【Tony: What's the password?】


Stark Industries.

Rhodes' voice came from the phone

"I'm impressed, Tony."

"The video is a few years later."

"Why are you still borrowing this thing?"

Tony scratched his head.

He had borrowed Rhode's account many times before to explore some confidential documents. But Rhode trusted

Tony's character. He complained every time, but he would borrow it every time. It was nothing more than changing the password after borrowing it out of doubt. Tony smiled and said:

"You better watch the video honestly."

"The password mentioned in the title"

"It will be out soon."

Rhode's heart skipped a beat.

But he changed his mind.

In the video, the account Tony asked for could only be used to check some experimental files.

Even if it was exposed, it would not matter.

What's more... that would happen in the future.

As long as you don't set the password in the video, it will never be stolen in the future.

After thinking about this,

Rhode breathed a sigh of relief. It's just a password.

What's there to be afraid of?


【Rod: Tony, every time you hack in, I have to change the password】

【Tony: Give me the password.】

【After a period of deep thought and helplessness, Rhodes said the password】

【Rhodes: War Machine is awesome】

【There was a laugh in the cave.】

【Rhodes immediately turned his gun around】

【Scared people to stop smiling immediately】

【Tony also laughed, he couldn't help himself.】

【Rod: Yeah, laugh, laugh as much as you can.】

【Tony: This sounds much better than Iron Patriot】


Stark Industries.

Tony laughed loudly.

He picked up his phone and laughed at Rhodes.

"Don't you like Iron Patriot?"

"It's fine to use Gears of War 68 as an account"

"I also set the password to"Gears of War is awesome""

"You are really awesome at"Five Three Three"."

Rod was speechless.

He listened to Tony's laughter.

He wanted to die.

Moreover, the laughter coming from the phone... and Happy and Pepper's!

What the hell!

He heard everything?

Rod felt socially dead.

"Smile, Smile"

"It's the future anyway."

"I'm not embarrassed, not at all."

He said he wasn't embarrassed.

In fact, his toes had dug out a three-bedroom apartment.

However, Rhode was thankful.

War Machine hadn't been born yet.

The account and password were not in the video.

So there was no need to worry.

There was no need to change them. This was one of the few consolations in the embarrassment.




That's it?

This is the password?

What's the use of it?

I can't call up nuclear bombs.

I can't use weapons and equipment.

What's the need for your password?

If I cross the universe and attack the earth, your password...

I won't even be enough to pay for gas.

Loki was a little angry.

Suddenly, the hairs on his body stood up.

He felt like he was being stared at.

He turned his head with difficulty.

He saw Odin's eyes.

Stayed on him.

Loki trembled all over.


"I don't remember this password."

"I really don’t remember it."

Two negatives represent affirmation.

Loki remembered it clearly.

But this password is really useless!

Odin also knew this.

He coldly warned:

"You'd better be honest."

"Don't always have some crooked thoughts"

"Do you understand?"

Loki nodded repeatedly.



Nick Fury laughed out loud

"Gears of War is awesome?"

"This password is really good."

"I will also set one later"

"Just call Chief Fury awesome."

"Natasha, you can set up a black widow……"

The widow spoke up quickly:

""Shut up."

Nick Fury was interrupted.

He was not angry.

He looked at Hawkeye again.

"Clint, maybe you……"

Hawkeye turned his head away.

He didn't even look at Nick Fury.

Nick Fury was a little embarrassed.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America couldn't help but laugh.

"Gears of War is awesome?"

"What a good password"

"Just like me back then."

Everyone has a middle school period.

But this period can be long or short.

Captain America used to be a middle school period too.

He fantasized about being a hero.

Including the sentence"I can spend the whole day".

It also sounds a bit middle school.

Captain America didn't expect that Rhodes, a middle-aged man, would be so middle school.

It's really interesting

"When I get out, I'll set a password too."

"Just call Captain America to rule the world!"

"Wait, isn't the password made up of numbers?"

"Why can there be letters?"

Captain America was confused.

Before he was frozen, the passwords for the refrigerator and other things were all made up of numbers.

As a result, Captain America now had no idea what a keyboard was, nor how to set a keyboard password.

When he thought of this,

Captain America's face turned pale.

"It seems I'm really old."


Corvo Labs.

Banner stood up silently. He changed his computer password.

"Hulk hammers Iron Man……"

"No, Iron Man is kind."

"Hulk beats up Captain America?"

"This is OK, or……"

"Hulk smashes Loki!"

"This is good, this is it!"

Banner changed the password and sat down happily.

I have to say, watching this video really broadens my horizons.

For example, Dr. Banner used to set passwords based on special dates, such as birthdays, or enrollment dates, which seemed very dull.

I never imagined that I could set passwords based on bragging.

Banner sat in front of the computer and smiled very happily.



Ant-Man laughs loudly

"That's a really good password."

"Paxton, did you hear that?"

"You can also set a"

"Just call Paxton awesome."



Rod's famous scene.

Still going on

【The scene changed and Rhodes was caught】

【He's in armor.】

【Being hung up】

【The man outside tried to open his armor.】

【But no matter what equipment】

【Can't break the armor's defense】

【A blond man came over.】

【Blond man: Hello, Colonel】

【The blond man's hand pressed on the abdomen of the armor】

【Flame lines begin to appear on the skin】

【The local temperature of the armor rises】

【The whole set of armor is equivalent to a heating furnace】

【Rhodes' body was covered with sweat.】

【Blond man: You're sweating, bro.】

【Rod continued to endure】

【However, high temperatures trigger the armor's protective mechanism.】

【The armor is ready to be opened, and the countdown has begun.】

【Rod: Don't open it, don't open it, don't...Okay, open it.】

【Warframe Open】

【Rhodes suddenly jumped up and punched the person next to him in the face.】

【He is a special forces soldier after all.】

【Theoretically, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with these minions.】

【But the presence……】

【They are all transformed humans!】

【The blond man was furious and spit fire at Rhodes.】

【Rod: What? You can breathe fire? Okay, you win.】


Stark Industries.

Tony laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten his back

"Rod, did you see that?"

"You will be caught one day."

"And the expression you saw when you spit fire at the last moment"

"Are you sweating all over?"


Rod himself didn't expect it. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Wearing armor.

Can he still be captured!

This is too embarrassing!

Add to that the"War Machine is awesome" before.

It's really embarrassing.[]

"Tony, don't mention this again."

Tony:"I'll try, but I'm afraid I can't help it."

Rod:"You have to bear it even if you can't help it!"

Tony laughed.


"Brother, don't you worry about me?"

"I've been arrested."

"Aren't you afraid that they will kill me?"

Tony said calmly:

"They arrested you, probably just for the armor"

"do not worry"

"They will definitely not kill you."



Rhodes' famous scene.

In the video, he was knocked out by a punch and ended.

I have to say that as a supporting role, this guy is indeed a soul character.

Every time he appears, he is very memorable.

Including knocking out Star-Lord, strangling Thanos, etc....

As Rhodes' famous scene ended,

Tony's famous scene came again

【Famous scene 7: Tony Stark is awesome!】


Stark Industries.

Tony: ???

"How come I'm so awesome too?" Tony started digging his toes into the ground just by looking at the title. Pepper and Happy were trying not to laugh. They couldn't help laughing. Rod's laughter came from the phone.


"Tony, it's your turn to sweat, right?"

"I know that no man can resist awesomeness!"




Nick Fury looks at Black Widow and Hawkeye with pride


"Tony, the billionaire"

"He couldn't resist the charm of the awesome one!"

Black Widow:...



Arctic Ocean.

Captain America was stunned for a moment.

"This title"

"Tony's high profile is so fitting"

"I'd like to see"

"Tony wants to be as awesome as he can be!"


Corvo Laboratory

"Tony used it too?"

Banner couldn't help but laugh.

Hulk is awesome.

Iron Man is awesome too.

Let's all be awesome together.

"All men have a middle school period."



Loki laughed.

"Brother, you also have one."

"Just call Thor awesome.

Thor actually thought about it seriously.

Then he chose to refuse........

"I should call the hammer"Awesome"."


Odin was speechless.

After all, this guy still wants to be the god of hammer.

Odin felt helpless.

Thor's most powerful ability is lightning, not the hammer!

The hammer is just a supplement.

This kid...

When will he realize this?

Odin was full of worries.


Video starts

【In a house, Tony was tied to a rack】

【Hands hanging in the air】

【The scene was extremely embarrassing】

【Compared to Rhodes, it's not much better】

【Beep! Beep! Beep!】

【The sound of the electronic watch echoes all around】

【The man guarding Tony is a bald man】

【He followed the sound and found a children's watch】

【Dora's portrait is printed on it】

【Tony: Be careful, it's a limited edition】

【Bald man holding a watch】

【There was also a man with a ponytail, who came over.】

【Ponytail: Can you make it stop barking?】

【Bald man with thoughtful look】

【Tony: Be careful not to ruin it.】

【The bald man raised his foot and crushed the watch】

【Tony: That belongs to my friend's sister. If you destroy it, I will kill you first.】

【Bald: How are you going to kill me?】

【Tony opened his palms and posed】

【Tony: Just like this!】

【It's like what's going to happen next】

【But the scene was extremely quiet】


【Tony opened his hands again】

【Still ignoring what happened】

【The bald man with ponytail stared at him】

【Tony's face gradually became embarrassed.】


Stark Industries.

Tony said nothing.

He didn't want to talk.

A scene in the video.

Anyone who saw it would be embarrassed.

Pepper's voice sounded

"Tony, what are you doing in the video?"


"Summon Warframe"

"In theory, the parts of Mark 42"

"It should fly over and wear on me"

"But it didn't happen……"

Tony was confused.

According to the video, the technology for summoning Mark 42 was already mature.

Such an embarrassing situation should not have happened.

Perhaps something had trapped the armor parts.

Rhode's laughter could be heard.

"Are you so awesome?"

Tony didn't respond.


【Tony: Believe me, you are only 5.4.3 away from death.……】

【Tony: Please, 2.1】

【Still nothing happened】

【Baldhead: Why are we guarding such an idiot?】

【Tony said stubbornly: I'm giving you a chance, put down your weapons and run away!】

【The bald man doesn't care at all】

【Tony: 5.4.3……】

【Still nothing happened】

【The situation became increasingly awkward】

【Ponytail: Shut up!】

【Tony: 5.4.3……】


【Warframe is long overdue】

【After knocking over the bald man, he flew into Tony's hands】

【Tony untied the restraints easily】

【After knocking someone down】

【The armor on his left leg flew over and Tony caught it successfully.】

【The ponytail man was thrown to the ground】

【Tony flashes 4.2 and strikes a handsome pose】

【Reach out and welcome the armor behind you】

【But... I waited for a long time, but the armor didn't come.】


【What about the rest?】


Stark Industries.

Tony is getting more and more embarrassed.

Wearing a children's watch is fine.

Repeated countdowns are fine.

But now, only part of the armor has flown over.

The rest is silent. Although it is a video from the future, it is embarrassing for the present.

"I didn't expect that I'm a billionaire."

"There will be such embarrassing moments"

"Where did the rest of the armor go?"


【Camera turns】

【A warehouse with its gates sealed】

【Something is banging on the door.】

【The blond boy ran over and blew open the door lock】

【The rest of the armor flew out.】

【Straight to the sky!】

【Who would have thought that a battle armor with terrifying destructive power】

【Trapped in a small warehouse】


Little Chili said faintly:

"The Anti-Tony Armor lives up to its reputation."

Tony: …

Happy also said:

"Boss, this armor is really a rebellion"

"Or you can modify it later"

"Then leave it to me."

Tony glanced at Happy.

"You can't get away with a single move from Black Widow"

"You're a jerk."

"Giving you the armor is a waste."

Happy pouted.

Tony said a few words and continued to stare at the video screen.

"Who is that kid?"

Little Pepper joked:

"Maybe it's your son."

Tony's face suddenly changed.

"That's not possible?"

"How can my son live such a poor life?

Before Tony could figure out the question, the scene changed again.

Famous scene 8: Optimus Prime kills Iron Man alone].

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