Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 35: The news of the artifact

Sanny saw that Star was still able to rely on Kraun Pice now, and could increase the number of available magic at no cost, shouting cheating.

In fact, because of the magic book based on the Demon God personality of Kraunpith, there are charcoal pens written by Anna Sprengel and refer to the "Yggdrasil Magic Manual (pirated and " Yggdrasil's "Book of Yugula" written by "Yggdrasil Set (Pirate Edition, so she can use all the magic and skills in the game "Yggdrasil" that are not in conflict with her race and class-just like the demon **** empress The source of the various fairy artifacts used lies in the ancient Huaxia novels without real proof of provenance.

However, being able to use does not mean that it can be used reliably, just as many things in reality can be done without too much effort for ordinary people, but in fact they will never do the same in a lifetime.

So, give it to the creation and summoning units that have a soul connection with them. They have a variety of specialization biases, and they will definitely be able to play the best for them—the MP that needs to be consumed will also be paid for by themselves. Even if there is a case, anyone who is proud to rebel because of becoming stronger, Kraunpith can cut off these abilities by cutting the soul connection.

Star got all intelligence-specialized magic and skills.

Feeling that this topic could be stopped, Star moved away from the screen where the ***** was still on, and pulled another screen in front of him.

Continue to pay attention to maritime cities.

"Ah, it's Nixfia—" Sunny said suddenly, pointing to the screen.

"Yeah, what's the matter? It is true that the result of the mission disappointed the goblin, but it is not a failure."

"What about Demon Slashing Sword?"

"Before she and the demon **** leave the city, let her hold it first."

"Can you? I'm not worried, but Nixfia is also worried about those little thief," Sonny hugged Star again, rubbed her chin on her spin, and acted like a coquettish. , "The little hairy thief who has strange thoughts about the fairy temple can't be caught no matter what era, is there any way Star?"

"Isn't it great to let them develop and concentrate periodically, and then catch them all in one go? It's not the first time. Because humans are short-lived races, it's impossible to expect them too much."

"Because of this, it feels disgusting to make trouble during this period."

"Then please ask Sunny your people to be more diligent, right? The fairy temple is yours."

"That's also very annoying. Catch the cricket is fun, but it feels boring to become a job."

"Then close your eyes and watch."

"Wait, wait, we are not Star. You have specializations in the detection and intelligence departments. We can't see anything if we close our eyes? I haven't learned any tricks like [Mind Eyes]."

"Wow! Unless I put the surveillance magic image on my eyelids, I can't see anything when I close my eyes normally. Why do you come back so seriously?!" Star said that he was irritated by Sunny.

"Huh?" Sonny climbed up Star's shoulders from behind with both hands, stretched her head upside down and faced Star with her eyes, and said, "Sta, you don't get the three pupil skills that many of your compatriots envy and envy. Do you have eyes?"

"Samsara eye writes round eye, but I don't have to roll my eyes. Do you want to try the authenticity?" Star showed a pair of gold and red eyes.

" turns out not to be."

"Why do you look so sad?"

"...Who knows?"

At this time, there was a communication attempt from the Fairy Temple in the Central Continent.

Sunny rushed to take the initiative to answer.

Just a newsletter.

"Star, Star, my subordinates have found a good stuff, it seems that there is a suspected artifact or even a real artifact!"

"Sonny, you're not kidding, it's so busy here, and the location is tens of thousands of miles away." Star frowned.

"Hey, my subordinates don't eat dry food, at least they won't mistake mundane things for artifacts."

Considering that this world has been traversed by players in the past, Ruojie also has a similar statement-some advanced equipment items are scattered all over the world.

Therefore, Titania used the fruits of the temple expansion to mobilize exploration around the world, and send some people to confirm any rumors.

However, nothing has been achieved. Although the activity still regularly invests funds and manpower, it is basically regarded as a tourism adventure activity.

Star thought for a while and said, "Sanny, do you think it is the real artifact that senses the existence of the player and exposes itself, or is it another independent traversal product of this'hundred-year aftershock'?"

"Who knows, it's possible."

This statement is not false. If it is a guild weapon or a world-class prop, it may indeed contain the function of automatically responding to hostile forces. It may turn into reality and may even cause a vision of subverting the environment. In fact, the original "two worlds" held by Kraunpith "Mandala" is such a prop.

"Then, Sonny, go and check it out. If it is a guild weapon or a world-class item, it may be dangerous if it is not our level."

"Yes, Star, come on here, too."


Two fresh green hairs stuck to the ground, stained with colorless blood, and petals that originally existed on the top of the head were scattered around.

Midori No. 75748 and Midori No. 84762 were weakly squeezed together. The latter had no breath of life.

"You... are..." Midori No. 75748 rolled her eyes with difficulty and looked at the two attackers.

These two people have considerable strength as humans, but they are not yet desperate. You must know that although these two people have practiced martial arts, they are clerical jobs. Even if their sequence is very low, they will not fall into this situation. It can't touch the other party.

The reason why I understand that this level has become like is because one of these two people is in the local fairy temple, and no fairy does not know each other. He is a regular visitor, and his career and contribution to the country , So that the larger of the two has a pretty good reputation even in the country.

"Inferior creatures... after all, ah—"

The person who sensed that she wanted to struggle, made a knife to her, and Midori 75748 felt that life would soon disappear in her body.

It’s not that I don’t understand the reason for the attack. In the Fairy Temple’s policy towards the country, there are a few things that bury the country’s chaos. Why do Dad and the high-ranking fairies leave such bugs? She didn't know, and didn't plan to go into it. After all, the other party is an inferior creature. Why should a fairy want to make fun of it?

It's as unlucky as someone with hunting interest accidentally encounters Warcraft.

However, it’s only right for humans to have wisdom. It shouldn’t be right for humans to make the same choice as Warcraft. Could it be that they--

"You guys, that's death, do you?" She said just like a mosquito just before her death.

(to be continued)

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