【Tony: Come on!】

【The Mark 42 armor parts on the table are not movable.】

【Tony was a little embarrassed, but continued to pose!】

【Still no response】

【Tony was extremely embarrassed and slapped the device on his arm twice.】

【Then strike the pose again!】

【The armor finally responded】

【The left hand part flew up and locked onto Tony.】

【Tony caught it, and the armor fit perfectly】

【Tony's face lit up: Very good, very smooth】

【Right hand part flying】

【Still blends perfectly】

【Tony laughed.】

【Tony: Great, let's do the rest!】

【All the armor parts on the table flew up and headed straight for Tony.】

【The fusion of arms and legs went very smoothly.】

【However, the armor parts are flying too fast.】

【Tony subconsciously dodged】

【The various components were flying around and running rampant in the laboratory.】


Stark Industries.

Tony's eyelids twitched

"I see"

"The reason why this armor is called Anti-Tony Armor"

"Because it doesn't listen to me."

"Or rather, it's not my words."

Little Chili was trying to hold back her laughter.

"Look, there's a part hitting you between your legs."

"This must be very sour."


"Little Chili, for your future happiness"

"You'd better not gloat too much."

Pepper is still laughing hard.

Tony is completely humiliated. He is still in a mess in the video!


【Only one mask left】

【Tony is fully prepared and ready to deal with it】

【The mask is upside down】

【Tony even did a mid-air somersault】

【Blends smoothly with the mask】

【Land steadily and strike a handsome pose】

【Accompanied by BGM, it's so cool! 】

Tony in front of the screen.

Just want to show off

【The last piece, the armor on the buttocks flies over】

【Tony was caught off guard and was knocked away.】

【The armor was scattered all over the ground, and Tony fell heavily to the ground】


Tony's smile froze.

Pepper laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her back.

Happy also tried to hold back his laughter.

He usually wouldn't laugh at his boss unless he couldn't help it.

The atmosphere in the office gradually became harmonious.

But this harmony was bought at the cost of Tony's face.

Tony forced out a smile awkwardly.

"There are always ups and downs in the R&D process

"No matter which scientist"

"You can't succeed all at once."

Pepper and Happy laughed too loudly.

Tony became more and more embarrassed.



Nick Fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye.

They also smile like flowers.

"This scene"

"It is truly a well-deserved famous scene!"190


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America silently recorded this scene.

After all, this was one of Tony's few embarrassing moments.

And it was his own invention that led to this result.

Of course, it was worth Captain America's joke.


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner smiled.

"It turns out to be such an anti-Tony armor"

"It should be a new technology, not yet mature"

"Most people can only watch for fun"

"But the technology inside it is thought-provoking."

As a scientist, Banner saw the special features of the Mark 42.

It can be disassembled and automatically locks the owner's position.

It is more convenient to put on and take off.

The level of technology contained in it is far beyond what most people think.

"With a brain like his"

"Develop the Hulkbuster armor"

"It won’t be a problem!"


The slums.

Pietro and Wanda.

It's really hard to laugh.

Their hope for revenge.


"After all, it's Stark's own thing."

"Let us not have any hope."

Quicksilver said:

"Don't worry, we will also be superheroes in the future"

"By then, I will be able to take revenge."

"Tony's armor is no match for us."

Wanda said:

"We became heroes"

"Can I still take revenge?"

Quicksilver was silent.

It seemed that there was no way to take revenge.

In fact, the two had always had a wrong concept.

They believed that it was Tony who caused the destruction of the siblings' family.

In fact, Tony was just a weapon maker.

The real cause of their destruction was the weapon user.

For example, after a car accident, should you seek compensation from the driver or the car maker?

It's clear at a glance!

The siblings never figured this out.

That's why they are troubled until today.


【Famous scene 4: Tony's anger!

No matter what time it is,

Tony is rational and wise.

He may quarrel and argue, but his rationality is always online.

During the anxiety disorder, he was really angry once.


Stark Industries.

Tony looked at the title.

His eyes were a little serious.

"My anger?"

"What is there that can make me angry?"

"The title must be a lie."

Tony didn't want to think about it too deeply.

Because the only thing that could make him angry was someone around him getting hurt.

Like Pepper.

Or Happy, Rod.

Thinking of this,

Tony was a little scared.

He didn't dare to read on. He was afraid to see someone get into trouble.

(agbj) But the screen couldn't be closed.

The video couldn't be stopped.

Tony could only watch


【At night, people are coming and going on the street】

【Happy is following someone】

【Look alert and cautious】

【On the bench, someone put down a box and handed it to another person.】

【Happy pretends to step forward and knocks the box over】

【Pretending to help someone pack up, but actually secretly taking some away】

【Happy wants to take it back and give it to Tony for research.】

【However, the person who had just left returned】

【Deliberately bumped into Happy】

【Happy saw that the situation was not good and punched directly】

【Hit the opponent hard in the face】

【When the other person turns around】

【Flame patterns appeared on his face, and his body was like���Turned into magma】

【With a light wave of his hand, Happy was knocked away】

【In the crowd, the person who was knocked over by Happy just now was lying on the ground】

【The body began to swell and burst into flames】

【Finally, there was a loud explosion】

【After the explosion, Happy fell to the ground, covered in blood.】

【He saw people who were also blown up gradually recover and leave unscathed.】

【In a state of doubt and resentment】

【Happy gradually closed his eyes.】


Stark Industries.

Tony picked up the cup with a gloomy face.

He exerted force on his hand and the cup broke.

Blood flowed out.

Tony didn't feel any pain.

He looked at Happy.

"Happy, don't do things beyond your ability in the future"

"I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Like the things in the video"

"It must not happen!"

Happy was deeply moved.

He said he would remember Tony's words.

But in fact, if there is something that threatens Tony,

Happy will still go forward without hesitation.

Even if it means sacrificing his life.



Nick Fury narrowed his eyes

"This explosion is the same as the plant that the female scientist had before."

"This disaster spanned more than ten years?"

"Hill, order someone to track down the female scientist"

"These explosive people are related to her!"

SHIELD immediately took action.

Nick Fury watched the video and was a little worried.

Tony's men were blown up like this.

With Tony's character, he would definitely take revenge.

"What will he do?"

"I hope it doesn't cause any disaster.……"


【In private room】

【Happy is lying on the hospital bed, wearing a ventilator】

【The caregiver wants to turn off the TV】

【However, Tony, who was sitting in the corner, spoke out to stop】

【Tony: This is his favorite show】

【Tony's smile was very forced.】

【Perhaps, since the first test flight of the armor】

【His smile was never truly happy again.】

【Tony: Let everyone wear a badge. This is what Happy asked.】

【At this stage, Happy was promoted to the Director of Security at Stark Industries.】

【At his request, everyone had to wear a badge. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【This ensures your identity is reliable】

【Tony remembers every detail of Happy's life】

【Not just Happy】

【He values everyone and every hobby】

【Tony kept it in mind.】[]

【On the surface, he is selfish.】

【But for friends and relatives】

【More generous than anyone else】

【People scold him only because they see the surface.】

【Tony gave the nurse a few words and left the ward.】


Stark Industries.

Happy sat on the sofa and burst into tears.

He had been with Tony for so many years.

Of course, he knew Tony. This boss who looked cold but was warm-hearted actually cared the most about his subordinates.

However, when he saw the video in which Tony remembered every detail,

Happy really couldn't help it.

Such a grown man, but crying like a three-year-old child.

"Boss, I'm too���Moved"

"I know you are good to your subordinates."

"But I didn't expect you to remember so many details."

Tony smiled.

"Don't be too moved"

"I am such a kind boss."

However, Little Pepper said faintly:


"Then why don't you remember my birthday?"


Tony was instantly silent.

He was so embarrassed that he dug his toes into the ground

"Pepper, this is definitely a misunderstanding.

Pepper smiled.

Tony felt his scalp tingling.

""Let's continue watching the video."

Tony quickly diverted his attention.

He was extremely grateful.

Fortunately, there was a video screen.

Otherwise, he would definitely be scolded by Pepper.


【Outside the hospital, reporters have been waiting for a long time.】

【As soon as Tony came out, reporters surrounded him.】

【Reporter: Mr. Stark, please respond to the attack just now.】

【Tony didn't intend to pay attention】

【Until someone came up with a cell phone in hand】

【The man said: Stark shows up, who can kill the Mandarin?】

【Tony turned around and stared at the camera】

【Tony: I've been wanting to say hello to the Mandarin for a long time.】

【Tony: My Lord, listen carefully, I will go and collect your body myself!】

【After saying that, he snatched the man's phone.】

【Smash it hard】

【Then he drove away. 】

From the video,

Tony's anger has reached its peak.

He formally challenged the Mandarin.

The most direct reason was that Happy was injured.

He wanted to avenge Happy!


Stark Industries.

Happy looks worried.

"Boss, you don't have to do this for me."

"I'm a bodyguard"

"Even if he died, it was what he deserved.

Tony looked at Happy.

"I don't like hearing this."

"Don't say it again."

"Besides, my job has nothing to do with you."

"I do whatever I want."

Happy knew Tony was being stubborn, so he didn't say anything.

Pepper also knew Tony's character.

"I have to admit"

"The scene where you were provocative to the camera"

"I am so handsome.

Tony's eyes lit up.

"Oh, is it so?"

"This is a pleasant surprise"

"Happy, did you hear that?"

"I am so handsome that Little Pepper is so handsome."

Happy pouted and ate a handful of dog food again.



Nick Fury looks satisfied


"Tony can challenge the terrorists for his friends."

"This character is quite good."

"You will become friends later"

"He will also sacrifice his life for you."

Black Widow was lonely.

After hearing this, she began to look forward to becoming friends with Tony.

Hawkeye was thoughtful and felt that having such a friend was actually very good.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America exclaimed:

"A man"

"I was too narrow-minded before."

"Can go through life and death for friends"

"This is the manly style"


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner admires it.

"Man angry for his friend"

"Indeed more handsome"

"���*Look at the anger of others."

"Look at Hulk's anger again"

"Just smash, smash, smash"

"This meaningless anger"

"It's better not to be angry"



Thor played with the hammer and nodded in appreciation

"This is a real man!"

"I admire him"

"Loki, learn from me."

Loki laughed.

He could only nod awkwardly.

"I understand, brother."



Quicksilver and Wanda looked at each other.

"Wanda, what are you thinking about?"

Wanda pondered for a moment.

"I wonder what kind of person Tony Stark is?"

Quicksilver was silent. The two of them hated Tony because of a cannonball. But now, after watching the video, their thoughts have changed. Tony is not the same as they imagined. He is not a war profiteer who only cares about money. He is a flesh and blood person who can challenge powerful enemies for his friends. Such a person is very different from what they imagined.


"Have we always been……"

"Misunderstood Tony?"

Quicksilver said:

"But his weapons destroyed our hometown."

"This is an indisputable fact"

"Be alert first, don't be too kind to him."

Wanda nodded.

The brother and sister continued to stare at the screen.



Ant-Man is sitting on the toilet.

Looking at the screen.

He looks confused.

"Billionaire, arms dealer"

"He would become a hero?"

"It's incredible."

Outside the cell, prison guard and Ant-Man's ex-wife's current husband,

Paxton, was thoughtful.

"This seems like the future."

"Scott, is your name on it?"

"You are a thief, can you be a superhero?"

Ant-Man was a little helpless.

"Paxton, bad people can be reformed."

"Besides, I'm not bad."

"I just... live."

Paxton laughed.

"Keep watching"

"I hope you come on stage soon."

"Let me see how you become a hero"


Deep in the universe.

On a certain planet.

Rocket Raccoon couldn't help but admire

"This Tony is a real man!"


Rocket Raccoon laughed

"Yes, you are a real man too!"


Cosmic Prison.

Drax the Destroyer exclaimed:

"Helping a friend"

"This is a real man"

"I am also a real man, and I admire real men!"

"So I admire myself!"

The Destroyer's brain has never worked well.

After all, he is the number one fool in the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Nothing he says is surprising.


Star-Lord and Gamora were also amazed by this.

"What a man!"

Famous scene 5: In a rage, he got angry for a moment].

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