Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 107: Desperate natural ability

Because the team inserted a relationship between the central point of the contradiction, the interpersonal relationship became a little complicated, which caused the battle to fall into a state of no leader for a while, and Ibiluyai began to command independently.

Anna rarely complained symbolically during the execution of the order. The snake hair behind her immediately spewed petrified rays, sweeping the parasitic mushrooms coming from behind to form the first wave of suppression.

Then he turned around and sprayed magical beams at the parasitic mushrooms that had been overwhelmed by the partially petrified companions. The sickle swung out purple magical bends to cut them away; the claws of the sharp blades on Jack's hands were entwined in the hell. Miasma, every time it is swung, it makes the plural mushrooms unable to rise again.

If it were not for scrupulous consumption, the scene might be closer to cleaning instead of fighting.

"[Wind Dun: Gale Palm]!"

"[Magic is the most powerful·Hurricane[M-M·C]]...Angea, isn’t your starting hand [Wind Escape·Thousand Faces Wind]?"

"Woo... I mispronounced it! This is the first time I use it in my life!"

Although there was something wrong with her mouth, the storm that Crowenpis played rolled up a large number of wind blades thrown by Angela swinging her overcoat sleeves, blowing the front row of Burkeso Claw Bear to the ground and body. While being cut through numerous rifts, it also affected the Burkeso Treant Group in the rear.

The druid of the tree spirit immediately raised his hand and stretched out, and the wind near it dissipated.

It is a skill that can be possessed by a few and some monsters among intelligent creatures [Magic Nullification]. It is not a surprising skill, but the Druid of the Druid of level 82 can neutralize Angela and the level beyond the 100th level. The wind technique released by the body of Alice at 100 seems to be very specialized in this respect.

Suddenly, an arrow pierced its [Magic Nullification] film by the wind, and nailed it into the center of its chest. The continuous impact caused it to stagger back and forth, or many had four legs before it fell.

Yugal, who was holding the long-handled double-edged black sickle tightly, turned into a dragon shape like a flame all over her body at this time.

Iblu Yai: "That guy...[Fire Dragon's Fang], she didn't use it before, but now it's messed up again. Sunny, let's take over. [Acid]."

"Yes, [HolyLightRain]."

Not to kill, but to attract the Burkeso Dryad Group to take action on this, they used low-level magic that could fire like a machine gun without much consumption.

The barrage formed by dense acid bombs and light bombs was instantly involved in the frenzied storm, becoming more chaotic, but still throwing at the Burkeso Treant Group.

Perhaps these attacks are too tickling. Druids of the Dryads are not even useful for [Magic Negation]. They brought their team closer to the Burkeso Claw Bear Group, and collectively opened up the magic to support the magic. Array.


Yukari launched a martial art called 【Shuji·Kai】The external performance is a martial art that allows the body to slide and move freely without moving.

In an instant, Yugali made a stab, and took the fire dragon to glide over the injured talon bear that was swept by the storm, and the wind assisted the fire to ignite them all in an instant!

This was not over yet, her trajectory suddenly turned with lightning, and she ran across a row of Burkeso Dryads who were about to cast spells, smashing all the magic circles into pieces!

No, that's a tactic used to activate [Magic Nullification] while activating martial skills, turning it into a tactic to actively eliminate the enemy's magical attack. Moreover, it is still not over—

"[Instant reflection], [A magical skill flashes]!"

Yu Jiali, who was already in the middle of the enemy group, slammed the weapon in his hand and the fire dragon together with the fire dragon and threw it out at the Druid of the Treant!

In the bursting flames, the druid of the tree spirit was severed by a sickle, and the cross section was charred and burned continuously.

Even so, none of them died. After all, they were monsters with such a high level, and their HP was not so low.

By this time, Yucari's weapon had already been released.

"Let's try a new trick." Yugali without a weapon showed a half-game and half-raging smile, and when she folded her hands, there was a white halo between her palms, and the light healed from the inside out. Thinning.

"?!" x3

People who are not good at this aspect may not be able to see it, but a fairy who understands ninjutsu can see that this is clearly dust escape, but it is quite unstable compared to Anqia's use.

And Ibiru Yayi, who has devoted himself to the study of magic, also saw the clues and secretly said: "It is impossible to imitate so quickly, is her natural ability similar to mine?"

Iblu Yayi’s natural ability was already known when she was helped by the goblin’s revenge, and when she took the benefits of various magic materials obtained during this period and went to separate with the goblin to study alone. She can copy and store any magic that she has seen for her permanent use. After replacing the stored magic, if she has not learned the magic, it will disappear with being overwritten. But on the other hand, as long as you have learned or understood to find an alternative display method, you can continue to use it. Ibiluyai originally subconsciously protected himself at the last moment of his life and stored the original magic of the Dragon King of the Rotten Coffin. Without that, he could not immediately retrieve his sanity and maintain more living characteristics than vampires. This is in Kraun. Pisi helped a lot in the crusade against the Dragon King. Later, in the research and development of the magician of the dark night dead, she obtained the degraded vampire ancestor race. Instead, although the characteristics of the vampire were increased, it did not cause any problems. After reading the book, she used herself. 'S ability understands other magic faster than the usual immortals and derives his own style. And this time, she stored the superposition magic [Heaven and Earth Change [The]] this time, because this magic is very versatile, and it can create power as powerful as offensive superposition magic when used well.

Because it is a very good ability, Iblu Yayi can’t be unconscious of Yugal, even if she herself never cares about respecting other people’s magical intellectual property rights, she still feels unhappy when things that might be plagiarized happen to her. of.

The topic got far away, and his eyes turned back to fight. Eucalyptus is using Dust Escape to attack the Burkeso Treant Group, which was stiffened by her combo of fire martial arts.

Druid, the highest-level tree spirit, took the lead in reacting. He was clearly in the torn state, but he still launched an attack. Several wooden spears grew in his body to ignite the flames on his body and pierced towards Eucalyptus. It seems simple, but a blow with a level of over 80 also uses the power generated by Yugali's own attack. Even if Yugali is wearing a **** costume, it can cause damage that cannot be ignored when unprepared.

Eucalyptus took the initiative to take a step forward and hit the burning spears head-on!


(to be continued)

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