Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 36: Various crimes

Just before Midori 75748 lost her life, Xiaoyao asked why her killer was seeking death.

Of course, there is no answer, but death does not seem to be that terrible. They are different from the previous sequence. They are considered as comprehensive strength. They have the weakness of the fragile plant body. They are at best a little bit stronger than ordinary tigers. There are many common monsters. Killing them, the sisters after the median are as strong as ordinary native monsters, but they will die in batches if they encounter natural disasters. Thanks to the low enough, the fertility is also high and the number is maintained.

Death is less worthy of fear for groups that are more likely to die.

It was confirmed that the two elves were completely dead, and soon there were only the remains of plants half-covered by empty clothing. The two humans were completely decomposed with special medicines just like the ones that were killed more than a minute ago.

It took a few seconds to confirm that there was no one around, and they did not start a conversation. Instead, they took away a few sets of clothes that could not be decomposed on the ground. A car parked not far away was more than ten meters in length, and more than three meters in width and height. Mi, I fought a few times on the side of the chariot that Midori used as a touring car.

"You got a big fish this time, right?"

"The problem is that it is obviously made of wood, and the rut marks are not so deep, but it feels heavier than stainless steel. Use?"

"Use it, this one is worth using this time."

Although many countries have chariots equivalent to low-grade Grahams or high-grade carriages, these "RVs" distributed to Midori are fundamentally different. From the shell to the attack mode, they all draw materials from the "Destroy Dragon King" body. Thousands of things in the realm of gods.

One person stretched out his hand and pressed it on the chariot, the ring on his hand flashed, and the magic circle of magic [Deliver] was unfolded, and soon the runes surrounded the chariot, and then the two disappeared together.

The ring became more dull and dull than before, like a stone.

This ring was given to them by the leader of an organization they joined.

[Deliver] is the fourth-level space magic developed by the organization. It removes the amount of data that guarantees the survival environment of the creatures during the transfer process and focuses on improving the quality of movement. The upper limit of weight is more than that of the fifth-level [deliver[]] High and easier to use. Of course, there are very few people who can learn. Now that it has been developed, it is more practical to make magic items.

Obviously it is a magic that can further facilitate production and life, but the organization has its own goals, and it is not intended to be used for promotion and earning money before the time is right.

"Let's go, it will be unavailable for the next week, now is a critical juncture, we can't expose it yet."


The two walked hurriedly.

In fact, [Deliver] is unable to transfer creatures. Forcibly transferring creatures will cause them to suffer in the crevices of space. It is also their confidence that they can do these things in the face of high-level goblins. .


Maritime City——

After Nixfia delivered the entrusted task, she still wandered the streets here.

"Leah, did you hear that, there is no one in the hundredth level here."

"Not necessarily, the guild itself should be a level 90 guild, but players may have raised their own level to level 100 after that."

"But there are no players here. Even if there are level 100 players, it's not difficult for Belle and sister to defeat them. Paki and Shuye will clean up the miscellaneous soldiers."

"Wait, what about me?"

"Looking at the report provided by Nixfia, there are many mechanisms that she destroyed with her bare hands. Little devil, you can see if you put your hand in to create an explosion. Can you destroy the maze with only the attacks within the rules of the game."


Nixfia brushed shoulders with a group of high-ranking people who were in the above conversation.

She didn't do this when she should have stopped. It was not a courtesy requirement--

Did she not notice that the Demon Slashing Sword, which Doriad suggested was a certain key item, was not used. The style of the sword matched the undead cheongsam undead, but what could she do if she didn't move?

With that said, she didn't plan to send the sword back. Maybe she could find something interesting. It didn't matter if someone came to ask for it and then returned it. If she didn't ask for it - then she laughed. Even if it is something that is useless at other times, the sword can be worth dozens of gold coins by its texture and appearance.

But the above does not constitute a reason for her stay. In fact, she is trying to find excitement from the humans who have gathered on the surface of the sea city.

Although the "guardian of the ruins" has done his work rigorously and conscientiously, what can be seen does not represent the mystery contained therein.

I am very interested, the world of Gods, to live as you want, even if it is just to expand the range of the prison in which you are imprisoned, and to constantly learn more and higher-level things, but it is the basic of the basics.

The seemingly narrow and wide world is right in front of her, and the maze that God cares about can be easily broken by her to this extent. She wants to revisit the places that she didn’t have time to pay attention to in the original mission from another perspective. Humming a song. But if the high-ranking goblin takes over, wouldn't she be able to go and follow up again?

Fortunately, the door to the new world is opened... Well, it is indeed the door to the new world, right?

When Nixfia was drilling the alley, she happened to see the crime scene of a hundred-year-old girl she couldn't afford to commit.

Yayaka is pressing a young girl from the prospecting team with one hand on the corner of the wall and putting her head on her neck. Two pairs of fangs are sucking in the blood vessels for joy, and the other hand is "up and down" to cheer.

"Ya... Master Yayaka, let, let me go... let me go, otherwise, I want, I want to... be late."

"No way."

"I, I you can't go...don't this kind of clothes's too rude."

"It doesn't matter, I will use magic to heal and clean it up for you."

Nixfia secretly said that after being sucked blood, she would be weak, and speaking in the blood sucking did indeed cause blood to get on the collar. In addition, there seems to be something strange. Are humans such low-level creatures that are easily incontinent? Speaking of which, the last time I saw human incontinence was when I saw the tauren punishing slaves in the Central Continent. But it should be able to get rid of it with clean magic.

Speaking of which, I just met the human marquis daughter who was playing with the thief demon. Are you going to take people down today? This girl should be that marquis daughter.

"Just her, I hope this vampire can get it done soon." Nixfia thought, shrinking her body and digging into the girl's hair, hiding it.

It took a while for the girl who was finally settled, leaving the alley in a vain pace.

"Master Yayaka, so...excellent." The girl whose complexion was reddened again muttered to herself.

(To be continued)

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