Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 105: The only way

Iblu Yayi and the half-elf sisters ran into a huge plant monster head-on during a fight, and killed it by dividing them by two.

In fact, the monster was not so weak. Anqia who deliberately broke into the "trap" wounded it before, and the teammates who came first also participated in the attack.

If singled out, none of the three of them who arrive at the latest will have a chance of winning.

After all the members of the team converge—

"You guys are so slow."

"Don't touch the spilled liquid. The vines used to drag us in. Although it is not lethal, it will get poisoned and paralyzed debuffs."

Sonny and Jack said separately.

"I just want to say that you are all so slow." Anqia, who sat down like a dog and rested, said with a sneer, "Following the senses, I found the middle boss in this passage. You clearly lead the way but you don't understand at all. Are my hardworking and diligent? Hey, haha, I cut half of the boss’s HP by myself.”

"Huh..." Iblu Yayi approached the body of the huge monster, planning to check it. Before that, she looked around again and said, "It is still such a dim light source with a strong inducing effect. If you have night vision or magic, it’s best to prepare more light sources."

Fortunately, it seems that there is no such thing as a "night blind patient".

When Ibiriyayi inspected the body, the useless part of the thing quickly turned into light particles and dissipated, leaving behind parts that seemed to be processed and various man-made objects.

"Sure enough, this is similar to the dwellings of the demon gods in the past. This phenomenon will occur after the monsters are defeated. This constitutes impossible natural reproduction. Who created them for what, and then sent them to this world, even after a hundred years have passed. I can't explain it either. Do you attract flying insects that are leaping toward the light?" She almost muttered to herself.

There was also a trace of luck in her heart, hoping that other people present could give her the answer, after all, they were all transcendants outside the specifications.

But the reality still made her hopeless.

These are completely transformed by game data, and even the players will not easily reveal the truth to the natives. But whoever turned the game into reality and threw it into another world, the NPC in it naturally couldn't understand it.

In addition to the traditional monster materials, there are also some medicines and magic equipment, which contain magic power to the point where anyone who knows the goods in this world can be crazy.

However, among them, there are only four legendary items that are worthy of being qualified to enter this maze, and there is not even one of the artifact level.

After discussing a few sentences, everyone decided. It is not a national negotiation but an adventurer-like negotiation. There is no intrigue and nothing to be contentious.

After a one-time appraisal, in order to ensure that the strength to advance is the priority, in the legendary equipment, Iblu Yayi was given a cloak that can avoid heart attacks and fatal attacks, and can greatly improve magical defense, and Katlea won it. With the ring and the resurrection ring that can activate space magic, Sunny took off the gloves that greatly increased the power of her empty-handed skills and the critical strike rate. Although it is **** to them, it is still very useful for the country and the organization to take it back afterwards.

"Should I explore and advance by experience, or should I continue to use the fairy queen to guide?" Crown Pith asked.

"I only understand the basics of that magic. Can you explain the pros and cons of it in detail?" asked Iblu Yayi, the only demon war experiencer.

"The Fairy Queen's detection of safe passages is absolutely accurate. Although there may be dangers that cannot be detected by its ability, since other dangers can be confirmed, there is no doubt that the danger can be minimized. Just keep the necessary vigilance. Tell me what's wrong—"

Kraunpisi pointed to the previous boss: "While avoiding danger, it also means that the income will be greatly reduced. Iblu Yai, you still like the new cloak."

"Hmph, a boring question." Ibiriyayi said, "For profit or something, knock down the monster boss here, destroy the mechanism that may cause harm to the world, and then slowly clean it up."

"Ah, so too. Will there be some changes when it becomes a reality? The same is true of the intermediate mazes that Wakaroki went with before."

"Have you had an adventure with her?"

"It's a long time ago, don't care too much. So, is there anyone who opposes going straight on a safe route?"

"The safe route means there are no monsters to fight?" Yugali said there was a problem.

"No, no, nothing like that. It's just the least. If you want to get together, how about going back to the space full of mushrooms?"

"...I see, I'll do it this time."

It’s the first time for Yugal, who had been deflated before, to come to this kind of place that made her feel surrounded by danger all the time. It was more terrifying than the big goblin teacher who couldn’t win anyway when she was a child, and her intuition overwhelmed her waywardness. , So she chose to succumb.

The space where the middle boss of the Nepenthes monster lives is very spacious, but there are only two passages, one is where they came just now, and the other is unknown and the only remaining passage, which is the same as the place where they just landed in the canopy maze narrow.

"[Extend Magic Duration·Blessing of the Fairy Queen [ExtendMagic·BlessofTitania]]."

Kraunpith summoned a new fairy queen and increased its existence time for long-term combat.

The fairy queen flew into the passage without hesitation.

As soon as a group of non-humans walked into the passage within 20 meters, the entrance behind it was quickly blocked by a twisted root system.

"This is a trap in itself?!" Cattleya shouted with complaints against the goblin.

"No, this is—" The sharp-eyed Jack first noticed the small green spots on the roots.

Then everyone saw it. The green dots quickly swelled into a spherical shape, and stems grew underneath, and the whole body gradually enlarged, giving birth to a monster-like face.

"The seedbed of parasitic mushrooms!"

"[Rain of Light]!" Katleia immediately aimed at what appeared to be the seedbed and activated her skills. UU Reading's rainstorm-like light arrows blasted on it.

"no effect?!"

"[Dust Escape·Boundary Stripping Technique]!" Anqia shot a transparent cube toward the seedbed, and immediately jumped away with a step backward, and everyone stayed away from the transparent cube that gradually expanded and covered the entire seedbed until it occupied the passage.

A large pile of parasitic mushrooms gushed out quickly and was immediately destroyed.

However, they kept a steady stream of them, and they actually exhausted the chakras of Anqia's throwing technique!

"I understand roughly what's going on,, go ahead slowly or not!"

Large piles of parasitic mushrooms continue to gush out quickly!

(to be continued)

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