【Famous scene 8: The incoming nuclear bomb!】


Stark Industries.

Tony's face darkened.

Nuclear bombs are human weapons.

The Chitauri army certainly doesn't have them.

So, this nuclear bomb... was launched by humans.

To deal with the alien invaders.

The human leaders.

Want to bury the entire city!

"These people are always like this."

Tony's face was gloomy.

Pepper looked worried.

"You are still on the battlefield"

"But they launched a nuclear bomb to kill you?"

"How can this be possible?"

Tony laughed.

"Nothing is impossible"

"People here have always been like this."

"This is nothing unusual."

Tony was worried about the nuclear bomb.

If a nuclear bomb hit, what should he do?

With his iron armor, he could fly away, but what about the others?

Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye and others would be buried with the whole city.

With this thought,

Tony couldn't help but feel worried.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America was stunned.

"What is a nuclear bomb?"

Before he was frozen, nuclear bombs were not publicized.

He had never heard of this thing.

Since the word"bomb" was involved,

Captain America could roughly guess it.

It should be a weapon of mass destruction.

It must be very dangerous.

"Do they want to blow us up too?"

Captain America looked grim.



Black Widow and Hawkeye all looked at Nick Fury.

He was the one who founded the Avengers.

If this war breaks out, the space carrier must be nearby.

The nuclear bomb on board is the closest.

The plane that launched the nuclear bomb must have flown from the space carrier.

Who can give the order?

Of course it's Nick Fury!

Nick Fury broke out in a cold sweat.

"I don't think I would give such an order."

"I founded the Avengers, I believe in your abilities"

"How could I possibly blow you up?"

Black Widow thought it made sense.

Hawkeye had been with Nick Fury the longest and knew his character very well.

He knew very well that

Nick Fury would not do such a thing.

"You should have been fired by then."

"The above command bypasses you"

"It was directly transmitted to the pilot.

Nick Fury suddenly realized that it was possible!

After figuring this out,

Nick Fury's face became even uglier.


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner was a little angry.

They fought hard in the city.

The people above actually wanted to blow them up?

The soldiers who charged on the front line.

Should they be buried as cannon fodder?

Banner's heart rate soared by 200.

Of course, he hasn't mutated yet. He can't become the Hulk.

But Banner is eager to become the Hulk now.

So that he can run away. He directly demolished the leader's command room!



Thor scratches his head

"What is a nuclear bomb?"

Odin said:

"Weapons of mass destruction"

"The kind that can blow up an entire city."

"You may not be able to withstand it either."


Weapons that even gods cannot withstand?

Humans actually have such terrifying weapons?

Thor was secretly shocked.

Loki was also surprised.

Then he thought of something.

His face changed.

"Brother, we are all here"

"If a nuclear bomb comes"

"It will blow us up too!"

Thor's face changed.

"Humans are so selfish!"

"Those commanders are far away in the sky"

"Afraid that the Chitauri would attack them"

"So we were blown up too?"

"Haha, let me kill them with thunder first!"

Thor couldn't keep calm at all.

He was charging in front, but someone stabbed him in the back.

Who could bear this?

Odin said:

"Be quiet and keep watching"

"There must be someone among you who can resolve the crisis."

"I guess it's most likely that person."

Thor asked doubtfully:

"Father, who is it?"

Odin said,"The one cursed by knowledge?"


The Riddler is damned!


【Nick Fury holds a video conference on the space carrier】

【Commander: We have unanimously decided to launch a nuclear bomb to ensure that the aliens do not spread to other cities.】

【Nick Fury: I refuse to accept this order!】

【Commander: This is not up to you. You are dismissed.】



Nick Fury touched his head

"You are really right."

"I was dismissed"

"But, you saw it."

"I will always stand by your side!"

Black Widow nodded in agreement

"I admit this."

"But can you stop a nuclear bomb?"

"If this thing flies up, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Nick Fury's face darkened.

He looked at the video on the screen.

"Then don't let the plane take off!"


【The pilot enters the fighter plane and prepares to take off】

【The leader's orders came from the headset】

【Commander: Nick Fury has been deposed and now follows my orders!】

【Pilot: Yes sir!】

【The plane starts taxiing and prepares to take off】

【Inside the cabin, Nick Fury rushed out carrying an RPG】

【Aim at the wing of the plane and fire the shell directly】

【There was a loud bang, the wing was blown off and the plane could not take off.】

【Nick Fury is relieved】

【However, another plane took the opportunity to taxi and took off directly】

【Nick Fury didn't have time to load the shells, so he took out his pistol】

【The plane has flown far away. It's too late.】

【Nick Fury held his pistol and watched the plane leave】



Black Widow smiled at the director

"Fury, you want to shoot down a plane with a pistol?"

Nick Fury was a little embarrassed.

"At this time, I panicked."

"Subconsciously pulled out the pistol"

"I can understand that.

Black Widow said,"I didn't expect you to panic."

Nick Fury didn't respond.

He was worried about the nuclear bomb.

Although it hadn't happened yet, it looked really worrying.

"This nuclear bomb"

"How to deal with it?"


【Nick Fury returned to the cabin and made a phone call】

【Nick Fury: Hey, Stark, there's a nuke heading your way!】

【Tony: How many minutes left?】

【Nick Fury: Three minutes tops!】

【Tony's face was solemn. He asked Jarvis to put the fuel into the thrusters.】

【The armor takes off and flies towards the nuclear bomb without hesitation】

【Tony never hesitated in the face of crisis.】

【Just like now, knowing that it is a nuclear bomb】

【Still without hesitation, flying towards the nuclear bomb】

【Above the river, a nuclear bomb is flying】

【Tony's armor is flying at high speed】

【The voice of the widow came from the headset】

【Black Widow: I can close the portal from here!】

【Captain America: Then close it now!】

【Tony: Don't worry, I got a nuke here. I know where to put it.】

【All members of the Avengers instantly understood Tony's idea】

【However, the situation is far from as smooth as expected.……】

【On the river, a nuclear bomb strikes】

【Tony braked suddenly and turned around】

【He flew under the nuclear bomb and held it】

【Captain America: Stark, you should realize that there is no way back.】

【Tony: Jarvis, all the energy goes into turning!】

【Tony's face was calm, and his eyes were not panicked at all.】

【He knew he would never come back, but so what?】

【The people who can be saved are the people of the entire city!】

【If you want to never come back, then don’t come back!】

【Jarvis: Sir, do you need to contact Miss Pepper?】

【Tony: Contact us.】

【However, Xiao La Jiao, who was on the plane, was concentrating on watching TV. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【I didn't even notice the phone ringing.】

【The phone call was not answered】

【It was not until this moment that regret appeared in Tony's eyes.】

【The nuclear bomb flew into the city, and everyone looked up.】

【Under the nuclear bomb, a red and yellow figure holds the nuclear bomb】[]

【At the moment of hitting the building, the armor changed the direction of the fire.】

【Tony and the nuclear bomb, rising together】

【Finally disappeared behind the portal】

【Cheers rang out from the space carrier】

【But the American team and others in the city are anxiously waiting】


Stark Industries.

Tony looks calm.

"Is this my choice for the future?"

"I am very fortunate"

"Made the right choice." Tony had no complaints about his dedication. Pepper came forward and put her hand on his shoulder.

"In the future, can you not do such dangerous things?"

Tony said:

"If I don't do it, who else can do it?"

Little Chili's eyes were red.



"My God.

Nick Fury's heartbeat quickened.

He was a qualified commander.

Seeing his subordinates sacrificed, he was not too upset.

But for some reason, seeing Tony fly into the portal,

Nick Fury's heart seemed to jump out of his throat.

Black Widow was also a little dazed.

"Will he come back?"

"have no idea"


【Behind the portal, in outer space】

【The huge Chitauri matrix stretches across the universe】

【Tony saw the alien force and felt deeply worried.】

【Alien weapons are so powerful?】

【If the earth is really attacked, can it withstand it?】

【At this moment, Tony forgot about death and the fact that he might not be able to go back.】

【His heart was filled with worries about the future】

【The energy of the armor is exhausted at this moment.】

【The light on my chest went out】

【Tony's body began to fall.】

【In the vast universe, he is alone and helpless.】

【Like a leaf floating into the sea, no one can help him】

【On the ground, Captain America ordered the portal to be closed.】

【Black Widow takes immediate action】

【The portal slowly closes 0.....】

【Black Widow murmured: Stark, come back soon!】

【As the portal closed, a figure fell out.】

【Flying across the sky, falling all the way】

【Captain America and the others all smiled】

【Because Tony is back!】

【Captain America: He is a man who dares to sacrifice himself. 】

At this moment, the scene suddenly switches.

An earlier video is inserted

【Captain America: You are definitely not someone who can sacrifice yourself! 】


The Photoshopped hand slaps Captain America in the face.

The scene switches back

【Tony is still falling】


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America blushed.

He dug his toes into the ground in embarrassment.

He won't sacrifice himself?

Backhand slap!

Captain America was embarrassed.

But he was relieved.

Howard's son.

Is a real hero!

The earth needs such a guardian!


Stark Industries.

Pepper Potts breathes a sigh of relief

""Great, you made it back!"

Tony was also very happy.

However, in the picture, he ran out of fuel and his body was still falling.

Even if he was wearing armor, he would still fall badly after falling to the ground. Tony looked solemn.

"Thor can fly, so he should be able to save me, right?"


【Thor: He's not slowing down!】

【Thor began to turn the hammer】

【Every time he takes off, he turns the hammer first】

【The pre-swing time is very long】

【By the time he flies, the daylily is cold】

【Tony's figure gradually became level with the building, and then continued to fall.】

【Just when everyone thought he would fall to his death】

【A beast roared.】

【Hulk jumped over from the corner and hugged Tony】

【Use your body as a cushion】

【Fall to the ground and make sure Tony is safe】

【Captain America and Thor rushed forward】

【After calling for a long time, Tony's eyes were closed and he didn't respond.】

【The atmosphere started to become sad】


Stark Industries.

Pepper's hands trembled slightly

"Tony���what happened?"

"You're obviously back."

"Why still……"

Tony forced a smile and comforted him:

"Outer space is too cold"

"In addition, the armor lost its energy source and the oxygen production system failed."

"I should have died of lack of oxygen."

"It doesn't matter, heroes always have to come to an end"

"At least my ending is worthy of praise!"

Although Tony didn't want to die, if he needed to sacrifice his life in the future, he would definitely not look back!

Happy was lying on the sofa, crying a lot.

Tony was a little speechless.

He comforted the two of them:

"You don't have to cry like this."

"Maybe Natasha will give me artificial respiration later."

"You can still save me."

Happy thought to himself, awesome.

The boss is the boss.

He was still thinking about artificial respiration at this time.

Pepper was also a little helpless.

She gently patted Tony's shoulder.

"Is there such a possibility?"

"I'm giving you artificial respiration."

"Is it Hulk?"

Tony's face turned green.


【Captain America and Thor looked sad. 0.8】

【They couldn't bear to see Tony die.】

【Hulk stands aside】

【This big green guy has the temper of a child】

【He didn't want to see Tony die.】

【The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. Finally, I yelled in anger.】

【The terrifying roar woke Tony up】

【Tony: Ah!

Look, how pitiful the foreigners are.

They are frightened, but they can't even say"Fuck!"

【Tony: What happened? Did someone give me CPR?】

【The American team was obviously relieved: We won】

【Tony: That's great. I have a day off tomorrow. There's a barbecue restaurant over there that I can try.】


Stark Industries.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, no artificial respiration"

"No, unfortunately Natasha wasn't there."

"If she was here, she would definitely give her artificial respiration."

Tony said.

Feeling the murderous gaze of Pepper, he couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"just kidding"

"Are you feeling more relaxed now?"

Little Chili laughed.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America nodded in appreciation.


"You really raised a good son."



Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief

"Fortunately, he is back."

"This is really good news"

"We won this battle!"

Black Widow and Hawkeye were also very happy



Thor swings his hammer excitedly


"Rocky, did you see that?"

"We won!"

Loki smiled awkwardly.

He wanted to say"you won" instead of"we".

The six Avengers defeated the Chitauri. Now that they have the energy, they should deal with the mastermind.

Loki was terrified.

He didn't dare to imagine how miserable his fate would be.……

I said: Ohma Ba Ba

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