opponent.

This was just a preliminary estimate.

The actual situation would depend on the specific process of the battle.

Banner pinched his brows.

"This potential threat"

"It's a real headache."


【On the space carrier, inside the space】

【The original six members, except Hawkeye, all gathered here】

【Tony is busy with other things and has not shown up yet.】

【Loki was locked in a transparent hood】

【This cover was originally prepared for Hulk】

【The atmosphere on the scene was somewhat serious.】

【Captain America and Black Widow sitting at the table】

【Dr. Banner walks around】

【Thor looked thoughtful】

【Captain America: Thor, what does Loki want to do?】

【Thor: He has an army called the Chitauri, they are not from Asgard】

【Thor: Loki intends to lead them to attack the Earth】

【Captain America: An army? From outer space?】

【Banner: So he wanted to open the portal and take Sylvig away?】

【Thor's expression changed: Silvig?】

【Banner: Yes, an astronomer.】

【Saul: That's my friend.】



Thor stroked his chin and thought.

He didn't know Silvegger now. Since he called her a friend in the future , she must be someone worth making friends with. Thor looked at Loki.

"If you dare to hurt my friends"

"Even if we are brothers"

"I will destroy you too!"

Loki shook his head repeatedly.

A smile appeared on his face.

"Brother, have you forgotten?"

"The title is Brotherly Love"

"Even if I hurt your friends"

"In the end, you still chose brotherhood and stood by me."

Thor was stunned.

He had forgotten the title.

Now that he remembered it, his face changed.

"Oops, my future self"

"They won't let you out, will they?"

"That’s too sinful!"


"Brother, I am very sad when you say that."

Sol rolled his eyes at him.

They stared at the screen.

Continue watching


【Black Widow: Loki used magic to control Silvig and our colleagues】

【Captain America: I don't understand, why did he surrender? How can he command the army here?】

【There was a lot of gossip among the people】

【Express your own opinions】

【Dr. Banner, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke at this moment】

【Banner: I think we shouldn't pay too much attention to Loki.】

【Everyone looked at Banner】

【Banner: This guy's thoughts are hard to figure out, he's simply a lunatic】

【Hearing this, Thor was unhappy.】

【Loki is his brother】

【Although not biological】

【But the brotherhood remains!】

【How could he tolerate someone scolding his brother in front of him?】

【Thor took two steps forward with a fierce look.】



Thor smiled and looked at Loki

"See, Loki?"

"As my brother"

"Never allow anyone to say bad things about you!"

Loki nodded.

To be honest, seeing this scene, his heart was also warm.

On weekdays, brothers seem to be at odds with each other.

But in reality?

When there is a real crisis, they will help each other.

"Thank you, brother."

Loki said with emotion.

The video continues


【Thor looked at Banner】

【Eyes full of anger】

【Thor: Be careful with your words. Loki is arrogant and unreasonable.】

【Thor: But he is from the God's Realm after all, and he is also my brother!】

【Black Widow: He killed eighty people in two days】

【Saul was silent: He was adopted, no blood relationship】



Loki turned his head silently.

He looked at Thor.

"Brother, is this how you defend me?"

Thor scratched his face in embarrassment.

"You killed eighty people."

"How can I protect you?"

"I'm glad I didn't hit you."


I thought it was a touching brotherhood.

I didn't expect the word"adoption".

It directly cut off the relationship.

What kind of brotherhood is this!

Loki was very hurt.

Thor was embarrassed to death. He boasted too early.

He shouted brotherhood for a long time.

He also said that he would always stand by Loki.

What's the result?

He sold it out!

Where is the brotherhood!

Thor turned his head away.

Try not to look at Loki.

Loki said faintly:

"Brother, even if you don't help me"

"I shouldn't have said I was adopted."

"We are brothers!"

At this time, Loki really didn't know that he was adopted!

Odin never told him.

So, the video said that Loki was adopted.

This made Odin tremble in his heart. He was also a little embarrassed.

He quickly knocked on the scepter.

"You two, be quiet."

"As brothers, we should help each other"

"If one party makes a mistake"

"The other side must not tolerate it either!"

Loki quickly stood up

"Father, rest assured"

"My brother made a mistake later"

"I will definitely give him a good beating!"



Stark Industries.

Tony's eyelids jumped.

"This is the legendary brotherhood?"

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