Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 94: Chronicles of Fran Pith (Part 1)

   1923, Europe, Berlin—

   Fran Pith, played by Alice No. 3, dragged his suitcase and got off the train with heavy smoke from the front of the train.

"Although according to Dad's plan, I will break away from the magic association at an appropriate time and make this identity secular, but why did Dad spend a lot of time to cultivate the Junker noble identity? This country...During this period , It looks very bad."

   She looked up at the sky, then looked down at the pedestrians who looked hurriedly.

   "Let’s go home, I hope the family didn’t have a hard life because of the last war... Mark probably won’t work. The pound that was saved in the association can't be easily used as change."

  While thinking, he walked out of the train station and got in to pick up his car.



"What can I do? It just shows that the history of the world is not much different from the information given by my father. I have made so much money from this economic crisis. If it is discovered by those domestic bigwigs, although it will not be robbed, if If it can’t be used effectively, it will inevitably be broken up by gossip.”

   Alice No. 3 played Fran Pith intends to write to Ms. Sprenge.

   These money are all legal income. For the nobles who can do business in this era, if the money is left there and not fully utilized, it seems to be a ruin.

   can be used as her private money, is it really good to invest directly or where to spend it? However, even though it is a huge sum of money, it is not a big deal to a father who already controls a "treasury of the king" and the income of religious tribute in many countries.

   There are not many Germans like Ms. Splenger who are good at hiding their identity and integrating their magical abilities into secular business in this era when the Internet is still very far away. Anyway, this person has a letter and business relationship with Fran Pith. Ask her about any investment projects that are convenient for their identities in the world and magic.

   Soon after, the reply I got was...

   "While investing in a few military enterprises, at the same time seduce future leaders to keep them away from the military? Ms. Sprenge's answer is too ridiculous, right?"

   It's a pity that there is no phone number from Ms. Sprenge, otherwise you can talk directly. By the way, personal phones in this era are not very easy to use, right?

   She replied to the question, and the response she got again was-after having a country's army, after removing all the elements of political influence, what kind of truth is displayed, should you be interested?

   "Nonsense." She muttered to herself while looking at the letter, biting her finger. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   If you are interested, the answer is yes. If the army removes the political elements, can it be able to fight to the end without any consideration? How could there be such a thing? Even if there is, the political factors of war can be removed by influencing the leaders only. How can there be such a thing?

   "Forget it, do it."

   But, she still decided to do it. Because she needs a lot of deaths on this continent. Dad confessed, let her die in this world as a father.

   Then it must be exactly the same, father’s identity, father’s abilities, father’s race...

   She doesn't fully own these, some of the great magic that cannot be obtained by conventional means, and even requires a lot of death to achieve, just like Dad officially transferred the race of "Underworld Fairy" and upgraded to the race level of "Goddess of Underworld".

   must collect a large number of deaths.

Although the information provided by my father indicates that the next war will erupt in this world soon, if we want to collect the deaths, we still have to find a way to catch part of the war in our hands. However, my father has already asked him not to get involved directly. Disputes increase the cause and effect of her and the world.

   This requires a lot of preparation.

   "Hey many..."

   She began to search for its space props. Although Dad's wish was for her to die, he still gave her a lot of magic book resources in order to keep her alive as the "Golden Dawn" magician Franpisi without any flaws.

   "The Fire of Interna" written by father based on his own internal energy technique;

   "The Book of Yugula" personally written based on "Yggdrasil Set (pirated and "Yggdrasil Magic Manual (pirated;

   "Death Spiral" written by herself to facilitate her recognition in other worlds;

   And, based on the "Book of Demons", "Book of the Dead", "Book of Necromancy", etc., which were rewritten in fairy language.

   "Is it too much? It's easy to show flaws in the system of this world?" She silently retracted all the books except "Intner Fire", "The Book of Yugula" and "Death Spiral".



   "Success!" Fran Pith, played by Alice No. 3, looked very excitedly at the "block object" that could finally be put into use after countless trials.

   There are layers of propeller blades and nets on this "block object", which is actually a radiator, the kind used for engines.

There are some interesting things in the laws of magic in this world. As long as they are in line with the meaning of the magic book and religion, they are placed together with analogs that do not contain any magic. If you like, use water bottles and hangers. , Even quack, cigarettes, stockings, **** are no problem, and they can also build corresponding magic, and even a big magic that affects the world.

In fact, two years ago, she deliberately went to Finland to try to perform a superposition magic that relies only on mechanical objects to construct a magic circle [Cocytus], which also broke the cooling time problem in the original "Yggdrasil" system. You know that even if Dad wants to solve the problem of cooling time, he has to infuse massive magic power or manually draw a magic circle to force a breakthrough.

   The local winter is already tens of degrees below zero. Even if that kind of magic is cast, there is nothing to notice on the magic side. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   "But how to sell it is a problem."

   These years have been the years when Germany began to get rid of the unequal treaties that humiliated the country and began to substantially expand its armaments. She specifically invested and even identified people who should have come to fruition later based on history books, and opened a weapon parts business in Munich. Considering that the future will be the world of airplanes, tanks, and aircraft carriers, her company has successfully obtained a part of the production license for parts from Siemens, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, and Rheinmetall.

   This time I used the engine's radiator as the structural material of the Magic Array for this reason.

The problem is that the volume of this radiator is larger than that of the Maybach engine of the current German twenty-ton tank. It might be useless to install a fighter jet. Using this as a technical reference to design the radiator needed for a battleship generator is OK. Do.

(to be continued)

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