Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 93: VS Demon Slayer

   If Fran Pis turned his body and waved the torch to expand the attack range, Aleister did not take any response or counterattack. The complete evaporation of the Academy City was only a matter of seconds.

   "Whhhhhh!" The sharp light of the knife broke this force in a single break, turning it into seemingly harmless light particles and dissipating in the air.

"Is there still this level of power?" Franpisi saw that even if only one hand is available, she still uses this as a condition to close the knife and is about to make a slashing gesture. When she steps on her foot, the black and red lines are immediately embedded. The feet on the ground radiated out from the center to all the surrounding objects, as if to give a dead soul, and all the places that might bulge out, a purple-black flame ignited.

   Divine Crack will not wait until Fran Pith is ready, ready to brazenly interrupt the casting.

   However, the meteorite fell! Of course, this is Fran Pith's masterpiece, the goal is not to split, but to other places!

  This will affect an unknown number of innocent people, and if God Split is to hit the meteorite at that distance, the long-range moves needed to prepare, or rush to destroy it, will miss the opportunity to interrupt Fran Pith's spell.

   This is the purpose of Franpisi, but the magical name of "reach out to those who cannot be saved" can only jump into the trap. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   Although there should be a solution to the air defense system of the Academy City, I don’t know about it. Moreover, if Divine Break was willing to intercept, Aleister, who had always used others to achieve his goals, naturally didn't plan to make a move.

   The meteorite was crushed in the air under the attack of Divine Cleft, but the second and third one came one after another, forcing Divine Cleft to turn his attention away from Fran Pith. In the end, Fran Pis calmly completed the magic-


   is not a tall trick, but it converts all surrounding objects and scenes into a part of itself, which will be a blow of Treasure Ping A, which is continuously played from all directions at a hundred times the speed and ten thousand times the density.

Although the effect of the explosion looks similar to the collective destruction of illegal fireworks, it is the result of Shenchai's abandoning the sword-drawing technique based on the [Yi Shan], constantly wielding swords and steel wires to neutralize and annihilate all the flames with his own magical techniques. These flames are no more than the size of a baseball, and every blow has the power to destroy the entire street.

   "Boom boom boom boom boom..."

   The wave that turned the whole street like a wave finally appeared. The rift under the injury soon missed, and the fish that slipped through the net fell on the ground, rolling the ground and everything below it into the air.

   "Ah, Retilly's memory... It looks like the subway is coming down here. Do you want to hide underneath for a sneak attack?"

  Franpy, who still wanted to show off because of her "first appearance", raised her hand and summoned the period when Alice No.3 played her. One of the spiritual outfits that helped Kraunpyce perfect, now it has turned into a treasure.

   "Treasure, the magic gun lifts the bar... Cough cough, bit my tongue, it's'Teloligunre', can't you give me a better name for No. 3?"

   At the moment when she read her real name, Franpis had a firecracker with a similar appearance to the smooth-bore rifle before the invention of the rifled gun, but it was extremely huge, more than two meters in length, and a caliber of more than 40mm. It could already be used as an artillery.

   Incidentally, "Teloligunre" is the complete body of the gun that Crowen Pith and Crowley drew out and fired in the duel.

   "Let me see how well the child No. 3 is doing." Franpisi squeezed the trigger and juggled the gun a few times, aiming at the direction of the collapsed subway. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   For a moment, she released the trigger.

   "The breath is gone, have you retreated?"

  Franpisi jumped over the streets that had become worse than ruins and walked into her own field. She raised her hand to turn on Retilly's mobile phone and dialed the phone of her subordinates to prepare for the aftermath tonight.

   There were several beeps on the phone, but it was not the subordinate voice that Fran Pis knew in the memory of Retilly, but the voice of unknown gender.

  Franpeise: "Hollow, Aleister, um...Should I say that I haven't seen it for decades, or should I not see it for more than half a century?"

  Aresta: "What kind of identity should you call you?"

Franpies: "It doesn't matter if I call you so kind. If it weren't for your insistence on the'plan', do I have a reason to be an enemy? Finally, I resurrected with the buff, that cosmic elevator and mine Marking the history has given me a lot of benefits. This is all thanks to the blessing of science and the world that is closest to science. The current "Golden Dawn" has long been artificial and I have not communicated with me at all. It is only now. The rest of Ms. Sprengel should be alive, but it's questionable whether someone like her is on the magic side. I don't intend to stand on the magic side now-I can't stand at all, you know."

  Aresta: "Is that Vescott's letter to whom? It seems that your relationship with her was very good until you died."

Franpies: "I can't say it, I can't say it, it's just a business relationship. Later, I acted as the middleman between her and the mustache head and Dr. Porsche. Moreover, that guy worked very hard to eliminate all his anxiety, and he was very sorrowful. Without help and understanding, she is obviously a guy who doesn’t want to believe in others. Not only does everything and he doesn’t feel at ease ~ Aleister: "Even so, I still said so much, it seems you I really like this person. "

   He calculated in his heart that his "plan" did not count the person Fran Pith deliberately emphasized, even if it included accidents. If it is an important person among the leaders of the "Golden Dawn" that he destroyed that year, and Franpies, what impact will it have on the "plan"?

Franpies: "Hahaha, Zhongyi is favorite, because she is obviously just a person who can be seen everywhere, but she has acquired a sense of existence that is so far away from the demon **** but is similar to the demon god, so she thinks that she is connected. Personalities are all very tall, obviously he is just a guy who is indistinguishable from the personality of a narcissistic person who wants to be lazy. Of course, I have to be sure that her secular personality has given me a lot of benefits."

Most of the benefits were obtained by Alice No. 3. In the memory of Fran Pith, because of some indirect relationships with Ms. Sprenge, Alice No. 3 was given back to Porsche and Siemens half a century ago. , Mercedes-Benz, etc. increased contacts and turnover, and by the way, Italy discovered oil in Libya.

   At present, she has only awakened the memories of a few Franpies including the above, and the rest will take time.

  Franppice: "Are you going to talk to me?"

  Aresta: "If you are willing to show your face."

  Franppice: "Then the day will be fine. I won't take care of the aftermath immediately. The wallets of the group of people in the general council and your property will shrink a little. Of course, you must ensure enough sleep."

(to be continued)

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