【Famous scene 5: In anger, angry for a while】


Stark Industries.

Tony felt like he saw some nonsense.

In a rage, he got angry for a moment.

What's the difference between this and not getting angry?

"Wait a minute, this is my famous scene"

"So, in a rage, I got angry for a while.……"

"Actually it was me?"


After thinking about this, an ominous premonition grew in his heart.

Tony's eyelids twitched.

Could it be that the last famous scene of anger did not cause any splashes?

Pepper also noticed that the title seemed to be making trouble

"Tony, I have a bad feeling.

Happy: Boss, I have the same feeling.



【Beachfront Villa】

【Women scientists are still here】

【Tony and Pepper start arguing】

【Chili wants to move】

【But Tony doesn't want】

【His wealth is all here.】

【When the two quarreled fiercely】

【The TV suddenly showed the screen】

【Female scientists were the first to notice】

【She looked at the screen with a hint of fear in her eyes】

【Female Scientist: You two, would you like to watch some TV first?】

【The two turned their heads and looked】

【On TV, live broadcast from high altitude】

【The picture is Tony’s beach villa!】

【In other words, there are cameras filming outside the villa!】

【The enemy is attacking!】

【They're going to blow up Tony's house.】

【And show it all to the world】

【Tony's face suddenly changed】

【On live TV, a long white smoke line streaked across the sky.】

【The missile is heading straight for the beach villa!】


【The glass shattered and the villa began to collapse】

【The three of them were instantly shaken away】


Stark Industries.

Tony looked worried.

He didn't expect that it would be so short.

The enemy would come to the door and drop a bomb.

Pepper was also involved.

""My future self has implicated you."

Tony's face was full of apology.

Pepper's heart was beating fast.

The moment the missile exploded.

She was scared.

But she still held Tony's hand.

"This has nothing to do with you"

"No matter what happens in the future"

"I will always be by your side."

Happy also stood up and said:

"Me too!"

Tony was very pleased


【The shock wave of the explosion】

【Overthrow Tony and Pepper】

【The ground is full of stone fragments】

【If it lands like this】

【I'm afraid I'll break a bone.】

【Tony signs!】

【Mark 42 disassembled and flying】

【Wear them all on Chili Pepper】

【Protected by the armor, Pepper is unharmed】

【Tony fell to the ground and almost died on the spot】

【When the ceiling breaks and is about to fall on you】

【Pepper appears and uses her armor to block the rubble】

【Tony: Take the female scientist first!】

【Chili Pepper: But you……】

【Tony: Go, I'll be fine! Go!】

【Pepper gave Tony a deep look】

【Then he took the female scientist and quickly left the house】

【Jarvis: Miss Pepper is safe.】

【Tony breathed a sigh of relief and summoned his armor.】

【The Mark 42 was disassembled and flew over piece by piece.】

【Tony crawled forward in the ruins】


【It's so embarrassing!】

【Soon, the armor was put on.】

【Tony: It's time to fight back!】

【However, when I tried to fly, I couldn't get it to fly.】


【Jarvis: Sir, this is just a prototype, it has no flight capability.】



Stark Industries.

Tony sighed heavily.

"Don't brag too early"

"You have to control yourself in the future"

"Otherwise, the family will be implicated."

The title says"in a rage, got angry for a while".

Finally I know what it means!

Tony was very arrogant in issuing a challenge.

But when the enemy attacked, he was in a mess.

He boasted too early. In the end, he was the only one who was embarrassed. Seeing Tony put on the armor in the video, Pepper was relieved

"There is armor on the body"

"You should be okay, right?"

Tony felt warm inside.

"Absolutely nothing will happen"

"It feels so good to be cared for."


【The Mark 42 was only a prototype and initially had no flight capability.】

【Tony suffered a great loss and fell directly into the water】

【It was only at this time that Jarvis loaded the flight energy.】

【Take Tony and take off from the sea】

【I flew a long way to the ice and snow.】

【Tony: Open the suit!】

【After breathing fresh air】

【Tony feels comfortable】

【Tony: It's a bit cold, let's turn off the suit.】

【Jarvis: Sorry sir, I have to leave for a moment.】

【The armor's lights went out, and it was completely out of energy.】

【Tony is wearing a short-sleeved shirt in the snow】

【No reinforcements, no friends】

【A person alone watched the armor run out of power】

【Tony: Jarvis, don't leave me】

【The Warframe has been shut down, and Jarvis cannot respond.】

【Tony's eyes, lonely and desolate】

【In the ice and snow, he dragged his armor】

【Enduring the biting cold wind】

【Walking alone……】


Stark Industries.

Pepper was heartbroken.

She hugged Tony.

Her eyes were red.

Happy was also heartbroken.

He wanted to go forward and hug his boss.

But the boss's wife was next to him.

It was not appropriate.

He could only stand by and watch.

Tony comforted him:

"It's okay, it will all pass."

"Since I destroyed the armor myself in the end"

"Then this disaster must have been passed smoothly."



Nick Fury calls in his men

"Find this place in the video"

"Pay attention to the times"

"If one day Tony really ends up there"

"We will rescue them as soon as possible!"

After saying this, Nick Fury thought of something else.

"Also, the video mentions Mandarin many times."

"This should be a great character."

"Check it for me, you must find it out!"


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America looks at the screen.

Gloating over the misfortune.

"It’s awesome, that’s the feeling!"

"That's the feeling of being frozen and bitten by the cold wind!"

"Just like me now……"

Captain America is still under the ice.

His situation is not much better than Tony 's.


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner is thoughtful.

"Hulk's muscle density"

"Can hell be this cold?"

"If Hulk enters the ice and snow"

"Will you feel cold?"



Thor shrugged

"What's so scary about just some frost?"

"Aren’t there still frost tribes in the universe?"

"They seem to be extinct, right?"

Speaking of the Frost Tribe,

Odin's face changed.

Because Loki was a member of the Frost Tribe.

In front of Loki, the whole of Asgard rarely mentioned the Frost Tribe.

Loki didn't know his own life experience.

When he heard his brother mention the word Frost Tribe, he didn't think it was anything.

The two brothers looked at the picture and couldn't help but admire it again.

"The human body"

"It's really weak"

"You can't stand this level of cold?"

Odin said quietly:


"Have you two forgotten the time when you were tossed around?"





Wanda and Quicksilver, the mood is even more complicated.

They saw in the video. (Read the exciting novel, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Tony walked in the ice and snow.


No one to rely on, no one to rely on.

The two thought about their past.

After losing their parents and their home,[]

They have also gone through this stage, so they can empathize with it the most.


Wanda looked up.

"I thought I should be happy."

"Seeing Stark in this situation"

"It should be that evil will be punished."

"But I feel very uncomfortable now."

Quicksilver comforted her emotions

"Probably because……"

"In your heart, you believe that Stark is a good person."

"He really doesn't seem to be a bad person.

The brother and sister's view of Tony gradually changed.


A famous scene of a man getting angry.

It ends here.

Tony is actually very embarrassed. He was facing the camera and challenging the Mandarin.

But when he hit him, he had no power to fight back.

Tony wanted this famous scene to pass quickly.

Finally, it ended!

What came next was a new famous scene.

【Famous scene 6: Rhodes's code】


Stark Industries.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I am not the protagonist this time.

He dialed the phone

"Rod, did you see that?"

"It's your turn again."

"It's about your password."

"Do you have any crisper boxes?���

At this time, Rhode was confused.


He had so many passwords.

What kind of scene was this?

However, Rhode couldn't help but be alert.

He had a lot of secrets in his hands.

These secrets all corresponded to a certain password.

If these passwords were exposed, then things would be troublesome.

Rhode couldn't help but get nervous.

"Tony, this is no joke."

"What if the nuclear bomb code is exposed?"

"This is going to be troublesome."

Tony was stunned.

"Do you have the nuclear codes?"

"No, but all the weapons combined are about the same."

Rod said in a serious tone.

Tony felt the seriousness of the matter.

His face darkened.

"Can see the screen"

"Only those on the hero list"

"Related people"

"Even if the password is leaked"

"Given the character of these people, they won't act rashly."

But Rhodes said:

"Thor can see the picture"

"Do you think Loki can see it too?"



Loki stared at the light screen.

His eyes gradually brightened.

Rod, it seems to be the colonel on Earth.

He must have military codes in his hands.

If these codes are exposed, they can use Earthlings' weapons to attack Earth in the future. Thinking of this, Loki pricked up his ears and prepared to remember these codes. Odin's voice came faintly.

"Loki, what do you think of this password?"

"What could the password be?"

Loki was startled.

His eyes were full of fear.

It seemed like Odin was asking him a question, but in fact, he was warning him to put away all his messy thoughts! Loki hurriedly said:

"Father, I don't know either."

"Passwords are other people's secrets"

"How could I make such a wild guess?"

Odin nodded in satisfaction.

Loki breathed a sigh of relief.

He had finally gotten away with it.



Nick Fury's face was heavy.

He knew Rhodes' identity. He also knew what kind of secrets he held under that identity. If the secrets were exposed, the earthlings could destroy themselves without even the aliens taking action. Nick Fury was full of worry.

"What I hope to expose is Rhodes' bank card password."

The widow said quietly:

"Then I'm ready to steal the card."

Hawkeye said:

"You are a hero"

"Better be honest."

The widow smiled

"Just kidding."


Rhodes's password really makes people feel uneasy.

Amid everyone's curiosity, the video officially begins.

But at the beginning, a background introduction is given.

【Since the last Lightning Five Whips incident】

【Gears of War is controversial】

【Under pressure from public opinion】

【The authorities had no choice but to modify the war machine】

【Reapply the paint and it won't look so scary】

【And made a small renovation】

【War Machine is officially renamed Iron Patriot!

Actually, it was during the filming of Iron Man 2.

War Machine was manipulated by someone.

It almost caused a crisis.

People were terrified and protested.

War Machine had no choice but to change his name to the softer"Iron Patriot".

Tony appeared in the video.

【Tony was driving a car with a document】

【He saw the document】

【There are three letters AIM】

【His complexion suddenly changed】

【Screen switching】

【In a secret base similar to a cave】

【Rhodes, wearing armor, broke through the door】

【The people inside were shocked.】

【Rod raised his arm and gun】

【Just then, the phone rang】

【The originally solemn atmosphere was instantly broken】

【Rod was a little embarrassed】

【Rod: I have to take a call first.】

【Iron Patriot raises his arms】

【Rod: Hello, who is this?】

【Tony: Have you ever seen a beautiful woman suddenly glow from the inside out and turn bright orange?】

【Rod: Yes, I have. Who are you?】

【Tony: It's me, bro. You saved me last time I was missing, what are you doing this time?】

【Rod smiled sincerely.】

【I learned that my best friend was safe and sound.】

【A big stone in my heart finally fell】


Stark Industries.

Rhodes' voice came from the phone.

"See, brother?"

"We are true friends"

"Your peace and tranquility is my greatest comfort.

Tony snorted.

"Stop disgusting me."

"It's like we have some deep communication."

"I want to ask you"

"What do you think of Iron Patriot and War Machine?"

"Which name is more awesome?"

Rhodes was stunned.


"Iron Patriot, right?"

Rhodes needs to consider his position. Iron Patriot, it sounds more like a symbol of pacifism than War Machine. Tony said:


Of course it's true."

Tony knew Rhodes' character very well.

He must like War Machine more.

Now he is just being stubborn.

Tony was too lazy to ruin it.

Continue watching the scene


【The call is still going on】

【Tony: What are you doing?】

【Rod: Knocking on friends' doors, how about you?】

【Tony: AIM redesigned your suit?】

【Rod: That’s right.】

【Tony's expression suddenly changed.】

【He threw away the document in his hand.】

【Tony: I need to find a communications satellite and I need your account number.】

【Rod: It's still the same, Gears of War 68, no changes】

Tony : So, what's the password?

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