【Famous scene 1: Thor's green hat]


Thor was confused.

Green hat?

What does this mean?

He subconsciously looked at Odin.

Odin was silent.

It's not that he didn't know.

It's just that he didn't want to say it.

Thor's heart was lifted.

Especially, Loki smiled like a fool.

It made Thor feel even more uneasy.

"Loki, what are you laughing at?"

"If you dare to laugh again"

"I will smash your head with my hammer!"

Hearing this,

Loki tried his best to control his smile.

"Brother, I have received professional training"

"Usually don't laugh"

"Unless you can't help it……"



Thor was even more panicked.

What on earth did this mean?

Why did his father and Loki react so strangely?

Thor was completely confused.


Stark Industries.

Pepper asked in confusion:

"What does green hat mean?"

Tony pondered for a moment.

"For example, Happy and Rod are a couple."



Tony didn’t care about their reactions.

He introduced them as follows:

"If Happy is married"

"If there is love between you and Captain America"

"Then on Rod's head"

"There will be one more green hat."

Little Pepper's expression suddenly became clear.

She understood. She looked at the light curtain with more and more shock.

"So, Thor's girlfriend on Earth"

"That, Jane……"

"A new boyfriend?"

Tony nodded.

"In theory, this is the case"

"Just think about it, a female doctor with such a good figure"

"It's simply delicious."

"Who wouldn't want to see it?"

Chili raised her eyebrows slightly.

Tony's face changed.

"Of course, I definitely don't want"

"I am to other women"

"No interest"



Nick Fury found a bag of popcorn

"The big country in the East calls this kind of thing"eating melons""

"We don't have melon, so we use popcorn instead."

"This title is really exciting!"

Nick Fury laughed so happily.

Black Widow and Hawkeye also watched it with interest.

After all, I have seen people wearing green hats, but I have never seen gods wearing green hats.

The scene must be very interesting!

The three of them were concentrating.

They stared at the light screen, their eyes fixed on it.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America chose to ignore this title.


Because when he was having an affair with Carter, he kissed one of Howard's female secretaries.

In addition, in the future... he kissed Carter's niece. So Captain America has no say in the issue of cuckoldry.


Corvo Laboratory

"Hey, Hulk is big and green"

"But at first the hair is black"


"Are you sweating all over now?"

Banner smiled happily.



Wanda hissed.

"What a sad story."

Quicksilver nodded in agreement.



Ant-Man couldn't help but say:

"This Thor is so pitiful."

"His girlfriend or wife"

"With another man……"

The prison guard nodded.


"My wife ran away with someone else."

"It's really a sad thing."

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Because... this prison guard married Ant-Man's ex-wife.


, it can be regarded as wearing a half-cuckold for Ant-Man.


The prison guard pointed to the screen awkwardly

"Keep watching"


【The Earth, in a Western restaurant】

【Jane took the newspaper and read it over and over again.】

【Sitting opposite her is a man】

【Sze Sze Wen Wen, polite】

【Very elegant in speech and manner】

【Apparently, Jane is on a blind date】

【Man: Are you worried about something?】

【Jane laughed awkwardly: No】

【What follows is an awkward conversation】



Thor holds his chest

"Jane, is actually on a blind date?"

"Damn, isn't she my girlfriend?"

"Why do you still go out on blind dates?"

"Eating from the bowl while looking at the pot?"

"I am Thor, the God of Thunder"

"Aren't they much better than the people on Earth?"

Thor cursed.

Loki's face fell beside him.

"That's it?"

"Is this called wearing a green hat?"

"Not even half a top, right?"

Thor said:

"This is……"

"She's dating another man"

"It's like betraying me"

"Loki, do you think I am bad?"

Love breakup makes a man sad.

And cuckolding... makes a man desperate.

Thor is desperate now.

He wants to seek a little comfort from Loki. But how can Loki comfort him? Not only does he not comfort him, but he also wants to kill him. Loki nodded.

"Brother, you are really bad.

Thor was hit hard.

Odin coughed lightly.

"Okay, you can shut up now."

The two brothers fell silent immediately.

Thor gradually calmed down.

He watched the video and suddenly realized that he was not cuckolded.

Jane was just on a blind date.

She didn't do anything out of line.

The video was just a title dog.

It was so conscienceless.

Not only Thor realized this.

Other Avengers also realized this.

Tony:"The title dog will not die well!"

Captain America:"Well, this title is really nonsense!"

Banner:"The video producer is even more unethical than some reporters."

Black Widow:"Boring."

Hawkeye: Very boring


The video has a small title dog.

It is equivalent to giving everyone an appetizer.

The real famous scene is coming!

【Famous scene 2: Love Brain Thor】



Thor: ???

"Am I love-brained?"

"Impossible. Absolutely impossible."

"I am very awake"

"It can't be love brain"

"I'm not that guy Tony!"

Tony's reputation of being a love-brained person has spread.

After all, for a woman, he blew up a battle armor worth hundreds of millions. If this isn't love-brained, what is it?

But now, the word"love-brained" has been used on Thor.

Thor is very unhappy!

"I'm not a love-brained"

"Women are like clothes"

"This one doesn't like me, I'll chase the next one"

"Yes, that's it!"

Thor kept talking.

Odin and Loki looked at each other.

Obviously, they had the same idea:

Thor must be guilty for talking like this.

He is really in love!

Unexpectedly, there is a god in Asgard who is in love.

Odin was a little helpless. Is this son reliable?

Loki grinned.

If his brother is in love enough, then the throne of Asgard (to read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) may be his!

Thinking of this,

Loki almost laughed out loud.


【Screen switching】[]

【In the rainy weather】

【Saul and Jane finally meet】

【Jane's face was full of disbelief.】

【She ran towards Thor.】

【Thor's eyes were visibly happy.】

【Finally, the two came together】

【Jane raised her hand and slapped Thor in the face.】、

【Saul: ???】

【No one knows that such a big】

【For a God】

【What a great harm!】

【Thor was hit hard and got a big blow.】

【Although it was a woman who beat】

【And she is an earth woman】

【No power】

【But the insult is the same.】

【Why do people often say not to hit people in the face?】

【Because slapping someone in the face is insulting】

【Really strong!】

【As a god】

【Being hit in the face】

【It's an insult to his godhood.】

【To the former Thor】

【I was already angry, even yelling!】

【But today, Thor was silent.】

【Looking at Jane quietly】

【Jane: Sorry, I just want to confirm if it is true.】

【Saul nodded.】

【He is not angry】

【Being able to see Jane is the greatest happiness】

【However, Jane slapped him again】

【Saul: ???】

【Jane: Where have you been?】

【Thor whispered softly: Sorry, the Rainbow Bridge is destroyed】

【Jane: But I saw you on TV in New York】

【Saul: It was a serious crisis.】

【Saul wasn't angry.】

【The tone is still unusually gentle】

【A god, and a male god at that!】

【The image of a tough guy was slapped twice】

【Still so gentle】

【Isn’t this enough to prove that he is in love?】



Thor was stunned

"Damn it, why didn’t my future self fight back?"

Loki said quietly:

"Because you are in love, brother."

Thor shook his head again and again.

"No, I'm not in love!"

Loki said with a smile:

"If it weren't for love brain"

"The other person hit you, why didn't you fight back?"

Thor was silent.

He couldn't figure it out!

What happened to his future self?

Thor was arrogant.

No matter who he met, as long as they dared to hit him, he would definitely fight back!

Even if Odin hit him,

Thor would not be able to take the beating obediently.

However, in the future, an earth and a human slapped him twice.

This breath... He actually endured it! He even apologized to the person who hit him in a soft voice.

Thor's face was full of disbelief.

"This Earth woman must be a witch"

"She confused my mind"

"She's so scary!"

Loki:... She

's really stubborn!


Stark Industries.

Tony looks at Pepper Potts


"If you hit me like this"

"I won't be angry either."

Little Pepper glanced at him

"Are you also in love?"

Tony didn't say anything. He agreed. After all , he blew up all the armors for Pepper. He was definitely the love brain among the love brains.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America didn't feel any love.

He just felt the sour smell of love.

"After I go out"

"I also want to talk about a passionate love"

"Uh... forget about Carter's niece."

Captain America sighed helplessly.

It's been so long since that scene happened.

How can he still be embarrassed?


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner is lost in thought.

"If it were me, I would be slapped twice."

"He's already become Hulk."

"It seems that this Thor……"

"A love brain"



Nick Fury gasps

"Clint, you have a family too."

"If your wife slaps you"

"Will you be angry?"

The widow corrected:

"It was clearly two slaps.

Hawkeye was confused.

What does it have to do with me?

He thought about it.

With his wife's temper... if she hit him, it must be his fault.

Hawkeye was a good man who loved his family.

He nodded and said:

"I won't be angry."

The widow said twice

"What a good man.

Nick Fury also smiled.

Hawkeye was a little embarrassed.

"Anyway, I won't be angry."


【Famous scene 3: Loki the Guide】



Loki looked at the video title.

His mouth opened wide.

He was shocked.

"This... this is……"

"My famous scene?"

"Guide? Is this a compliment to me?"

Loki shouted excitedly.

"Brother, did you see it?"

"The video calls me a leader!"

"In the future, I will definitely guide Asgard"

""Heading towards a greater direction!"

Loki was so excited now.

He had always coveted the throne of Asgard.

In order to prove... his strength was a hundred times stronger than his brother Thor!

However, things did not go as he wished.

Up to now , he had never been praised by Odin.

However, the video was titled"Guide"!

Loki was so happy!

This meant that in the future, he would become the guide of Asgard, or even the king of Asgard!

Such high praise made Loki's tail almost rise to the sky.

Thor was speechless.

"I'm really impressed"

"My famous scene"

"How come there is still your highlight moment?"

Loki laughed.

Odin on the throne was also a little surprised.

His future self passed the throne to Loki?

Something must have happened to change Loki's character.

Otherwise, he would not have passed the throne!

With the current Loki, if he became king,

Asgard would surely be destroyed.

Odin whispered:

"calm down"

"Continue watching"

"Don't make any noise."

The brothers immediately quieted down.


【Asgard's prison cell】

【Loki looked at his adoptive mother, Frigga】

【Frigga: You don't understand your father at all】

【Loki shouted angrily: He is not my father!】

【Frigga said sadly: Then I am not your mother either?】

【Loki stopped talking】

【Frigga gave a few more instructions and left the cell.】

【Loki is very anxious】

【However, not long after】

【A powerful enemy attacked Asgard】

【The prison cell was attacked and completely destroyed】

【Only Loki's room is still intact】

【The attacker stands in front of the cell】

【Loki smiled coldly】

【Loki: Why don't you take the stairs on the right?】

【The attacker stared at Loki for a long time.】

【Finally, I followed the direction Loki pointed.】

【This time, the guidance】

【And became Loki's life……】

【The thing I regret the most!

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