【Famous scene 9: Six people gather after the war】

【In the barbecue restaurant, six people sat at the table】

【Enjoy grilled meats on the table】

【The taste is not good, everyone is very silent】

【An expression that says"this is hard to judge"】

【In a quiet atmosphere】

【The famous scene ended quietly】



Loki: ???

"Why don't you play my ending?"

Thor thought for a moment and said:

"Maybe the barbecue on the table will be your fate?"



Stark Industries.

Tony shrugged.

"Everyone listened to my advice."

"We went to have a barbecue together"

"The taste doesn't seem to be that good"

"Don't recommend it casually in the future."


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America looked at the silent atmosphere in the video and couldn't help shaking his head.

"The barbecue seems to be awful."

"billionaire tony"

"Just eat this kind of thing?"


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner's eyes light up.

"I like barbecue"

"I don't know how this tastes."

"It doesn't look like much"



Nick Fury is indignant

"You guys were having barbecue without calling me?"

Black Widow shrugged.

"Maybe you are too busy and no one dared to call you."

Nick Fury said:

"This is not a reason"

"You must call me when you have dinner together in the future"

"It's better to let Tony pay."

Black Widow and Hawkeye looked at each other.

I have to say, the director is sometimes really stingy.


《The famous scene from Avengers 1 ends here.

In the video, a summary appears

【The first stage of the heroic scene officially ends here】

【The heroes' performance was very impressive.】

【A heroic spirit, admirable】

【With the end of the First War】

【The Second Stage of Heroic History】

【This opens the curtain】

【New Heroes Appear】

【Next, we will show you the famous heroic scenes in the second stage!】


Stark Industries.

Tony's eyes lit up.

"Phase 2 is about to begin?"

"A new hero is coming"

"Little Pepper, do you think you will be there?"

Little Pepper:???

"Why do you think I exist?"

Tony said:

"I will make you a set of armor."

Little Pepper shook her head

"No, no, no, I don't want to join your fight.

Although Pepper said this, it did not stop Tony from making the armor.

In the future, he will definitely use the armor to arm Pepper.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America's eyes lit up

"A new superhero?"

"Who could it be?

Captain America was very curious.


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner narrowed his eyes.

"A new superhero?"

"Mutation, or relying on technology?"

"Are superheroes so worthless nowadays?"



Nick Fury smiled very happily.

For him, the more superheroes, the better.

This means that there are enough forces to protect the earth.

Once the aliens attack on a large scale, the earth will have enough means to deal with it!

Black Widow"tsk tsk" twice

"Fury, your mouth is almost stretched to your ears.

Nick Fury chuckled.

"Sorry, sorry."

"I really feel happy"

"The more people join the Avengers"

"For me, the more confident"



Loki looked at the words"Phase 2" and"New Hero" and straightened his clothes.

"Is it my turn to perform?"

"In the future, I will definitely find my way back."

"Then join the Avengers."

What Loki wants is actually very simple.

It's fame!

Everyone knows him.

Everyone admires him.

Everyone supports him to be the king!

Loki now finds that joining the Avengers is a good choice.

After the New York War, the six first-generation heroes all entered the public eye.

Countless people cheered for them.

Loki was envious!

"I must be on the new list!"

Thor said faintly:

"Forget it"

"According to the time calculation, you at this time……"

"He should be serving his sentence."


It's really possible.

At this moment, the words appeared on the screen.

【The second stage hero list is as follows:】

【Iron Man: Tony Stark】


【Hulk: Dr. Banner]

At the beginning, it was still the list of the original six.

But this time, there are a few more characters under the list.

【Quicksilver: Pietro】

【Scarlet Witch: Wanda】


【Falcon: Sam】

【Ant-Man: Scott】

【All Guardians of the Galaxy, including】

【Star-Lord: Quill】

【Gamora: Son of Thanos】

【Raccoon: Rocket】

【Tree Man: Groot】

【Drax the Destroyer】

【The above is the second stage hero list】


Stark Industries.

Tony's eyes were blank.

"one two three……"

"Ten more people?"

"There are actually ten more people in the second stage?"

"It's unbelievable!"

Tony was shocked.

The number of heroes born in the second phase was obviously more than that in the first phase.

Ten people suddenly appeared.

"Jarvis, can you find the information of these people?"

Jarvis:"Looking up, we have found the identities of three people."

On the computer in front of Tony, three files were displayed.

The first one was Pietro and Wanda.

They were twins. But there were very few files about them. According to records, the two disappeared in a war. Their whereabouts are unknown now. As for Ant-Man Scott... that's too easy to check. This guy is in jail for theft. Tony carefully checked the identity information of this guy.

"This guy's stealing skills are really powerful!"

Tony couldn't help but admire him.

In many places that he thought had foolproof security,

Scott walked easily.

If he hadn't confessed after being caught, no one would have known that he was the one who committed those big crimes!


Tony murmured in admiration.



Nick Fury grins from ear to ear

"Ten, ten more people!"

"Natasha, Clint"

"see it"

"The future Avengers will have at least sixteen heroes!"

Black Widow shrugged.

Hawkeye wiped the arrow.

They were not interested in this.

Nick Fury was a little embarrassed.

He looked away and said no more.

But the excitement in his eyes could not be suppressed at all!


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America smiled.

"There are ten more heroes!"

"So many people protect the earth"

"Really reassuring"

"But I hope they are good people."

"Don't be like Tony."


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner exclaimed

"so many people?"

"I really didn't expect it"

"Guardians of the Galaxy... this name is too strong"



Odin looked at the list.

He was thinking.

Thor noticed something strange.

"Father, what happened to you?"

Odin pondered:

"I seem to have heard of this Star-Lord name."

"A name that impressed me"

"He is probably a wanted criminal in the universe."


Wanted criminal, can he be called a wanted criminal?


On Earth, in a prison, the sleepy Scott suddenly opened his eyes! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He looked at the screen in front of him.

His expression suddenly changed.

"What the hell is this?"

Scott Lang was confused.

"What is this?"[]

"Police, police, come quickly!"

"I am hallucinating, please find a doctor!"

The shouts continued.

Soon, a policeman came over.

""Scott, what are you doing?"

Police Officer Paxton came over.

He and Ant-Man have a deep connection.

Scott's ex-wife is Paxton's current wife.

The two of them are equivalent to one ex and one current.

The ex is in prison and the current is a police officer.

This scene is embarrassing enough.

"Paxton, look!"

"There's a screen here."

"It's very strange!"

Paxton looked up and was stunned.

He saw it!

There really was a screen, appearing in the air.

It was like a projection. It was really amazing.

""Scott, what are you doing?"

Paxton asked coldly.

Scott cried out that he was wronged.

The two of them gradually quieted down.

Looking at the content on the screen

"Iron Man? The Hulk?"

"Captain America... I know this"

"Who are the rest?"

The two looked confused.

Suddenly, Ant-Man's name appeared on the list.

【Ant-Man: Scott Lang!】

"Is this me?"

Ant-Man was confused.

He was just a thief and was locked up in jail.

How could he be a superhero?

This light curtain must be nonsense!

Paxton agreed

"Whether it's bullshit or not"

"Let's see first."

"Scott, if this is your doing"

"I will never let you go!"

Ant-Man felt aggrieved.

This video really has nothing to do with him!


In a park, the retired Falcon is running.

His physical fitness is very strong. After so many years of retirement, he insists on exercising every day.

His physical fitness has not decreased.

So far, he has not met anyone who can run faster than him.

Suddenly, Falcon gradually stopped and looked at the scene in front of him with a blank expression.

"List of heroes?"

"What the hell is this?"

"Is someone teasing me?"

Falcon looked around.

He didn't see any strange people.

He felt strange.

He walked to the bench under the tree and sat down.

He stared at the screen quietly.

"Iron Man, Hulk, Thor?"

"What the hell is this?"

"Wait, why am I on the list?"

Falcon's eyes widened.

His name was on the list. He was one of the heroes.

Besides himself, the only one Falcon had heard of was Captain America!

After all, in the team,

Captain America's name was a legend.

He was the benchmark they had to learn from.

Every time they organized a study session, this name would definitely be on the list.

"Isn't Captain America dead?"

"How come there is still information about him?"

"He, is still alive?"

Falcon couldn't help but get excited.

To them,

Captain America is a legend.

If they could see a living legend with their own eyes, they would be very lucky!

In Captain America's museum, there is also a heroic deed.

The hero's name is Bucky Barnes.

He is Captain America's friend.

Falcon envied Bucky because he could be friends with Captain America.

"Hopefully one day"

"I can be Captain America's friend too!"


A slum.

The air was filled with a foul smell.

All kinds of household garbage were piled up randomly.

Two figures huddled in a corner. Their hair was dishevelled and their faces were dirty.

""Pietro, I seem to be hallucinating because of hunger."

Wanda's eyes were dull. She was so hungry that her chest was sticking to her back.

The brother and sister have not become volunteers for Hydra yet.

They are still living a miserable life of wandering.

""Have you seen the video?"

Quicksilver asked.

Wanda was stunned and nodded.

"Did you see it too?"

Quicksilver nodded.

His eyes became serious.

"This thing is weird"

"You look around, no one noticed."

"Only the two of us can see it."

Wanda didn't have the energy to look around.

"Pietro, are there really superheroes?"

Quicksilver nodded.

"Of course there will be"

"If we can meet"

"Maybe it can change your destiny"

"Look, the list appears."

"We can find them according to the list!"

In video 680, names begin to appear.

【Iron Man: Tony Stark! 】

Quicksilver: ???

Wanda: ???

The brother and sister were both confused.

Is the list serious?

Tony Stark?

The arms dealer?

When they were young, war broke out in their hometown.

A shell landed in front of them.

It was printed with"Stark Industries".

Since then, the brother and sister have regarded Tony as an enemy. Now seeing Tony's name on the list of heroes , the two almost exploded!

"Pietro, is this list serious?"

Quicksilver's face was gloomy.

"I don’t know, but it better not be!"

Soon, the names of the first six people flashed.

Then, the names of the brother and sister appeared.

【Quicksilver: Pietro】

【Scarlet Witch: Wanda.

Wanda was stunned for a moment.

"Brother, is the list serious?"

Quicksilver thought carefully for a moment this time.

He nodded.

"It should be serious."


Okay, okay, without your name, I'm not serious.

With your name, this is called serious?

You are really double-standard!

However, the brother and sister both had a question.

They were both starving to death.

How could they be superheroes?


Deep in the universe, a figure is sitting on a spaceship.

Driving aimlessly.

He is wearing headphones.

Listening to music.

Humming along.


""What's the matter with your head?"

The BGM is unique to Star-Lord.

Suddenly, Star-Lord's expression froze.

A light screen appeared in front of him.

"Super hero?"

"Guardians of the Galaxy?"

"Why is my name still here?"


On a small planet.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot walked side by side.

One bear and one tree, both stopped

"Groot, I'm hallucinating."


"Did you see it too? Interesting."

A bear and a tree found a corner and watched the video quietly.


Space Prison.

Drax the Destroyer was lying on the bed.

He was looking at the screen in front of him.

He looked dazed and confused.

"What is this? Can I eat it?"

"My name is on it"

"Hahahaha, I'm a hero!"

Drax laughed like a fool


On a desolate planet,

Gamora, dressed in green, holding a box of jewels, ran at full speed, with enemies chasing her.

"Thief, give it back!"

Gamora gritted her teeth and said:

"Get out of here!"

"Catch up if you can."

"See if I can break your legs!"

Gamora ran all the way.

Finally, she got rid of the pursuers and arrived at a safe place.

Only then did she relax.

Looking at the light screen in front of her

"Super hero?"

"My name is actually there, and I am the son of Thanos."


What the hell is this?".

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