【Mark 40 armor, shotgun】

【The technology is much better than Mark 16】

【Wearing this armor】

【Tony and Killian fought back and forth】

【However, the high heat generated by the desperate virus】

【Just the right material to counter the steel material of the armor】

【It wasn't long before Tony was defeated.】

【Mark 40 split in half】

【Tony falls to the ground】

【The situation is getting more critical】

【However, at this moment, a bright light flew in the sky.】

【Tony and Killian all looked over.】

【JARVIS: The Mark 42 has arrived!】

【This anti-Tony armor】

【After being killed by Optimus Prime】

【Finally back!】

【Tony: Great, the prodigal son has returned!】

【He suddenly gained confidence and stood up】

【Then he struck a handsome pose】

【Prepare to merge with the armor】

【Killian's eyes gradually became serious.】

【At this moment, the arrival of Mark 42】

【It is undoubtedly exciting】

【No one can refuse such a handsome rescue!】


【Mark 42 hits the railing】

【It instantly broke into pieces.】

【Tony rolled his eyes: Forget it】


Stark Industries.

Tony was so ashamed.

He looked for cracks in the ground.

He wanted to get in quickly.

Damn it!

Mark 42 is the latest armor.

It should be the culmination of all.

Why is the effect so bad?

The technology is too flawed.

Tony was too embarrassed to see anyone.

Of course, compared to embarrassment.

He looked at Pepper.

In the video, Pepper fell into the flames.

And it was a fall from a high altitude.

How could she survive?

Tony held Pepper's hand.


"It's all my fault."

""My future self has done too many wrong things." Pepper was not too sad about her own death. Instead, she comforted Tony.

"You did nothing wrong"

"You want to protect the earth, protect the world"

"The ambition in your heart"

"So big that it's hard for anyone to understand"

"But I understand you."

Little Pepper saw the look in Tony's eyes after he lost her in the video.

That look was so heartbreaking.

But it was also this look that made Little Pepper realize that

Tony really loved her.

Happy on the sofa ate another wave of dog food.

He cried very sadly

"Pepper, you can't die."

"Even if the boss dies, you can't die"

"That day has finally come"

"Happy, I will die for you."

Tony looked at Happy.

127"Maybe you are already dead"

"Have you forgotten that you were bombed before?"

"You should have been lying in the hospital at that time."


He really forgot


【Tony puts Mark 42 on Killian】

【Then he directly blew up the Mark 42!】

【Killian's body was also blown to pieces.】

【Tony fell to the ground and saw a figure floating in the flames】

【Killian came out】

【He is indestructible.】

【Killian: Stop pretending, let me be frank. I am the Mandarin!】

【Killian's words were powerful.】

【I am the Mandarin!!!】


【There's a stick next to it.】

【Knock Killian away】

【The little pepper holds a stick, and his whole body is red】

【She was also injected with the Extremis virus】

【The flames before did not kill her】

【Tony: I don't know what to say.】

【In the sky, a set of armor flew over】

【Mark 9, no name】

【Jarvis followed the previous instructions.】

【Locking on the desperate virus target】

【Pepper, and Killian】

【All are set as targets】

【Tony: Jarvis, Pepper is not a target, disarm!】

【However, the earphones had already fallen off.】

【The command could not be conveyed to Jarvis】

【Tony panicked again.】

【The armor aimed at Pepper and fired the palm cannon】

【Chili easily dodged】

【Eyes glowing red】

【Looked at Tony】

【Tony was panicking: Are you angry with me?】

【Little Pepper ran over and stepped on his knees.】

【Just one jump】

【One punch smashed through the armor and landed steadily】

【Then he put on his armored arm and punched Killian away.】

【Tony: Awesome!】

【Pepper kicks out a cannonball】

【Then aim and fire the palm cannon!】


【The bomb exploded】

【Killian was blown to pieces.】

【This time it's really dead】

【Tony: Honey?】

【Pepper: Oh my god, I'm so violent!】

【Tony: I was so scared, I thought you were dead】

【The two of them are at peace】

【Tony: You should be this handsome at home, sports bra, very nice】

【Pepper: Now I understand why you don't want to give up the armor】

【Tony: Some things can be let go. Jarvis】

【Jarvis: Now that this is over, sir, what do you want?】

【Tony: You know】

【JARVIS: Inventory cleanup procedure?】

【Tony: Yes, it's Christmas, let's have some fireworks】

【He made a decision】

【In the sky, the flying armor starts the self-destruction program】

【Brilliant fireworks blooming in the night sky】

【Chili pepper smiles】

【Tony's expression was obviously a bit bitter.】

【But there is also the indifference of letting go of something. 】

On the video.

Countless comments flashed by

…You are noble, you are amazing

…Warframe: You love-brained bastard, are you going to blow us up so you can watch fireworks for your wife?

…Don’t explode, you can leave one set for me!

…One day, I will develop a battle armor and give my female classmates a fireworks display!


The scene isn't over yet

【After this incident】

【Tony underwent surgery to remove the nuclear reactor from his chest】

【Shrapnel in the body】

【Took them all out】

【He completely gave up his Iron Man identity】

【Prepare to be a billionaire】

【That's his decision.】

【Stop getting involved in these things and don't bring trouble to your family.】

【He wants to live a peaceful life with Little Pepper】

【In the past, I was in fear.】

【Never again!】

【The desperate virus in the little pepper's body was also cleared】

【Tony's anxiety disorder has also been cured】

【He finally got a good night's sleep.】

【In the hospital, Happy was injured by the explosion】

【Finally woke up】

【In addition to the Iron Armor】

【The ending is satisfactory enough】

【Tony returned to the ruins and took the robot BenBen away】

【At the same time, the nuclear reactor was thrown into the sea.】

【He said goodbye to the past.】

【Of course, although the anxiety disorder has recovered】

【But there is still a desire to talk】

【To this end, he found a half-medical expert: Dr. Banner】

【But, listening to his confession】

【Banner fell asleep quickly.……】


Inside Stark Industries,

Tony leaned back in his chair.

He felt like he had lost something.

He saw in the video that he had blown up his armor.

Tony felt empty inside.

But he also knew that this was the right choice.

Giving up being a hero would ensure the safety of his family and friends.

It was a good deal.

Pepper saw Tony's loss.

She comforted Tony.

"You must be very sad, right?"

Tony forced a smile.

"well enough"

"You have to let go of some things in life."

"Can ensure your safety"

"That's a good deal."

Little Pepper was very excited.

Happy was eating dog food on the side. He was also very relieved when he saw this scene. He had been with Tony for so long. He was so happy to see Tony have a loved one and settle down.

"It's okay to let go"

"At least we don't have to worry about the future."

"There is no need to worry about the safety of the world." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Corvo Labs.

Banner looked at the screen.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Tony had given up the armor[]

But at least he is still alive.

That's enough.

But... what happened at the end of the video?

Why did Tony ask him to be his psychiatrist?

Although Banner studies the human body, he is not good at psychology.

Tony asked him to talk to him.

It was like talking to a deaf person.

And Banner has always been energetic... but he fell asleep because of Tony's nagging.

This is enough to show how boring Tony's words were.

Banner secretly remembered in his heart.

In the future, if Tony asks him for help in chatting, he must refuse decisively!



Nick Fury felt regretful.

But also felt fortunate.

Unfortunately, Tony gave up the armor.


Tony did not die, he was still alive!

Nick Fury smiled happily

"Although there is no armor"

"But you can come to S.H.I.E.L.D. as a consultant"

"He will definitely be a qualified consultant."

But the widow shook her head.

"He came to S.H.I.E.L.D. as a consultant"

"It will definitely cause unrest among the people."

"It's better not to let him come."

Hawkeye agreed

"Just call and consult directly."

Nick Fury shrugged.

"talk about it later"


Arctic Ocean

"Tony made the right choice."

Among the Avengers, only Captain America can understand Tony's thoughts.

Being a hero means giving up something, including family.

Captain America obviously missed his real life, Carter, and the life he should have after the plane crash. This will be his lifelong regret. So, from this perspective, Captain America can understand Tony's decision and support it. But he still feels regretful. The earth has lost its best guardian.



Thor nodded in admiration.

"A man"

"Give up some things for your family."

"I admire him"

"Of course, he���It's so nice to die"



Seeing Tony survive.

Quicksilver and the witch.

I was relieved.

"Pietro, Stark is still alive."

Quicksilver nodded.

"I saw"

"He is still alive.……"

"That's good news."


【Tony's decision ruined the entire Steel Family】

【He returned to ordinary life.】

【Of course, no matter how ordinary it is, it is not that ordinary.】

【After all, he is a billionaire.】

【Very rich!】

【Tony Stark's famous scene】

【Let’s stop here for now】

【Let's pay tribute to the hero Iron Man! 】

The video is inexplicably sentimental.

It really makes it seem like Tony is gone.

But everyone who has watched the video knows that

Tony is alive and well.

And as Tony's famous scene ends, the next hero's famous scene is coming!

【After the Battle of New York】

【Thor takes Loki into custody and returns to Asgard】

【After this, a series of events occurred】

【Created a lot of famous scenes】

【Thor, the god of thunder, has also made progress again】

【Next, please continue to enjoy Thor’s famous scenes!】



Thor: ???

"Is it my turn again?"

"Let me guess"

"I must have beaten Loki to pieces!"


"Brother, you can say you beat me up."

"But could you please stop smiling?"

"The laughter is too wild."

Sol chuckled

"Sorry, my brother."

"But the thought of beating you up"

"I am very happy."


Odin knocked on the scepter

"Be quiet"

"Look at it honestly"

"Let’s see how you perform!"


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America suddenly realized something.

"The heroes in famous scenes appear repeatedly."

"So, after Thor,"

"I will definitely be there"

"Tell me about my modern life?"

Captain America's eyes lit up.

He looked forward to it quietly.


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner leans back in his chair.

"It's Thor's turn again?"

"There should be mine behind, right?"

"Well, there should be.

Banner thought to himself



Nick Fury is thoughtful

"Natasha, Clint"

"I figured it out."

"There are no famous scenes for you guys here."

Black Widow:...




"Pietro, the Thor in the list is about to appear"

"Yeah, Wanda, I saw it."

"I don't know what the character of this Thunder God is like."



Ant-Man looked at the screen, confused.


"Isn’t this a character from mythology?"

"Does it really exist in reality?"

"It's incredible"


In the park.

The falcon narrowed its eyes.

"The world is so big, there are really many wonders"


"Let me see what God is so powerful about."


Deep in the universe.

The Guardians of the Galaxy looked at the screen.

Star-Lord:"Asgard? Isn't that the realm of God?"

Rocket Raccoon:"The matter of the realm of God? So cool!"

Groot:"I am Groot!" Gamora

:"The realm of God? Can the gods there stop my father's actions?"

The Destroyer:"What is Asgard?"


The heroes of the second phase were very curious just by looking at the title of the video.

To the people on Earth, Thor was a mythical figure.

To people in other parts of the universe, Asgard was an even more mysterious place.

Therefore, Thor's appearance caused quite a stir.

Of course, the most curious ones were actually the original six members of the Avengers.

They all wanted to know what kind of punishment Loki, who they had captured, would suffer after returning to Asgard.

Even Loki himself was curious!

As everyone was eagerly looking forward to it, the video officially began.

【The most untouchable place in the entire universe】

【Except Earth】

【It can only be Asgard】

【There are more gods here than dogs】

【Of course, the first famous scene was not in Asgard】

【But on Earth!】

【Famous scene 1: Thor's green hat] Thor

: ??? ???.

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