Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 106: Meet on a narrow road, don’t be brave

Seeing a large number of parasitic mushrooms gushing out of the rear ignoring various ways of blocking the passage, Anqia took the lead and relied on her own blue slot with the "Chatonra" level to continuously output—

"[Dust escape], [Dust escape], [Dust escape]..."

"Angea, save the province! Half of what you belong to the psychic beast is my MP! What if the psychic is unlocked!" Kraunpisi exclaimed angrily.

"Then, [Feng Dun], [Feng Dun]..."

"You did it on purpose! I order you to stop shooting!"

Witnessing a mechanism that is indeed similar to Infinite Birth, this time, except for An Qi who was shooting in a row the moment before, no one immediately went to fight again, turning round and following the flight path of the Fairy Queen and ran away.

"The same mechanism as before!"

"Who is the queen?"

"Holy ghost, [TripletMaximiseMagic·EarthWall]! It won’t be long, let’s come together!"




"Angea, when did you learn to escape?"

"It's separated by Meltdown. If you don't like it, I can use [Reltaion·Lava Wall]. It has an anti-injury effect."

"Forget it, then—[CreateFortress]], Anqia, can you add a [Four Purple Flame Array] instead of Tu Dun? You don’t need to enclose it, just hold the cube enchantment against the gate. ."

But before it was done, everyone put on the strong barriers they could create, and the rhizomes wrapped it up again, and a lot of mushrooms grew out of it!


"Keep running!"

"Look at the guidebook, the types of mazes, the classification of mazes...I have it, I am afraid it is-the kind of garbage making mazes where monsters will gush out from behind in the passages other than the area BOSS location!"

"If you are forced into a dead end!"

"Use space magic to escape or simply die! Pathfinder magic is very necessary at this time!"

"Piss, don't say such things! Show me the guidebook!"

"Otherwise, I will come to the queen! My ability is quite restrained against that kind of growth mushroom." Jack unfolded the devil's wings to fly at low altitude and shouted in a posture.

"It's better not to be like that!" Sonny, who had snatched the strategy book from Crowen Pith, shouted, holding the small book, "According to the rules of this kind of maze, the hotbed of mushrooms will continue to grow as the team advances. Born within a certain distance, I was lucky because there was a middle boss before, and the queen of the palace will soon be buried by the front and back attack!"

"In other words, I was very likely to be like this just now, go to hell!" Anna seemed to yell in a forcibly blocked tone.

"Angea, go ahead! Don't worry about following the progress of the Fairy Queen, use your clone to trample all traps!" Clown Piss said.

"Hee hee hop, do you rely on me? Understand, [Multiple—"

[By the way, there are too many avatars. People from the religious country are here, one or two at a time, increase the strength of the avatar and sweep the tail to expand the continuity and range of thunder. ] While yelling, Kraunpisi added in the private line.

"Cough cough, hee hee, yes, do it again, [Yin Dun·Yin Clone Technique], [Yin Dun·Yin Clone Technique]."

There is no traditional "Boom Boom" smoke effect of [Clone Art] with various attributes and entities. Just like cell division, a human figure identical to Angela pops out of her body; at the same time, her shadow is also It bulged up like a balloon, turned into an entity, and ran in front of Angela alongside the former.

[Do I need to separate the avatars of Yin Dun and Yang Dun? 】Crown Pith is a little puzzled.

Yang Dun can inject life into the form, so that the shadow avatar that dissipates in a fight can indeed create an HP slot; Yin Dun can create a form in the invisible with spiritual power, and inject MP into the shadow to make it substantive. Kind of usage.

But isn't this the blood shield and blue shield that can fight autonomously? I feel that the efficiency is a bit low.

[Because I don’t know anything else, the explosion of the Huo Dun clone and the shock wave of the Feng Dun clone are too dangerous in this narrow area. The Yin Yang Dun clone almost creates real life, so why would I dare to use it if I pretend to be forced to use it? 】

[Unbelievable, actually think so much from the perspective of me and the team? 】

[Pice, this is An Qi Ya, please don't look for the shadow of An Qi who is sometimes wanton and reckless in my body. 】

At the forefront of the team, the red and dark tails swept across the ground, walls, and ceilings without blind spots, and sometimes converged in succession with small-scale ninjutsu and magic thrown out, and various physical or magical traps were continuously activated, giving two The avatars almost equally kill.

"Hey! If you consume the clone like this, does magic power have nothing to do with life!" Cattleya shouted worriedly.

"It should be okay. Since it is this type of summoning unit, it will be reverse-summoned if it does not work." Ibiriyayi said calmly. Regardless of whether she was too reckless or not, she really appreciates Anqia's precise control of blood and blood. The blue consumption ratio approach, if the purpose of the battle is not to win in a duel, this can maximize the continuation of the battle.

"Stop!" Anqia suddenly stopped.

There was no novice soldier behind her, and no accident happened after the emergency stop.

"There is a monster ahead to greet us."

The passage has not become spacious. The curve in the corner makes the field of vision very poor, and more than ten bear-shaped monsters and several centaur-like monsters appear from the front. The reason why the latter is not regarded as a centaur is because of its skin. There is a sense of wood, much like a combination of a tree spirit and a centaur, and there is also an abnormal individual glowing with brilliance, revealing a more powerful aura.

"[Enemy Recognition [DiscernEnemy]]. UU Reading" Kraunpisi started the magic.

Burkeso Claw Bear: Level 78,

Burkasso Dryad: Level 74,

Burkasso Dryad Druid: Level 82.

After Kraunpis reported the answer he found, before waiting for other non-human reactions, Iblu Yayi shouted like a rush: "Please end the battle according to my command!

"In the rear, Anna and Jack went to the back to withstand the advance of the mushrooms, and did not seek annihilation to block and preserve their strength. In the front, Anqia and Alice attacked the claw bears, disrupting their formation with high-speed range combos; "Destiny" and the Elf King took the opportunity to use long-range martial arts and arrow skills to suppress the tree spirit group behind, especially the druids, and could not give them the opportunity to perform magic; Sonny and I acted on the camera and supported them after they could not care about each other. Their opponents will be wiped out by the air pressure control!"

Although everyone was a little puzzled as to why the weakest product was originally the weakest item to give orders, but after all, it was a battle, and each had to face multiple enemies. Conducting contradictory activities would only disrupt the battle, and everyone immediately responded correctly.

(to be continued)

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